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Everything posted by Gorka

  1. Of course . Never let an opportunity to bash Trump go by, so lets bring him into this. Why start with Trump? Trump is doing a phenom job as prez and has great worth. Let's start with the first ngr president Bill Clinton, a predator, molester, rapist, adulterer, then Obama the fggt. Waddaya say?
  2. Decades? How about centuries?. You don't have to agree with me. Just watch that vid. How come we don't hear anything more about this hole in the O zone layer btw?
  3. You throw the word "denial" around a lot. IMO denial rears its head when you have no evidence, facts, data to back up your argument...."I don't believe you just because I don't" is denial. Carry on.
  4. Look who is saying "the possibility" LOL. I on the other hand believe for a fact that humans have increased the Co2 levels. Humans have contributed 120-130ppm of Co2 into the atmosphere since the start of the Industrial Revolution. The argument is the effects it will have. You OAC followers say the Earth will end in 12ys. Al Gore said Armageddon was supposed to happen 10yrs ago.
  5. If you can't see the point you must be checked for brain damage.
  6. No. There would first have to be something in the Mueller probe to validate. It was just Trump saying stupid shit again. It wouldn't have been stupid if he was clever enough to take the opportunity to nail Hillary...he needed two words "Hillary did". Allow me... "I think you might want to listen. There's nothing wrong with listening," he said. "It's not an interference. They have information. I think I'd take it. HILLARY DID. If I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI." Had he pointed out that Hillary actually did collude with the Russians, no stink over this would have been made.
  7. LOL...the mountain switched sides and the rocks evaporated. That global warming some powerful stuff. fyi... to get you caught up, is that not that global warming doesn't happen, it has happened throughout the earths history, millions of years before man arrived. It is the rejection of the idea that somehow things change if all man made emissions ceased. Global warming is by which The Dear Leader Obama and globalists schemed to redistribute the worlds wealth. This had been stated openly by IPCC officials. MAGA is Trump pulling out of the Paris climate accord and hanging on to that $3 Trillion that was pledged. This is NOT a right wing generated video. If all emission on the planet would stop nothing would change. It would take 100,000 years for Co2 levels to reach pre-industrial revolution levels.
  8. This sign coming down. Them and their fucking computer models. This one staying up for 10 more years says this computer model. Cryin wolf since the 70's.
  9. "I think one of the ironies today is that people are saying that it’s President Trump that’s shredding our institutions. I really see no evidence of that, it is hard, and I really haven’t seen bill of particulars as to how that’s being done. From my perspective the idea of resisting a democratically elected president and basically throwing everything at him and you know, really changing the norms on the grounds that we have to stop this president, that is where the shredding of our norms and our institutions is occurring." -William Barr. Its astonishing how some left wing media outlets regard Barrs comments as "terrifying".
  10. Barr was spectacular in his interview with Jan Crawford. JAN CRAWFORD: But you have concerns about how they conducted the investigation? WILLIAM BARR: Yes but you know, when you’re dealing with official government contact, intent is frequently a murky issue. I’m not suggesting that people did what they did necessarily because of conscious, nefarious motives. Sometimes people can convince themselves that what they’re doing is in the higher interest, the better good. They don’t realize that what they’re doing is really antithetical to the democratic system that we have. They start viewing themselves as the guardians of the people that are more informed and insensitive than everybody else. They can- in their own mind, they can have those kinds of motives. And sometimes they can look at evidence and facts through a biased prism that they themselves don’t realize.
  11. When I watch these videos the question that always arises for me is...what was Gods purpose for creating all of this?
  12. This one is better because at the end it puts the earth in perspective to the largest star known when this video was made. VY Canis Majoris. It would take a jetliner 1100 years to orbit this star once.
  13. What exactly are you trying to imply here Cleve?
  14. Find some 6 yr. old and he'll help guide you through that vid.
  15. Awesome! Even Obamas "Corpse" Men have seen the light!
  16. There are actually 57 Muslim states. Barak Hussein had him a little Freudian slip there.
  17. Not even when "world takeover" comes right out of the mouths of Muslims themselves?
  18. Shouldn't you be hating on another Trump loving negro sellout instead? Stick to your own script.
  19. LOL the irony. Nothing in your post was factual or correct.
  20. Too bad there isn't a video because CNN and the rest of them would pick up this ball and run with it.
  21. Childish. At least you could have come up with a technicality like Cleve thought he did which gave him a reason not to read the article.
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