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Everything posted by Kvoethe

  1. -2 yds passing 3 of 8 Harbaugh stays with him lol
  2. Damn...kid cant breathe. Love it!!!!😂
  3. He looks like a steaming heap against the chargers. He is only 21 tho. He is a bundle of nerves.
  4. Mahomes puts ketchup on steak... GTFOH with that. Baker is much bettrr
  5. Thoughts n prayers... A year younger than me.. Someone gonna set up a fund?
  6. He who lives in a glass house shouldnt throw stones. Chiefs have nothing on us when it comes to drafting the wrong QB
  7. Heard the legal team is gonna plead CTE. What that has to do with raping grannies I have no idea.
  8. Actually was making a movie refernce joke to American Pie but your mind went elsewhere roflmao. Freudian slip to some secret desire mik?
  9. I have an internet stalker in mik!!!!
  10. I moved close to my parents because i like to poop at home
  11. Bellaria pizza is pretty solid, but wedgewood still the king!!!
  12. Does she have all her original teeth? Hahahahahah j/k I can say this since im up north in East Liverpool. Too many damn steeler fans around here and Heroin addicts. We are famous for the kid in the car with the OD'D driver and passenger.
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