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Everything posted by hammertime

  1. Who were the wack jobs that voted for it?
  2. You’d rather be right than see America succeed. Thats messed up.
  3. Your not a true American. its all about you, this great nation doesn’t need crybabies who won’t help make us great again. leave if your so unhappy
  4. Why is Clevis so excited for our President to make a misstep? you really want the man to fail and that is so un American
  5. Bird boy sure is in a tizzy with this thread..... amazing the mention of faith and Christianity has a particular few up in arms. but they’re non believers......for now.
  6. The Greatest Nation Ever!!! (even with little turds like clevis and woodpecker)
  7. The union trades are not supporting Biden. The people with jobs support Trump. Those must be hall rats.
  8. Favorite thread here!! keep it going!!! love reading the variety no matter how scattered it is.
  9. It’s a shame Biden is gonna waste all that $$ on a campaign that already doomed.
  10. Thought I’d bring this up again seeing how LA is about to become toxic with typhoid etc. San Fran is in need of few thousand Porta Johns and Seattle along with the rest are becoming a wasteland of hypodermic needles and trash. Why is it no one wants to tackle this problem? I do like the idea on detainment camps where they can detox the majority of the and attempt to insert them back into society if possible. Can we still send convicts and homeless to the Land down Under? Lol
  11. This is an awesome thread. please keep it going beside the point that it triggers the board Retard, it’s something we can’t get without working for it so, thanks
  12. Not a chance.... they love this stuff. 2020 is going to be rough on the libtards..
  13. This is my favorite thread. absolutely love the effort and content!!
  14. what is the guess for all of these sealed cases?
  15. affordable housing.... what exactly is affordable housing? if folks think that is the solution then what about the mentally ill or folks who just don't want help? doesn't sound like there is a universal solution....or is there?
  16. that's sound like living off the grid...surely we could accomadate those folks with airfare or a bustrip to some secluded habitat?
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