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Everything posted by Clevfan4life

  1. So the first tale of cowpoop was 2000+ marines but when one of these kids stopped to actually think about it, they realized such an op couldnt be hid so now its 200 something or other. Ur literally being fed "theatre". How is that escaping u? None of this u post is real. Ofc theres snippets of truth to this deep state narrative but the point is none of these 4chan kids are privy to it. None of them
  2. It is hard to keep up with ur mountain of bullsht u post almost daily. In my fast scroll i saw some anonymous 4chan troll claiming hrc tried to cut a deal and "we" said no. Its amazing to me u dont realize these are kids fabricating stories from their college dorms or parents basement in between wow raids or eve citadel defense.
  3. And he's defending 4chan.......wow. Ur sick in the head dude. U cant fool someone who's been on there. They are the worst people society has to offer. Now im an admittedly pretty crude guy. I like the MA+ stuff life has to offer, because im an awful reprobate and proud of it. If 4chan exceeded MY limits of common decency by such large margins that i just stopped clicking on links to any discussions there and slowly severed online ties to people i once associated with in the online gaming community......thats saying something. As someone who's been exposed to 4chan and its incessant imbecilic, and borderline pedophilic cheauvenism, im BEYOND vexxed and flummoxed that this digital meeting place of dirtbags and walking shitstains on the planets surface, is now considered some repository of truth dissemination. Its a place where imbeciles meet to exchange photos of barely legal, or not legal at all, naked girls engaging in acts to gross to mention. But rest assured no matter how vile the content shared, 4channers are legit fapping. Its where the phrase "warrior fap" originated. And u post this 4chan drivel as if theres some benevolent secret organization using it to disseminate global power structure secrets to the masses. U cannit be serious?
  4. Hey J, see how those stories change? Remember how it was 2200 marines who landed in vtols and set up a seige camp? Now its 200 marines who came in and swiped some sht. Next week it will be 2 attaches who got reassigned and came in to collect their belongings. I forget, do the kiddies call this gaslighting or catfishing? In any case ur gullible butt mind is being taken for a deep ride. One of ir sentences starts with "a follow up to an anon 4chan post". Repeat that to urself a bunch of fukking times. "Anon" + "4chan". Do u not know who and what 4chan is?
  5. yrah pretty much what ny bro in law said who drives right down the road past the entrance gate to langley nearly everyday. And he's a maga guy. But even he was like holy shyt is that really going around? Stsly this is rooskie troll farm stuff and u have to wonder at the identity of someone who would repost this monumental amt of conspiracy.
  6. I just closed my eyes and stuck my finger down on the screen and researched that claim. So my finger landed on the malaysian airline piece about the roth hilds inheriting a patent from some people who were supposedly on the plane. Heres a shocker, they werent. And even if they were, the patent still stayed with the parent company in austin texas. The men listed in the conspiracy theiry were the incentors but not the patent holders. But even their names dont appear on the flight manifest. https://www.snopes.com/politics/conspiracy/malaysiapatent.asp dude, i timed it. Took me a minute or two to depth charge yet another one of ur claims. What are u doing here? Did ur handlers from moscow txt u accusing u of being lazy pizda?
  7. J. For real now......ur pasting anonymous discussions between god only knows who. And ur pasting it as some kind of proof of an imminent implosion of american democracy. While im 100% certain that the kind of corruption these posts talk about, is indeed happening...im also 100% certain these are posts by people who have nothing to do with anything and know literally nothing
  8. When crazy is wondering if ur batshyt crazy, thats like....crazy and stuff.
  9. This was about cia hq right? Yeah he drives past the cia, not the af base
  10. Ok j, so my brother in law lives in sterling VA. His family is seriously connected through the defense industry lobby. He's a good dude but he did vote for trump so theres "comcerns"😉 Anyway, i asked him about this story and he's like nope, its bullshyt. He works for a homebuilder and their current project takes my bro in law right past langleys entrance gate. I asked soecifically, "u drive right past the main entrance?". He said absolutely, theres been no road block offs, no humvees and no vtols flying figure 8's overhead. This is a maga guy, he'd like nothing more than for 2000 marines to para drop on the CF. sorry bro, ur being catfished. He's been driving past langley almost daily for weeks. He also acknowledged that even the hated msm couldnt cover up langley getting hijacked by the military
  11. This i want to know for sure about. Hearsay doesnt cut it. If people saw vtols on the roof at langley surely someone snapped a photo. People are on their cell cams on a dime at malls on black friday so i find it inconceivable that people saw vtols descending on langley and took no photo/vids
  12. Ur being completely catfished j. The indictments tho, those are real and im interested to see how that plays out
  13. https://www.infowars.com/huma-abedin-is-holed-up-in-her-new-york-home-and-off-the-campaign-trail/ ur bein fed regurgitated infowars crap from 2 years ago. Dude.......
  14. Did anyone tead more than a paragraph or two of all that? Im seeing 4chan forum posts, posted here like this is proof of something......im sorry im at a complete loss to decipher what the meaning if all this cut and paste is. Its almost impossible to read sone if it anyway.
  15. This is ridiculous j. I mean this stuff is a million words of carefully crafted rubbish. I cant read all of it but i snippets of headlines like "wheres huma" and"do they have her" or wheres hrc is she in custody blah blah. They ask these leading questions that cant easily be confirmed or denied than fill in the blanks with blatant suppositions. Its espionage propaganda just like what we did to ither countries in south america and the middle east decades ago. Its next level stuff ofc because the target audience are slightly more sophisticated than random goat herders..."slightly" i say. But yeah, this is the rooskies operating through 4chan.....a known outlet for their troll farm.
  16. It is indeed 4chan. U dont even realize wuts being done to u J
  17. Omg they put a fukking usb port on a voting machine. Holy fukking oh my fukking god who are these people i share the space time continuum with? Stsly i know nothing about hacking but i know a usb port can have a blue tooth dongle attached to it. U dont even have to hack it while standing there, u go in...vote...hook up the little thingy then go sit back in ur car and hack to ur leisure from a laptop. I mean seriously the physical assaults that these idiots should be made to endure. Ur a computer guy, how donu design a voting machine with an exposed usb port? Just leave a nice sign fir the hackers thanking them for their service to their country
  18. And remember, these charges were leveled against russia during the time that everyone thought an hrc victory was a foregone conclusion
  19. Because they're doing to us what one has to admit we did to them. There could be 1/1000th the curcumstantial evidence of russian involvement in a hillary win and u would have skipped chemo to go protest against a foreign govt potentially installing a pres in our govt. To be clear, im not saying thats what happened....i dont know. I just know theres a tremendous amount of circumstantial evidence, and thats just on the collusion. The evidence that russia tried to fuk with not just the presidential race but state elections as well is almost beyond a shadow of a doubt
  20. Ok why do we care about some plan from the 60's to duplicate soviet aircraft? We know the u.s and russia were both looking into sht like this during the cold war...
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