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Canton Dawg

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Everything posted by Canton Dawg

  1. I work in a department with Mechanical Engineers, Manufacturing Engineers, Electrical Engineers, and Chemical Engineers. Just about everyone of them are highly intelligent when it comes to their respective positions. However, some are challenged by simple things in life like...the difference between a credit card and a debit card.
  2. Mechanical Engineering to a Business major, is the same relevance as an Econ class to an Engineer. I’m not an engineer, but I work in an engineering department for nearly 20 years. No offense, but engineers are a strange bunch.
  3. So by your logic, since I took zero mechanical engineering courses I should know more about it than you. ☕️
  4. And how many did you take? Asking for a friend. ☕️
  5. You tell us...you’re the engineer.
  6. If every global trading partner we have, has a trade surplus with the U.S. we’ve already experienced the consequences. Again, whoever buys the most (aka the United States) has the leverage.
  7. Your claiming to be some kind of intellectual on a message board, but struggle with spelling and grammar. I’m not a guru in economics, but I have a BA in business and was forced to sit through 4-5 Economic classes in college (not my favorite subject). What’s your academic background in the world of economics?...I’ll wait. ☕️
  8. Blame it on the touchscreen. Funny, I’m using one too...but dat all u gt?
  9. You’re the court jester on this board. ☕️
  10. The U.S. is the number one exporter of food and agricultural products. Lets see the Chinese try to beat our prices...it’s gonna get interesting.
  11. Its simple economics, when you buy the most...you have the most leverage.
  12. What were you saying? Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers’ shares https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/germany-willing-to-cut-tariffs-on-us-cars-lifting-automakers-shares
  13. The U.S. has the leverage in trade wars.
  14. My exact thoughts when it comes to the Mueller and the Trump/Russian collusion theory.
  15. If Trump did this, he would go down as the greatest Prez ever. . .
  16. Nope, my idea of roughing it is parking the RV at an angle causing me to fall out of bed.
  17. If I got lost in the woods, I would take the rope...provided it was long enough to hang my self.
  18. From, Canton Ohio. . .now living in Middleburg Heights Ohio.
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