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Everything posted by OldBrownsFan

  1. What Roberts said about an independent judiciary is nonsense and he knows it. The liberal judges try to legislate from the bench rather than following the law. There is nothing independent about the ninth circuit court who has the reputation of being over ruled by the Supreme Court more than any other federal court. We survived Obama - now we have to survive his judges.
  2. I didn't know Stan but I have been posting here on the Browns Board for a few years and this Board that he created has brought together some really good people and fellow Browns fans. This is very sad news. Praying for his family.
  3. The state legislator was way out of line WSS. We are not a Christian nation we are a nation of many faiths (or no faith all )and have the right to worship or not to worship as we choose. This legislator was so extreme he was calling for the death penalty for males who did not follow biblical laws. Hopefully the voters will take care of this legislator in a few days and send him packing.
  4. I think you have to try to distinguish between those who want a hand up and those who want a handout. Those who are helped who just need a hand up will reap good benefits while trying to help those who want a hand out will just be wasted like water being poured on a sand pile.
  5. It also has been reported she told Trump six months ago she was leaving at the end of the year. I may be wrong but I doubt if it is due to any scandal but regardless she has done a fantastic job at the United Nations. She will be hard to replace but I think Trump will get someone similar to replace her.
  6. This one worries me as someone who supports Trump. I always thought the phony Russian collusion Mueller investigation was only a ruse to start a fishing expedition to go after Trump's finances. Remember Trump has bragged about how he pays as little taxes as he can get away with. That is like waving a red flag to a bull to Trump's enemies (like the NY Times). Now that they have illegally gotten a hold of a huge amount of leaked tax information the state of New York has not wasted a minute to start an investigation. I think you are ready to hitch your wagon to anything that takes down this president and this may be the one. Impeachment was never going to happen, the dems would never get a two thirds majority in the senate, the Mueller investigation is a joke. A highly partisan New York democrat legal system with thousands of illegally gained leaked tax records might do it. Keep an eye on this one.
  7. Tex you have too much faith in politicians. Do you think Obama or any of the democrats have such high moral integrity? I don't. I don't even have a whole lot of confidence in the republicans but as Stuart once posted here I see them the lesser of the two evils by far. The republican party before Trump was not some bastion of moral values and integrity. If they were they would not fund Planned Parenthood every year. I take with a grain of salt what any politician says and I pay more attention to what they do.
  8. I know the kind of stuff Woodward wrote in his new book sells with the public but I was disappointed in the tabloid journalism and thought Woodward would have written a better book with more substance on policy instead of the TMZ stuff. It seems to be a rehash of the discredited Michael Wolff's book with anonymous stories about Trump. I heard one person yesterday say that he knew for a fact the story about Trumps alleged ranting in a White House meeting about Afghanistan was not what went down at all because he was in the meeting. He said he was impressed how Trump handled the meeting asking the generals questions he thought any president should ask about our goals , strategy to win and exit strategy.
  9. Trump was heavily ridiculed in the media early on for suggesting he had been spied on and yet look at what has come out so far with the FBI having a spy in the Trump campaign, the FBI spying on their campaign through the back door by illegally getting FISA warrants on Carter Page, Trump Tower under surveillance and all the shenanigans that have come to light. Trump was also ridiculed for claiming there was a deep state out to sabotage his presidency and he has been proven right again. I agree with something Sean Hannity has said for a long time that the corruption of power and abuses in government agencies like the FBI, CIA and DOJ to both help Hillary Clinton win and defeat Trump is one of the biggest scandals in our country yet the fake news has never given this the coverage it deserves because it doesn't fit their agenda or anti Trump narrative.
  10. Trump's tweeting is what it is although sedition might be more accurate. The NSA girl is not a good comparison, what the anonymous NY Times source disclosed was not anything classified. I would just point out about the NY Times I see them lauded all the time as being so prestigious blah, blah blah when most conservatives see them for being what they are which is an extension of the DNC.
  11. First of all the biased NY Times would have never approved an op ed like that out of the Obama administration and allow it to be done anonymously. There are many disgruntled employees with axes to grind .They would have demanded the person go on record and not hide in the shadows. With Trump the standard is different. The timing of the anonymous article is just a little suspiciously timed with the Woodward book. The only reason the media should ever use anonymous sources would be in cases where a person or their family may be put in harms way not because of possibly losing a job. We have whistle blower protection laws to cover that.
  12. I was shocked even the biased liberal (part of the resistance) NY Times would run a hit piece op ed like that using an anonymous author. That is where journalism is today. The spineless coward who wrote this needs to come out of the shadows and face up to the charges they are hurling otherwise this should be given no credibility. I thought it was kind of humorous the anonymous author listed off some nice achievements that have happened under Trump's administration and then takes the credit for them. How noble of them.
  13. This is just cheap tabloid journalism. I thought Woodward was better than this. I was wrong.
  14. My problem with this is the timing. My understanding is he had been under investigation for a long time but they don't take his case to the grand jury until it is too late to have him removed from the ballot. Coincidence? I doubt it.
  15. I have some respect for Woodward (none for his democrat liberal hack Watergate partner Carl Bernstein) but all the over the top and overblown hyper attacks from the left against Trump from his first day in office have made him bullet proof. This book by Woodward will be seen as just more of the same partisan attacks and the Trump haters will love it but instead of making a big wave it will produce only a ripple.
  16. One of things that bothers me the most is that so many of these players have conflicts of interest yet they don't recuse themselves. Only hapless Jeff Sessions does (and he didn't have to). https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/06/jeff-sessions-recusal-unnecessary/
  17. If the democrats take control of the House this fall the next two years are going to be ugly. These are some of the probes predicted to be coming: President Trump’s tax returns Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution's emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization Trump's dealings with Russia, including the president's preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels James Comey's firing Trump's firing of U.S. attorneys Trump's proposed transgender ban for the military Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings White House staff's personal email use Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors The travel ban Family separation policy Hurricane response in Puerto Rico Election security and hacking attempts White House security clearances The spreadsheet — which I'm told originated in a senior House Republican office — catalogs more than 100 formal requests from House Democrats this Congress, spanning nearly every committee. The spreadsheet includes requests for administration officials to be grilled by committee staff, requests for hearings to obtain sworn testimony, efforts to seize communications about controversial policies and personnel decisions, and subpoena threats. These demands would turn the Trump White House into a 24/7 legal defense operation. The bottom line: Thanks to their control of Congress, Republicans have blocked most of the Democrats’ investigative requests. But if the House flips, the GOP loses its power to stymie. Lawyers close to the White House tell me the Trump administration is nowhere near prepared for the investigatory onslaught that awaits them, and they consider it among the greatest threats to his presidency. https://www.axios.com/2018-midterm-elections-republicans-preparation-investigations-180abf7b-0de8-4670-ae8a-2e6da123c584.html
  18. If Sessions was in charge of the DOJ why have republican leaders had to fight tooth and nail with the DOJ who refused to turn over subpoenaed documents. Documents they did turn over were heavily redacted for which the DOJ said were national security reasons yet it was found out later most of the time it was just information that was embarrassing to the DOJ. With a republican AG it seems odd that a republican congress would get such little cooperation from his DOJ.
  19. Opinion: Is Jeff Sessions a Player in the Mueller Coup? https://www.westernjournal.com/opinion-jeff-sessions-player-mueller-coup/
  20. I am concerned now that the powers that be are going to take out this president and seriously Tex no matter how much you hate Trump if it happens you should be concerned over how it was done. It will be a coup. This whole Mueller investigation was a fishing expedition set up to take out Trump. Manafort, Cohen, the National Enquirer, Gen Flynn, payments to a porn star all this has nothing to do with alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. If this investigation were truly about collusion between the Trump campaign and collusion with Russia it would have wrapped up by now but they will continue to dig until they get enough on Trump and/ or his family to drive him out of office and that was the goal, the "insurance plan" Strzok spoke about just in case Trump was elected. I have no doubt about it.
  21. "CNN reporter Kara Scannell, who’s apparently been all over this story, tells CNN what Allen Weisselberg, the CFO of Trump’s organization, told investigators about Trump. According to Scannell, Weisselberg was interviewed several weeks ago by the US Attorney’s Office in Manhattan after he was granted immunity. Her sources tell her that Weisselberg answered questions about Michael Cohen and payments the Trump organization made to Cohen. One of those, she says, was to reimburse Cohen for the Porny Daniels payment. Scannell then reveals that Weisselberg hasn’t been called back since, which she said suggests that the investigation was very narrow and not a greater one involving the Trump organization. In other words he wasn’t there to dish on Trump, as I’m sure CNN and other outlets were hoping. In fact if you listen closely, you can hear the CNN host’s heart drop and hit the floor once Scannell made that revelation. https://therightscoop.com/cnn-reveals-what-trump-cfo-allen-weisselberg-told-investigators-about-trump/ Still waiting on the evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.......
  22. The author states that Trump does not deserve impeachment yet he should resign. I couldn't disagree more. The left after lecturing the country in 2016 before the election about how the country MUST accept the election results (when they thought Clinton had it in the bag) hypocritically have never accepted the election results when she lost. They have been out to remove this president any way possible and Trump should never give in to them unless he is guilty of an impeachable offense. Here is another Op-ed from a democratic strategist who worked for both Bill and Hillary Clinton. with a different take: http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/402959-cohens-plea-deal-is-prosecutors-attempt-to-set-up-trump
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