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Everything posted by DieHardBrownsFan1

  1. And Germany and France the two major powers in Europe spend how much to help their European neighbor? They spend their money on infrastructure while we spend it on who knows what?
  2. Here's Woody to prove you wrong:
  3. Oh my! Lock him up! You just wish Trump did that to you sugar.🤣
  4. Notice that when we (USA) fought Japan, we killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Ditto Germany. Ditto Iraq. Also, Russia has killed thousands of Ukranian civilians. No protests, not a word. But when Israel is attacked and almost 1,500 innocent civilians are killed (on purpose) and Israel responds, everyone condemns the Jews.
  5. Yes, and here I thought the purpose of the military (of which I spent 1/3 of my life) was to defeat the enemy.
  6. I'm sure she will have a lucrative career.😂
  7. Hamas uses civilians (really sympathizers) as human shields. Pay attention to detail dimwit.
  8. I'm hoping these punk 'protesters' take up Iran and the Houthies for their free college.
  9. I'd say some teachers make WAY TOO much money. They are lazy and don't teach.
  10. Teachers literally shape our minds. We're all better off with an indoctrinated society. (Fixed it for you).
  11. I had 3 Pfizer shots thru the VA and luckily had no symptoms. Never again though.
  12. You're just mad you can't do your Hitler routine in here anymore.
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