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Everything posted by Kvoethe

  1. Damn...im pissed but not this pissed...drinking problem...lol
  2. For the umpteenth time...more play action...less shotgun
  3. Here's what you can do with your opinion https://imgur.com/gallery/vliH1Sl Hahahah..just kidding
  4. Fix is in...vegas got hammered a while back...giants either win or they cover with the points. Im watching forged in fire and other shit on my dvr...I only watch Browns.
  5. Turns out sherman is rolling back his snub bs after video shows baker shaking hands with him. Dumbass
  6. No...williams as HC...freddie as OC...freddie cant do both. Hes morphing into Baker Manziel
  7. Bosa's comments after the game...wow...in bakers head. Brutal.
  8. All these weapons..and a coach who doesnt know what to do with them. We are set up to win now...not flounder like fish out of water. Our team needs a better coach. Freddie wasnt ready. we should have kept williams.
  9. If this isnt the makings of another Tim Couch...Id be suprised.
  10. Freddie kitchenzz series of unfortunate events.... We are not ready for primetime... Baker needs to shut his pie hole and focus.... We definitely regressed... Lots of season to go!!! GO BROWNS!!!
  11. Jaw bone cutting off oxygen to brain is different from brain slamming into skull. I bet the way his head hit the turf when he collapsed probably concussed him more than the hit.
  12. Rudolph got hit in the night night spot...probably not concussed..just a good old fashioned KO.
  13. If pittspukes offense was any more conservative..I think their playbook was written by fox news. Cowturd called it helicopter coaching lol
  14. Sophomore slump...happens to everyone...move it along...nothing to see here. Its very simple why he struggles...that stupid shotgun crap.
  15. I still cringe during replays of the whitehead interception...he was a toe drag away from a snapped leg...
  16. I just watched some post game comments on the ny post website. Lamar Jackson...i couldnt understand a word he said...bizarre.
  17. Dump the shotgun...get baker under center and get chubb the ball when he is charging instead of flat footed back in the shotgun. More play action under center is my request.
  18. Ok...casual fans perspective.. If this was a "test" I think we passed. Defense was great...held em to 3 pts in first half...and held the to 20 overall...a high powered O...better than tennesee. We got better. The 4th and 9...freddie took a chance...he saw the writing on the wall and tries to trick em up. He was trying to push and win the game. I have no problem with that. Our O line needs help. Overall grade...defense A Offense C+ S teams B
  19. What is hilarious...people are trying to say he is a dirty player. Semen was a runner and the ankle was unfortunate..the sack was iffy...and the facemask I didnt see. He is no donkey kong su.
  20. Do you think he still gets in the HOF? He may have just focked that up.
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