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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. the radicals have a senile, corrupt, extremely dimwitted "president" to sign off on any stupid ass move they want to make on the world stage. Betraying Israel, and America both. Meanwhile, missiles fly from the Rafah stronghold by hamas nazi-like terrorists ...from Rafah......into an Israeli border town near the border.... which is a conduit for.....humanitarian aid for....."palestinians". While the IDF tells innocent palestinians to get out of harm's way, if hamas doesn't let them stop being human shields...while firing missiles..... This corrupt WH, obamao's corrupt fbi/doj/irs/cia etc will betray any of our allies for biden votes to keep control of our WH, and will betray any Americans if they damn good and well feel like it. For "democracy" you know. That should be enough to ruin Vapor's lunch. sorry about that. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/05/12/bombshell-biden-administration-has-been-holding-back-intel-from-israel-on-location-of-hamas-leaders-n2174088 BOMBSHELL: Biden Administration Has Been Hiding Intel on Location of Hamas Leaders in Betrayal of Israel
  2. so, typical leftwing liberal sombetich woodpecker votes for which candidate he would love to give great big smoochies to? Whoever he FEELS like he likes? Voting for your country and your people's well being goes out the window with stark, chronic emotionalism as a way of being about everything.
  3. I would NEVER own a stupid prius. That makes me want to go drive our 50 HP John Deere Diesel around for a half hr. It was 56 degrees when we sat out and watched the Northern Lights. Last night, it was raining, so I will have a campfire tonight to warm up the globe and make it too warm for woodpeckers.
  4. When we go with friends to hike Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons this summer, I'll carry, but I figure my 9mm would bounce off a grizzly's head, ticking him off. Allowed to carry, but not allowed to fire it. lol Hence, researching the best bear spray to get. Rangers say do not go on some trails if you don't carry bear spray. and Nick - you look like a rock star in your suit. Good job, lol.
  5. ccc is a disgrace, too - a banana republic wart on our forum....
  6. It's good to see you are still having fun with your Encyclopedia Britannica thread. I had to give it up - my mouse kept overheating.
  7. It is a disgrace - a banana republic wart on our justice system.
  8. Yikes ! I think you'll be fine - Croatia has plenty of buffer between russia and their country. Now, if it were Goergia.... that would be bad, I think.
  9. absolutely. the dems LOVE their voting fraud with mail in ballots. It's their "big city edge". (99% always vote dem in Philly? baloney)
  10. I stand corrected - she's only 95.6 % human garbage......
  11. Every time I see a man made global warming hysterical fake bitching happen, I may just fire up the fire pit again. So, the corrupt UN can go to hell. 13 Types of Campfires and Their Uses - Cool of the Wild 01 A-frame campfire. A-frame campfires are also known as triangle fires. They're straightforward and a good campfire for beginners. They're also ideal for small campfires as you don't need a lot of combustible materials to get one going. Simply lay three sticks on the ground to form an A-shape or
  12. affecting air quality? why not just complain about elephant poop? water buffalo poop? Whale poop (whales in the the ocean, woody)... pretty funny, and on point. I would have had a campfire last night, but we were sitting out on the edge of our field, and were taking pictures of the northern lights. If it's cold again, I'll make a heat reflector to keep out backs warm. https://pjmedia.com/lincolnbrown/2024/05/10/weekend-parting-shot-your-smoker-will-kill-us-all-n4928931 Weekend Parting Shot: Your Smoker Will Kill Us All
  13. Should be considered a serious indication of russia's plans after they take the Ukraine. Like has been said by experts - putin/russia demands to be the soviet union again - they desperately need the power and support from it. It's history https://redstate.com/streiff/2024/05/11/is-russias-baltic-gps-jamming-harassment-or-a-military-test-bed-n2174047 Is Russia's Baltic GPS Jamming Harassment or a Military Test Bed? "GPS jamming is not confined to the Baltic; it takes place throughout the region. Breaking Defense reported that a spike in GPS jamming on Christmas and the following day affected a large area of northern Poland and southern Sweden. On New Year’s Eve, aircraft across southeastern Finland reported disruptions. Areas in Poland again experienced GPS disruption in mid-January. As the month wound-down, southern Sweden, northern Poland, Estonia and Latvia were impacted."
  14. I never saw it when I was looking a few years ago, stupidass. I know a lot about the fraud by the UN. I even talked about a whole book on the corruption in the UN. I have posted so many links to sources, and you say I'm misinformed? You run your mouth to sound intelligent, but wow, you are extremely lost in the honesty dept. Look, it isn't anyone else's fault, if you are gay/trans/whatever - you don't have to bitch demeaningly at every single poster that doesn't say the stuff you are addicted to. How do you "work for a living" at your "job" and hang out on the internet all day? I'm a retired computer guy, and none of us would ever do that. I'm guessing a relative owns the company you "work" for ? lol You really do need to grow up as a human being.
  15. I won't drink coffee anymore at the computer lol
  16. it's so much glaring fraud - it HAS to be thrown out. Like I've said in the past - the left lives solely emotionally - so when they are happy to have one position against someone else, it's fine. But when that same position goes against THEM, then they flip positions. biden has now done it on the Ukraine and Israel, and Americans who aren't loved by the left. Serious damage is being done. biden has admitted, accidentally, that their plan all alone, is to give illegals the vote. They will try before November. Dangerous times. This nov, we may lose control over our lives, and our freedoms, and our country if we don't win. Given the polls FOR Pres Trump - that is a lot of Americans who agree.
  17. Rich and I used to pick on each other often, back in the day. Round and round - but not once, NOT ever, did he try to hit below the belt in disrespect, nor did I. You gave me crap too, lol, but I knew every time it was no below the belt sissy garbage. Some of it I probably deserved anyways, because I have a goofy sense of humor, but like with Rich and I - one day, right out of the blue - well after he left the board, Rich messaged me real time and we had a cool conversation. I always respected Rich, even you, because real men don't hit below the belt, with no common decency, and zero respect for other Browns fans/other fans/other people and even less (- respect ? lol) for themselves. It's too bad. It seems that having a different opinion from certain people - they go into a below the belt rage for whatever screwed up reasons. ("Calsnot" LOL)
  18. Whoreta said? ******************************* So the question is- if they have all that stuff- why do they want to come here? ******************************** for free health care. and you seem to be proud of it. Hitting the sauce early?
  19. long enough to fly them to other red states? Biden is screwing America up and it isn't by accident. Bigger, far more serious trouble.
  20. another one of woody's "people who just want a better life?"
  21. Articles in the net don't mean they talk about it in the media. Like they do talk and whine about Israel, but not hamas. Like they talk about redistribution of wealth, but they don't talk about china and india. But it is heartening that they have a couple of websites that bring it up. I've talked about it for many years before 2017. So not knowing about a couple of websites makes somebody a moron? You can't be civil in your attempts to "take part" in discussions because you don't know much of anything.
  22. Potential opponent - so you say someone can NOT be investigated, if they are someday going to run for president, eh? biden is withholding those weapons because the polls, especially in detroit - are very, very, very bad. and the fake protests of Israel's existence, using palestinian deaths as an asinine excuse. Think any of those protesters would protest hamas and IRan nuking Israel with a russion tactical nuke? I think they would cheer innocent civilian deaths, like the "palestinians" cheered 9/11. But I understand your slant and politically expedient twist. I see it on dems every so often.
  23. Like I have said for years - the whining about CO2 llevels - but the UN and others NEVER TALK ABOUT THE DESTRUCTION OF MILLIONS OF ACRES of RAIN FORESTS. Plants use CO2 as food. Therefore, wouldn't it be valid to stop the destruction of millions of acres of rain forests? But no, the reason they dramatically scream about mmgw is political, and redistribution of wealth. THAT is why they don't give a damn about those millions and millions of rain forests being destroyed. Rising CO2 levels? STOP the destruction of those millions of rain forests. STOP paving every single area developers can find with asphalt etc. ********************* you know, if "mmgw is a crisis" ..... *********************** https://www.nationalgeographic.org › media › amazon-deforestation-and-climate-change Amazon Deforestation and Climate Change - National Geographic Society 1 day agoDestruction of the rain forest in Brazil has decreased from about 19,943 square kilometers (7,700 square miles) per year in the late 1990s to about 5,180 square kilometers (2,000 square miles) per year now. Moving forward, the major challenge will be fighting illegal deforestation. Join Gisele Bundchen when she meets with one of Brazil's top ... https://www.nationalgeographic.com › environment › article › deforestation Why deforestation matters—and what we can do to stop it Dec 7, 2022As the world seeks to slow the pace of climate change, preserve wildlife, and support more than eight billion people, trees inevitably hold a major part of the answer.Yet the mass destruction of ... https://climate.mit.edu › explainers › forests-and-climate-change Forests and Climate Change | MIT Climate Portal Forests and Climate Change. Forests cover about 30% of the Earth's land surface. As forests grow, their trees take in carbon from the air and store it in wood, plant matter, and under the soil. If not for forests, much of this carbon would remain in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), the most important greenhouse gas ... https://www.unep.org › news-and-stories › story › heres-what-happens-if-world-loses-its-rainforests
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