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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. The IDF HAD TO go into Rafah. Now, egypt has had a peace treaty with Israel for many years.

    except, the top family in egypt is crooked.


    What is Hamas Hiding in Rafah, and Why Doesn’t Biden Want the IDF to Find It?

    "Israel, undaunted by the virtue signaling of the international community and determined to defeat Hamas and rescue hostages, entered Rafah. Prior to the IDF entry, it flooded Rafah with instructions: sending Gazan civilians phone calls, text messages, and millions of dropped leaflets urging them to leave the area in advance of an Israeli incursion. They literally warned the enemy that they were coming and urged civilians to flee. Nearly one million Gazans fled to humanitarian zones in Rafah. "

    "On the IDF’s first day of entry into Rafah in mid-May they discovered hundreds of tunnels with over 50 two-way underground tunnels between Rafah and Egypt. Dozens more cross-border tunnels have been discovered since, along the Rafah-Egypt border. Some tunnels were paved and wide enough for passage of full-sized cargo trucks. The IDF also found more gruesome evidence of Hamas’s barbarism, the bodies of hostages stolen from Israel on October 7, 2023. Some, like Shani Louk, had been raped, dismembered, and murdered with her corpse paraded into Gaza as a trophy by the barbarous terrorists, others were tortured in the tunnels and murdered there. Beyond hostage remains, the IDF seized hundreds of weapons and war materiel They discovered UN relief packages, food, cash, electrification, housing, office space, etc. An underground metropolis was built by Hamas in Rafah. "

  2. 8 minutes ago, Jax said:

    Our future protests if we don't make a turn. Americanistan

    the sombeitches want the power to turn us into venezuela.

    they do not intend to lose this election in Nov - or they are in serious trouble.

  3. how criminally insane is this?

    Biden brags on a new peace deal for Israel and nazi hamas.

    Only, it's a freaking lie.

    Israel has denied it. As they most certainly SHOULD DO.

    The dems know how to emotionally manipulate the willingly stupid emotionally based subculture. They

    have been happily doing it for decades.

    Soon, diabolically playing both sides for votes is going to matter this Nov.


    Biden Bragged About New 'Ceasefire' Deal in Gaza, It's So Insane That Israel Had to Directly Refute It

  4. 13 minutes ago, Jax said:

    Of course, how else can he pander votes, pay off 'friends' and get his kick back while he uses our money??

    Let them rebuild the damn place themselves. Maybe they'll do it their own way.

    Yep - let them pay the price for their own cultural warring hatred.

    Else, they happily have wars to gain new cities and wealth.

    I wonder if the un tends to crap on Israel every time, because

    some oil rich nations threaten to cut them off from oil.

    It's something going on with it.

  5. serious high level power players in our gov believe THEY should run America, I think.

    A lot like the "Shooter" serious and movie.



    But Mark Zaid, a national security lawyer who represents Bakaj and has worked with him to represent other whistleblowers, said the Committee’s defense of Buckley is troubling. Zaid and Bakaj represented the whistleblower who triggered Trump’s first impeachment, and Zaid said he would be “hesitant” to bring other whistleblowers before the committee now.

    The Committee’s defense of Buckley embarrassingly reveals that the Democrats’ support of the IC whistleblower, who Andrew and I represented, was just a partisan exercise to get Trump,” Zaid said. “Once a whistleblower issue conflicts with their political agenda, the whistleblower apparently gets sacrificed. Given this position, the Committee is continuing the illegal reprisal against Andrew.”




  6. 9 hours ago, nickers said:

    They're still gonna lose anyway.. America now see's the Demonrats for who and what they really are... I'll be objective and include some repubs(RHINOS) in that demographic... Right now in my view no party on either side is trust worthy.. The pond scum oozes on both sides of the ocean from my vantage point.. Our only hope now is Trump or DeSantis IMHO. While I'm a tad skeptical of DeSantis... American citizens at some point is going to have to take matters into their own hands...


    I don't know how the dirtbags in our gov can be kicked out unless we can have a FAIR HONEST election and we elect Pres Trump.

    Or Desantis.

    It may be the swamp has gotten so powerful they can't be stopped.

    This fake trial might be an indicate that it is too late.

    But, this is AMERICA. Our Constitution still is our permanent ideal, our Bill of Rights are permanently guaranteed.

    Just wait til the "civil war of votes" happens in Nov.

    Meanwhile, north korea is wanting to go to war with the south, russia is legitmately? threatening nuclear warfare against the west, russia is sabotaging baltic countries, china will try to take taiwan in the next months before nov, the Middle East has exploded,

    and America is leaderless, with leftwing trillions soon to be ADDED to our 34 trillion debt,

      some folks might want to stock up on a bit of extra food, store some water. Maybe buy a solar generator for ...IF our grid gets hit one way or another.

       And, stock up on Calvin and Hobbes comic strip collection books to read by candlelight, and you will surely weather the coming storm.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Jax said:

    It's amazing the dumbasses think this is about Trump.

    Trump will be fine and this in all honesty probably won him some extra votes and may have lost him some votes.

    He'll still be President again.

    What this trial, prosecution and verdict has shown, including the carrol case, is that our justice system has been corrupted.

    If they can change the statute of limitations for a past President and very wealthy man, and not only harass him with trials and raids and fear mongering and lies in the media, what does that mean for everyone else and our justice is blind court system? This case cost NY millions of dollars and wasted time and energy for what amounts to a petty crime even if it is true. Who gives a shit if he covered up payments? Let's watch the appeals, hopefully they happen where the corruption hasn't spread yet.

    I didn't put much thought into this as I don't do anything that warrants me worrying about court myself, but our court and legal process is absolutely being abused and corrupted.

    If Trump truly did something illegal like Biden has, then I'd be ok with his prosecution. But to think this is a victory...-you can only be a dumbass.


    Exactly. The swamp/corrupt fbi/cia/doj/irs etc etc.... is showing it's vicious ugly side for all of America to see. The corrupt judge refused to let an expert witness testify for the defense? right there is grounds for winning an appeal.

    but the left doesn't care - they will do anything? to keep power, like i've been sayin.

    They do NOT intend to let a fair election win by a non-swamper get in their way.

    Hopefully, they don't make Pres Trump disappear somehow. You know, like a whole list of people who have crossed the clintons and power mongerers in the fbi etc.

  8. 1 hour ago, Jax said:

    Maybe some good will come out of these Trump persecutions.

    well, I know where to start. If they want to declare that paying a blackmail to a whore is "election interference".....

    the fbi and doj kept hunter's laptop out of the election, too.

    and the cia, fbi, dnc, doj..... worked up the fake "russian collusion" to interfere with that election.

    So, they should all be arrested and thrown into the slammer after a "trial" like they like goes against them.

    clusterfook comey should be in jail for lying to congress. Fauci should be in jail for lying to congress.

    Joe biden should be in jail for everything he does.

    higgardly slimy clinton should be in prison, too. A men's prison.

    That is why they will do everything they can to keep power.

    Drain the swamp. Lock them up.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    I wonder what happened in your life to give you your current view of women. Or maybe you're just a product of your time and environment. 

    well, jacknife jill, and moochelle, and the women on the view are nasty, dishonest, stupid, terrible, mean, wicked and they reek of sluttiness.

       So, you are so stupid that you think those I mentioned are all the women in the United States?

    tell us how that works, woodpecker.

    the population of our country is said to be 341,667,323.

    roughly half are women.

    so, slutty jill, full of crap moohelle, and the women on the view are not

    all women.

    Therefore, you are as ignorant and dishonest as your nanny.

    and you are allegedly an engineer? and you don't understand that 6 <> 170,833,662 ??? LOL



  10. 35 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

    It’s not like we didn’t see every bit of this shit show coming, but ultimately it’s what we wanted, so here we are. But wait, there’s more.

    Sentencing and appeals and other trials and other bullshit and an election. It’s embarrassing. 

    Many experts, even from the lib media, have said the "trial" was bs.What's sad is, our justice system is ridden with corrupt swamp creatures who apparently will do ANYTHING? to stay in power.

    I mean, when the corrupt judge sided with the prosecution every time, etc etc, and refused to allow the election law expert testify that there was no crime committed, right there the fix was in.

    and the defenses other witness, that contradicted the sicko liar - the prosecution objected to anything he tried to answer to any question, the judge bitched at him for nonsense reasons, interrupting him.

       new york is really a crap hole. and our country is being badly damaged. and I fear that in the near future, in terms of months, we will be getting hit by terrorist actions by the cells that have come across our border.

     Dangerous times.

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