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Everything posted by cccjwh

  1. They do that a lot. Just tell them we are laughing with them, not at them. ๐Ÿ˜„
  2. It's OK the MAGA morons enjoy giving Cheetos their money. When he is able to sell, the cultists will be the ones losing their money. I just get to laugh at them some more.
  3. Yet another GOP law that will be ruled as unconstitutional.
  4. What part don't you understand? Looks like you haven't read any on my posts. I'm disappointed he got another 10 days, but accountability is still on the way. You enjoy your "victory", lol.
  5. You guys really thinks this is a win? It is still 175 million. Cheering that your lord and savior only has to pay 175 million.... You guys are so hard up for a win. So sad. Ten days to get the bond. Let's see if he can do it.
  6. Most people don't screw over a guy who knows where all the bodies are buried. It's hard to prove the fraud case, but thanks to Cheeto's stupidity they had a star witness. That witness led them to all the document which proved it without a doubt. But that wasn't enough for Cheetos. Instead of treating the court with respect and admitting their mistake. He double down on stupid. Don't do the crime, if you can't pay the fine. Same is going to happen with the criminal case. They have the same witness and audio recording of the stupid mf admitting to the crime. Cheetos best result from the criminal fraud case is a suspend sentence. But if Cheetos tries to fuck around in the criminal case, he is going to find out. This judge doesn't seem to give a shit what Cheetos's former job was.
  7. And he still broke the law. Your feelings don't matter.
  8. Maybe it because you are fantasy land? He broke the law. Now he has to pay for it. Don't do the crime if you can't pay the fine. Just saying it's unfair is not a defense.
  9. What a great week for MAGA. The adjudicate rapist cult leader was able to post his second bond. He had to back it up with 100% cash because no bank will give him any credit. Two GOP reps quit this week. Bring the MAGA red wave down to one. Barney Rubble needed some attention, so she filed for the removal for their speaker. Cheetos is his usual nepotism had his daughter-in-law install as co-chair of the RNC. Thanks to the takeover of the RNC. A bunch of RNC's funds will be transferred to Cheetos's PAC so they can pay more of his legal fees. They had yet another impeachment fun time period. Thier star witness was on zoom from prison. (Hey at least their witness wasn't working with Russia or China this time๐Ÿ‘) As part of the impeachment failure. MAGA members were called out by witness as knowingly spreading Russian propaganda. The GOP house released their plans for 2024. They have the following on their to do list: Calls for over $1.5 trillion in cuts to Social Security, including an increase in the retirement age to 69 and cutting disability benefits. Repeals Medicare's ability to negotiate drug prices. More tax cuts for the super-rich and corporations Larson Statement on Republican Budget Plan Proposing $1.5 Trillion in Cuts to Social Security | Congressman John Larson (house.gov) Let's see if Cheetos can get enough money from his super fund-raising event this weekend. Monday is just around the corner. ๐Ÿ˜„
  10. And I will make fun of your having to go back to you Hillary talking points. You keep worshiping your rapist.
  11. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery.
  12. So she doesn't matter? Why are you posting about her? Because your hero is still an adjudicated rapist and you have no way to defend it?
  13. Cult member never think Cheetos lies. He is the truth. ๐Ÿ˜
  14. You sure ignored the bill that would have help with the problem. It can't be that important if you are putting a talking point over trying to fix the problem. This is on your party, they are the ones that decided it wasn't all that important. I'm waiting for the new election Caravans.
  15. By killing a bill that would have helped? By having National Guard troops do Border Patrol's job?
  16. "And yet I paid nearly $6 a gallon" - your fellow cult member. The 3rd-4th largest producer on oil is being sanctioned, oil prices will go up. I know you guys want to roll over and let Russia do whatever they want, but I don't.
  17. Cheetos is an adjudicated rapist who forces he fingers up a women's vagina, you losers are comparing to someone you was uncomfortable when ByDon moved his hands from her shoulders to her back. What a bunch of morally bankrupt cultists.
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