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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. this corrupt judge and prosecutor should never have been allowed to start this garbage in the first place. It reeks. https://redstate.com/wardclark/2024/05/06/former-biden-doj-official-now-prosecuting-trump-took-thousands-from-dnc-for-political-consulting-n2173829 Former Biden DOJ Official Now Prosecuting Trump Took Thousands From DNC for 'Political Consulting'
  2. well, woodpecker had an hour. Let's give him a lot more time.
  3. hamas has pushed it too far - STILL have about 132 hostages, but about 30 of those are proven to be dead. No mention as of yet, of hamas agreeing to release all hostages. hamas has said "they don't know where they are" ...more bs. Now butt biden is deciding to delay arms shipments approved by Congress to Israel. Without all hostages released, I say Israel should tell hamas to go pound salt, and go into Rafah and end hamas once and for all. 71-78% of "palestinians" used to support hamas? well, let's see the results of that poll after the war hamas STARTED via cruel, sick and twisted violent rapes, tortures, kidnappings, babies being burned alive in front of their parents, then the parents were shot, and beheadings..... I say the hell with the corrupt UN, and the hell with hamas being allowed to escape, only to come back eventually and commit another Oct. 7th. If the "palestinians" who support and want to protect hamas with their presence, they are "enemy combatants" by refusing to get out of harms way. Israel must destroy what is left of hamas now. https://www.theblaze.com/news/israel-urges-palestinians-to-evacuate-rafah-as-it-prepares-for-a-ground-operation-in-hamas-stronghold Israel urges Palestinians to evacuate Rafah as it prepares for a ground operation in Hamas stronghold
  4. LOL. Question for woodpecker: What country is north of mexico? (don't anybody help him - let him learn to google it)
  5. Doesn't happen eh? Of course it does. After 2020, Real Americans are on the lookout. Wasn't it philly that the dems running the voting place ordered the republican observers out of there? yeah. Like that. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2023/11/02/watch-democrat-official-caught-stuffing-ballot-box-judge-orders-new-election-n2165821 WATCH: Democrat Official Caught Stuffing Ballot Box, Judge Orders New Election
  6. Nope - we're retired, and going on vacation this summer to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. and I would never want to represent even one wokie like woody. and I have to go Caddyshack on groundhogs on the farm.
  7. chicago teachers should not make a salary - they should be paid by the hour they teach correctly. Meaning, they don't get any pay.
  8. was one of them woodypecker? that wouldn't surprise anyone....
  9. just sayin. We now have the "Enemy Within" thanks to biden's radical, corrupt handlers. Look at college campuses. Don't think they won't one day hit cities and suburbs. but of course that will never happen,....like Pearl Harbor........
  10. https://www.bloomberg.com › opinion › articles › 2024-02-11 › what-would-america-look-like-if-it-lost-world-war-iii If You Think World War III Is Unimaginable, Read This - Bloomberg.com Feb 11, 2024It is now exactly 40 years since the release of Red Dawn, one of the few commercially successful attempts to envision a Soviet invasion of the US. Patrick Swayze plays Jed Eckert, one of a group ...
  11. https://www.newsweek.com/were-not-brink-wwiii-were-it-opinion-1844779 We're Not on the 'Brink' of WWIII. We're in It | Opinion
  12. https://www.chathamhouse.org › 2024 › 01 › are-we-heading-world-war-three-and-britains-military-ready Are we heading for World War Three - and is Britain's military ready ... Jan 24, 2024The UK defence secretary warns of a 'pre-war world' and names four 'belligerent autocratic states' as threats. The article examines the challenges and limitations of Britain's military capabilities and strategy in a changing global context.
  13. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/pentagon-rings-alarm-bells-over-russia-s-devastating-anti-satellite-nuclear-weapons/ar-AA1o5R4l?ei=18 Pentagon rings alarm bells over Russia's devastating anti-satellite nuclear weapons
  14. Antisemitism in our White House - have gotten to biden, and the coward is acting on polling in michigan. Very strange. and cowardly. Why not issue a demand that hamas release all hostages? Why doesn't biden demand anything of any other country in the area? because biden is losing the haters of Jews' votes, that's way. He is playing both sides to try to get both sides' votes. America is falling apart. and Real Americans do not riot and scream "death" to America and Israel. Biden's cowardice in the Ukraine - same thing. Biden would not give them the weapons to prevent that war, so russia raped, pillaged, murdered, kidnapped and tortured their way into the Ukraine. Sound familiar? Cowardly, slutty people in our WH are enabling everything to fall apart - russia, iran, china, nk, hamas, hezbollah, hourthis, drug cartels, sex traffickers, central american gangs, rapists, Vapor's "palestinians" murdered all on the move. Sensing even more cowardice, it could blow up into WWIII. They will never have a better time to go for it all. https://redstate.com/streiff/2024/05/05/biden-places-a-hold-on-shipments-of-arms-and-ammunition-to-israel-n2173781 Biden Places a Hold on Shipments of Arms and Ammunition to Israel
  15. LIberals have no sense of humor. There's just so much wrong with that. and woodpecker never contributes legitmately, he just sits back, then pecks at others.
  16. I think they signed Winston because he has a sense of humor, unlike watson and stefanski
  17. the left gloats about fake prsecutions, but hold on: https://redstate.com/benkew/2024/05/04/special-counsel-jack-smith-confirms-it-tampered-with-key-evidence-admits-to-misleading-court-n2173742 Special Counsel Jack Smith's Team Confirms It Tampered With Evidence, Admits to Misleading Court " Perhaps even more extraordinary, the prosecution then admits that they misled the court by previously indicating that the evidence had been left untouched since its seizure last year. "The Government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what Government counsel previously understood and represented to the Court," the legal filing notes. Such evidence tampering will only further undermine Smith's case against the former president, which most Americans realize is a blatant attempt by Joe Biden and the Department of Justice to derail Trump's chances of returning to the White House. On Friday, it was also revealed that Smith’s top prosecutor, Jay Bratt, met with White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain back in September 2021, months before any classified documents were discovered at Mar-a-Lago."
  18. Vapor should learn the law, not the ...feelings. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/05/04/crackdowns-on-pro-hamas-demonstrations-are-not-a-free-speech-issue-n2173765 Crackdowns on Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Are Not a Free Speech Issue
  19. all the marbles on on the table. We lose America if they get another four years. No one can legitimately say America is on the right path. My shirt says it all...
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