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Everything posted by cccjwh

  1. Sorry I don't buy it. You don't kill a puppy from acting like a puppy. If you are too stupid to realize the time it takes to train a dog, so shouldn't have one. She isn't some poor rancher trying to train a stray. She put down three horses early in the year, do you think she shot them too?
  2. So looks like Noem is a shoe in for Cheeto's VP. She is sociopath and will fit like a glove.
  3. More than talk. US drug control agency will move to reclassify marijuana in a historic shift, AP sources say (msn.com) The agency’s move, confirmed to the AP on Tuesday by five people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive regulatory review, clears the last significant regulatory hurdle before the agency’s biggest policy change in more than 50 years can take effect. Once OMB signs off, the DEA will take public comment on the plan to move marijuana from its current classification as a Schedule I drug, alongside heroin and LSD. It moves pot to Schedule III, alongside ketamine and some anabolic steroids, following a recommendation from the federal Health and Human Services Department. After the public comment period and a review by an administrative judge, the agency would eventually publish the final rule.
  4. There have been over 100 tornados in the US over the last week. Damn you drag queens!!! 😆
  5. You losers know diehardon didn't know it was satire. MAGA the stupidest cult in modern history.
  6. President Biden: "This is the first time a President attended this dinner in since 6 years. It's understandable. We had a horrible plague followed by two years of Covid." 😄
  7. Ask you care giver to explain it to you.
  8. Notice the timestamp, dumbass.
  9. Not something any of you losers need to worry about. 😄
  10. I guess they are happy Cosby is out too.
  11. Wow, you guys are pro Weinstein. Hey, I guess it makes sense, you are supporting a rapist for president. Your boy still has 16 years to serve in CA.
  12. MAGA the stupidest cult in modern history.
  13. Yeah, they will just have to pay the election workers a bunch of money, they don't have. All of your nut job sites traffic is down. Facebook has stop pushing "news". I guess you missed it. Meta's retreat from news accelerated in 2023, leaving media scrambling (cnbc.com) Right-Wing Media Are in Trouble - The Atlantic This past February, readership of the 10 largest conservative websites was down 40 percent compared with the same month in 2020, according to The Righting, a newsletter that uses monthly data from Comscore—essentially the Nielsen ratings of the internet—to track right-wing media. (February is the most recent month with available Comscore data.) Some of the bigger names in the field have been pummeled the hardest: The Daily Caller lost 57 percent of its audience; Drudge Report, the granddaddy of conservative aggregation, was down 81 percent; and The Federalist, founded just over a decade ago, lost a staggering 91 percent. (The site’s CEO and co-founder, Sean Davis, called that figure “laughably inaccurate” in an email but offered no further explanation.) FoxNews.com, by far the most popular conservative-news site, has fared better, losing “only” 22 percent of traffic, which translates to 23 million fewer monthly site visitors compared with four years ago.... And so far, unlike some publications that have pivoted away from relying on traffic and programmatic advertising, they’ve struggled to adapt. Rather than stabilizing amid Facebook’s new world order, traffic on the right has mostly continued south. Among the big losers over the past year are The Washington Free Beacon, whose traffic was down 58 percent, and Gateway Pundit, down 62 percent.
  14. Since they already got some guilty pleads they sure seems to be doing pretty good. What lies have you been told to think otherwise?
  15. Sad your #1 source is going bankrupt because of publishing lies. Well sad for you, a great laugh for me.
  16. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/25/politics/federal-judge-upholds-e-jean-carroll-verdict/index.html A federal judge on Thursday upheld the verdict and award in E. Jean Carroll’s defamation case against former President Donald Trump and denied Trump’s motion for a new trial. Judge Lewis Kaplan, in a written opinion, said Trump’s legal arguments are without merit. The judge also found that the punitive damages the jury awarded to Carroll “passes constitutional muster.” Like a said, there isn't any grounds for appeal.
  17. But you keep pretending both sides are the same. Making a mistake is NOT the same as pushing lies you know are not true. See Fox News lawsuit. Non-Cheetos Jesus you posted articles that show the integrity of the news sources. Posting retractions when you make a mistake is what you are supposed to do, dumbass. It something your source rarely ever due, because it would take up too much space. You have been told over and over again that the gateway pundit is garbage source. Yet you keep going back to them, because they tell you want you want to hear. It doesn't matter to you if it is true or not.
  18. Wheels of justice are slow, but the crush the fuck out of corrupt losers who try to steal elections. 👍
  19. Doesn't matter dumbass. When you publish lies that defame people, you can be sue and have to pay. Ask Fox News, OAN, and Rudy. You losers will never learn.
  20. Go figure lying about people and publishing those lies can get expensive. The Gateway Pundit declaring bankruptcy amid voter misinformation lawsuit (axios.com) The big picture: The site is facing a lawsuit from two election workers over accusations it committed ballot fraud to alter the outcome of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. What they're saying: Hoft said in a message that the website's parent company made the decision "as a result of the progressive liberal lawfare attacks against our media outlet," though he did not name specific lawsuits.
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