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Everything posted by cccjwh

  1. Sure, sure. How is that impeachment going again? ๐Ÿ˜
  2. Your hero is the loudest whiny bitch in history, so you should be used to it. You poor victims. โ€œJudge Engoron actually wants me to put up Hundreds of Millions of Dollars for the Right to Appeal his ridiculous decision. In other words, he is trying to take my Appellate Rights away from me,โ€ Trump wrote in a post on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday morning. โ€œNobody has ever heard of anything like this before.โ€ โ€œI would be forced to mortgage or sell Great Assets, perhaps at Fire Sale prices, and if and when I win the Appeal, they would be gone. Does that make sense? WITCH HUNT. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!โ€ Trump added. Trump says heโ€™d have to hold โ€˜fire saleโ€™ of properties to meet $464M bond | The Hill
  3. Became a Senator in 1973 Making 6 figures for 30+ years Marriage to a doctor, who has also been making 6 figures for a while. Mutiple bestselling books, which are still making money. I'm starting to understand why you guy think everyone is corrupt. You are poor af and have no idea what it is like to have money.
  4. You can keep making up stuff to spin your broke ass hero. I'm just going to wait for the March 25th and sit back and watch James take his shit. I really hope he doesn't sell stuff to post the bond. Be so much better to have James pick what to sell. ๐Ÿ‘ He probably still has some classified documents that he was able to hide. Probably not worth half billion though. Hey, the Russians or Saudis could still bail him out. Be worth it if Cheetos gets re-elected.
  5. Hey I'm sure a Russia or Saudi will loan him the money. We know he can be bought cheap.
  6. Attacking is all you loser have. You can't debate on the facts. Cheetos doesn't have the money, that is a fact. The companies that could post the bond don't trust him, so they passed. They probably don't want to be associated with adjudicated rapist. Maybe Cheetos is just pretending he doesn't have the money.
  7. Poor guy, your hero is about to lose his shit and you need to attack someone? Sad.
  8. Cheer up, you can always give Cheetos more money. Buy his gold shoes and some more NTFs. You know only reputable people sell NTFs. Oh wait, it's the opposite. ๐Ÿ‘
  9. Somehow you morons think 1 = 20. You do the same math that got your hero where he is now. ๐Ÿ˜†
  10. You contest the Cheetos is a corrupt piece of shit? Really? You really are in love with him.
  11. The appeals are to overturn the ruling. He has had his required days in court. Guess he should have hired a real lawyer instead on the that plays a lawyer on tv.
  12. Your worship of him is just blinding you of what a complete corrupt piece of shit the man is. Durham report was yet another nothing burger to go with the stupid. ByDon impeachment, Hunter laptop, Obama birth certificate, mass voter fraud, Pizza gate, murder of Seth Rich, and that's only the ones I can think of offhand. "It's deep", because it is completely unfalsifiable and can be used to explain anything the loser using it wants to dismiss. Cheetos been ripping people off his whole life; this is nothing but accountability.
  13. He has already had his due process of the law. He lost and now he has to pay up. Sucks to be him.
  14. Assholes like you believe him when he tells you he is a billionaire. Assholes like you believe him when he tells you how unfair he is being treated. It can't just be that he is a corrupt piece of shit, that he has always been a corrupt piece of shit and it is finally catching up with him. No, no, that is way too simple. It has to be a secret collection of deep state agencies working to bribe 4 separate grand juries, 2 other regular juries, almost every judge that has ever seen a case with Cheetos. Deep State the excuse losers used to explain why they are such losers.
  15. Your billionaire can't pay his bond. Try to spin it however you want.
  16. Sure,sure. I'll just sit back and laugh at you making excusing for your "billionaire". Maybe you should give him some more your money. ๐Ÿ˜„
  17. You guys must be poor as fuck to think 150.00 is a "major donor". Bias.. Cheetos gave the guy his job, does that show bias?
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