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Everything posted by Axe

  1. https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-takes-heat-gaffe-urging-americans-choose-freedom-over-democracy-get-man-office
  2. And you up the ante 🤨 Does your ignorance know no bounds?
  3. Possibly it was until you started typing 🤣
  4. Has anyone verified who this woman is and that this (her resignation) actually happened?
  5. Marjorie is a whack job
  6. Because,, they can't..
  7. From that Sea Hag fraud in the people's house at present
  8. Cool indeed. As it should be. Some states will go right, some will go left and these things will fluctuate over time I'm sure. The thing is this one one of many issues(education?) that needs to be taken out of federal hands or jurisdiction and given back to the states. The federal gov is far too bloated...
  9. And it's clear you are just a regular dumb ass liberal with too many dials either set at zero or simply non functional
  10. Probably not what you were expecting. Certainly wasn't what I expected https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tax-irs-income-taxes-who-pays-the-most-and-least/?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter
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