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Everything posted by Gorka

  1. Yes, but it's been accepted and understood by all for decades who we mean when we say MSM. You should know that by now..
  2. I don't dispute any of that. Again, going back to that meme, who are these Christians saying atheist billboards are much worse than Christians being tortured back in the dark ages? There are many forms or degrees of persecution, and persecution doesn't always translate to physical torture and bloodshed, as believed by these shallow liberal meme artists. per·se·cu·tion hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs. "her family fled religious persecution" synonyms: oppression, victimization, maltreatment, ill treatment, mistreatment, abuse, ill usage, discrimination, tyranny, tyrannization, punishment, torment, torture; More pogrom; informalwitch hunt; informalred-baiting "victims of religious persecution" harassment, hounding, harrying, badgering, teasing, bullying, molestation "the persecution I endured at school got worse as I got older" persistent annoyance or harassment. "his persecution at the hands of other students" It's silly to suggest that this billboard is a form of religious persecution, but rest assured if some Christians are inclined to do so, as suggested by that stupid meme, they certainly would not place this form of so called "persecution" on the same level they do to the atrocities committed against Christians in places such as the Middle East and Africa. To suggest they do is Retarded. Nice job Cleve. Clevis' memes are terribly skewed and could only have been created by Retards.
  3. What fuckin libtard created this gem?? Who are the Christians saying atheist billboards are worse?
  4. Yawn. Who asked you anyway? Spare us the molesting priests.... tired old news that everyone's familiar with by now. Need something a bit more fresh...you know like the shit that comes from the left on a daily basis. Did you hear about the black church that was torched by one of its own members to make it appear like it was done by a Trump supporter?
  5. C'mon Cal, can't you find something despicable done by a Republican, Christian, or Conservative to post??? We got Clevis and Woody being persecuted over here.
  6. The take away from Bush is that he's supposedly undersized, but the stealers have a special way of bulking up players rather quickly.
  7. Their scheme in collaboration with the mainstream media is to relentlessly harp on the absurd notion that Barr is unfit, and acting as Trumps lawyer. ...in order to steer corruption away from where it truly was and aim it Barr and current DOJ. Vermin these people are.
  8. What a freak show. Be it either narcissism or they're so out of touch they believe the majority of Americans have their back. Someone should let them know that the majority of Americans 69%, want this Russian collusion sham investigated.
  9. CNN not talking much about this poll.... 69% want the origins of the investigation investigated. https://pjmedia.com/trending/cnn-poll-overwhelming-majority-want-investigation-into-obama-doj-spying-of-trump/
  10. That's wonderful Cleve but that wouldn't have anything to do with double standards. Horrible example. That's like sayin I have double standards because I love the Browns but hate the stealers. That said, I laughed at nearly every scene in that movie and cared nothing about who he was trolling. I'm sure the majority fell into that category. Only two scenes in that move were rehearsed, the rest was all ad lib. "May George Bush drink the blood of every man woman and child in Afghanistan!lol
  11. Love the title in that link. Barrs "performance" was catastrophic? How apropos that they used that word. Putting on a performance is what it's all been about to you dems...nothing else matters. Fuck the truth. Fuck the facts. And what a performance indeed put on by these democrat obstructionists for their leftwing Trump hating audience. Barrs testimony wasn't an act, so I concur that Barrs testimo...err "performance" was catastrophic ….for them.
  12. Now here's something you'll really like...an Antifa snowflake getting dropped by a truck. I fuckin love it. I would have ran over and pissed on the little motherfucker as he writhed in pain.
  13. Thanks, I meant to include that in my post. He posts a Comey "CMA" article after talking about morality. LOL That's "Cover My Ass" by going after Trump.
  14. Tell me about it. You throw the term "moral compass" around as freely as liberals do "racist" , which only proves you're the one not thinking. If you support today's democrat party then you can say you have lost your moral compass. Your perception of morality is distorted and only used as vengeance. Supporting a president who has done so many good things for this country has no reflection on the morality of the individual supporting him. Having an ideal set of morals isn't in the presidents job description, it is for a priest or rabbi. Your assertions have nothing to do with morals and everything to do with trying to humiliate a president you don't like. Another tool used by tools.
  15. Obama is a narcissistic a-hole. Trump is the first American president that can legitimately take credit for the success of the economy under a sitting president, although good argument can be made for Reagan. To jog your memory...recall Obama and Biden both were telling us that the 1% growth rate at the time was the "new normal, so get used to it?" Those two told us that America’s best days were behind us, that the past records of economic growth were unreal, yet Obama has the gall to think he is to be credited for an economy and unemployment rate unseen in our lifetimes? Obama had zero interest in boosting the US economy, only the global economy. You know it's true. Obama said manufacturing jobs were never coming back. "Hows Trump gonna do it, wave a magic wand?" No here's how: Hopefully the sources meet your approval. Deregulation under President Trump | Manufacturing Regulations ... https://www.industryweek.com/.../deregulation-under-president-trump-behind-numbe... Trump Removes Restrictions on Ethanol Gas at Iowa Rally | Fortune fortune.com › Leadership › Environmental Protection Agency Mar 8, 2018 - Fewer New Regulations under the Trump Administration ... One of the Trump major rules was a de-regulatory action (removal of the Obama-era ... How Trump launched the biggest regulatory rollback in American history https://theweek.com/.../how-trump-launched-biggest-regulatory-rollback-american-his... Cached Oct 9, 2018 - One Day After Catastrophic UN Climate Report, Trump Removes ... benefits are more than offset by the emissions caused in producing ethanol. 37 Ways Donald Trump Has Remade the Rules for Business - WSJ https://www.wsj.com/.../how-donald-trump-has-remade-the-rules-for-business-1516190... Jan 17, 2018 - The Trump administration in its first year has pushed for deregulation ... Status: Done; Impact: Manufacturers will save the cost of removing the ... Trump administration cancels hundreds of Obama-era regulations ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/.../trump...regulations/.../55f501cc-6d68-11e7-96ab-5f... Jul 20, 2017 - Trump administration cancels hundreds of Obama-era regulations ... authorized laws, and the White House cannot unilaterally remove them. ... In the National Association of Manufacturers' most recent survey of its members, ... How the Trump Administration Pulled Back on Regulating Toxic ... https://e360.yale.edu/.../how-trump-administration-has-pulled-back-on-regulating-toxi... Cached Feb 12, 2019 - The Trump administration has halted bans on toxic chemicals that are ... curtailed its ability to remove known hazards like asbestos from the market. ... The pullback on the planned restrictions on toxic substances reflects the ... use of certain chemicals that might be profitable sales lines for the manufacturers. Trump rolls back worker safety rules - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/.../trumps-worker-safety-regulations-protections-unions-806... Cached Sep 3, 2018 - We want to protect our workers,” Trump said in 2017. ... When President Donald Trump came into office pledging to cut regulations “massively,” he made ... especially in traditional industries like manufacturing and coal mining. ... proposal that they seek to remove “unnecessary regulatory obstacles” and cut ... 78 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump - The New York ... https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/10/.../trump-environment-rules-reversed.html Oct 5, 2017 - This is the full list of environmental policies the Trump administration has targeted, ... rule designed to limit toxic emissions from major industrial polluters. ... cover the costs of removing rigs once they have stopped producing. 23 Environmental Rules Rolled Back in Trump's First 100 Days - The ... https://www.nytimes.com/.../2017/.../environmental-rules-reversed-trump-100-days.html May 2, 2017 - Citing federal overreach and burdensome regulations, Mr. Trump has prioritized .... The rule required tire manufacturers and retailers to provide … Sep 9, 2017 - President Trump speaks at a Michigan manufacturing company. ... actions as president was to remove an Obama-era ethics restriction banning …
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