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Posts posted by Chemist

  1. 15 hours ago, hoorta said:

    Blame the company that hired them without- or not verifying citizen ship status. . Oh, and they were working. Doesn't fit your definition of deadbeat scum only here to freeload off of our healthcare, does it? 

    Cal I'd bet 1\2 of the roofers in Dayton are illegals. American deadbeats don't want to get up on roofs with shingles when the heat up there approaches 120 degrees, they're they ones sitting on their asses collecting welfare. 

    False. They won’t get up on the roof for the same wage an illegal will. Illegals live 20 to a house, don’t pay taxes, insurance, or social security out of their under the table checks. They can afford to work for much less. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

    You know my stance on that as I've spelled it out on this board numerous times.  Even in discussion with you.  

    Service should be automatic citizenship.  Unfortunately there are instances where it hasn't been.

    So you don’t think that people here illegally that work for automatically lower wages and live 20 to one house, without driver’s licenses or automotive insurance or health insurance or any benefits whatsoever are a lower class?

    the elite let them in and use them.

  3. 5 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

    Are you seeing this yourself or hearing it?   Also where is this number coming from and is there a timeframe? Because you're making it sound like the siege of the alamo and that is simply not the truth.  

    Look, the border situation isn't... ideal.    I can't say this enough, INS, BP and the like need a massive 'going over'.   They do... plain and simple.  A wall won't pay for itself especially when attempting one of the largest in the history of this planet coupled with the inefficiencies of our government.   At the end of the day, the big argument I see on illegal immigration is the money before potential crime.   So if your stance is how they "bleed the system", then a wall isn't the answer.    

    Then again, I hold "invasion" at a dictionary standard, I suppose.        But again, I don't hold the President responsible for this man in El Paso and no sane person should.   But our leaders, both far and wide, local, state and federal need to learn that there are minds out there which see any little potential condoning or dismissing of violence as a beacon for evil action(S).  They're drawn to it because they feel they're effecting a difference.

    I don't know the totality of the solution and won't pretend to.  But I feel it starts with ourselves which is why I'm so picky on whom I vote for. 

    Illegal immigration needs to stop. There should be no pathway to citizenship (besides honorable discharge from the military). Illegal immigration and a prolonged pathway to citizenship creates a secondary, lower class of people. Close the border and streamline the legal immigration process. 

  4. 42 minutes ago, Clevfan4life said:

    my point is ur theory on some great awakening happening in 1800 is a giant cool story. Western Europeans, and the settlers who came here, were far more fundamentalists than they were 200 years later. "Far more". These were people who beleived witches could put a hex on a crop output.....i mean ffs. 

    It’s not some “theory.” For someone who claims to know so much about everything, you seem to know very little about American history. It’s known as the Second Great Awakening. It was a monumental shift in religious views and participation. 

    In the chart you can see a huge jump in religious adherence from 1776 to 1860. That was a result of the second great awakening. Then a decline until about the turn of the 20th century. 




    Roger Finke and Rodney Stark, The Churching of America, 1776-1990 (1992)


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  5. 1 hour ago, Clevfan4life said:

    oh so u think they were Atheists that stepped off the mayflower and immediately started telling cool biblical stories to the unwashed natives......dont u?

    I really have no idea what point you’re trying to make. The mayflower landed in 1620. The great awakening began some 180 years later. 

    The settlers actually did little intentionally to destroy the native tribes. It was European disease that did most of the work. 

    Some accounts have much of the eastern seaboard being rather tame when the Europeans arrived. It was a setting much like the parks we see today. The settlers could see smoke for miles before they saw land. If you believe in global warming, the argument has been made that the decimation of the natives caused a mini ice age because the land was allowed to grow wild and take carbon out of the atmosphere. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Clevfan4life said:

    so someone who beleives in a horned red dancing ngr is the same as someone who devoutly expresses his opposition to all things superstitious, huh?

    u guys are absolutely the dumbest fucking rubbish ngr wankers ive ever been around in my entire life. I knew y'all were some fresh lil monkeya by about my 2nd week here but now, ive really got no words. The level of daily stupid is just dialed up to max and its stuck there cause the knob broke off.

    Satan puts the doubts and disbelief in your head. Satan doesn’t care that you don’t believe in him, he cares that you don’t believe in the Lord and wants you to abandon the Christian way.

  7. 1 hour ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

    Were we as humans more religious/spiritual in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s compared to as OBF would refer to these as the “end times”? Yes we were. OBF would have you thinking the times when the Holocaust, Mao’s Purges, and Stalin’s Gulags, the Atlantic slave trade were going we were better off. You guys are making the argument for me. These are the best times we have been in. 

    Americans were probably the least spiritual in their history right before the second great awakening which started in the early 1800’s. It took the second great awakening for Americans to realize the travesty of slavery. Emancipation happened soon after the second great awakening was over. You can also link women’s suffrage to the second great awakening.

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