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Westside Steve

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Everything posted by Westside Steve

  1. Yes they did get married. Woody Allen married Soon Yee. Joe was banging Mika well before they got married though Just saying if you read that loose definition of harassment fuucking your subordinate certainly counts. WSS
  2. Is the fact that this guy is and has been sleeping with his subordinate considered sexual harassment? Is it ethical she's been given a TV job for qualifications that don't seem to be all that strong aside from the fact that she's giving it up to Joe? Where is the outrage? WSS
  3. Hey wine boy are you not monitoring your wine list post? And in what world does a Cleveland Browns fan not know what Hudy is? I don't expect anybody to know what difference which side of the Rhine you live on makes but the preferred drink of one of our enemies? Please. WSS
  4. Quite possibly. I remember the name Blackwood but it could be a mistake. WSS
  5. My recollection of that place was that it was in Blackwood New Jersey. Great place amazingly friendly people who all seemed like they were cast members from The Sopranos but very welcoming. It was William Edwards the cousin of Dennis. WSS
  6. Speaking of pizza does anybody remember Pizza King by the Parma Town Mall? WSS
  7. Speaking of pizza does anybody remember Pizza King by the Parma Town Mall? WSS
  8. No. The reference to the Cheeseburger in Paradise is from the song of the same name. Margaritaville has nothing to do with a cheeseburger with lettuce and tomato Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes. Also a big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer. The non-traditional, or frozen margarita, in the other song is being served with boiled shrimp. WSS
  9. Not to be picky but that should have been with a cold draft beer. Just for the purists. WSS
  10. Actually I kind of like more neutral tasting crackers that show off the flavor of whatever you're putting on them. WSS
  11. Probably not but at least as or more important the 99% of the garbage that will be resonating through the echo chamber for years to come. WSS
  12. I purchased my first beer there a can of Old Dutch when I was 16 years old. Henry looked at me and said are you 18 Simmie? In Carrollton most people's nickname was the first few letters of their last name with an ie at the end . I said sure. He kind of squinted but gave me the beer anyway. Russ and Henry Cole we're both a few years older than my pop and my pop worked there when he was a kid, sold popcorn hot front of the place. Coley would come out and say put more salt on it Simmie if they don't get thirsty they won't drink beer. There was a narrow chalkboard along the top of the bar painted with cross hatches 4 9 + tennings and a spot for the teams names the Indians and whoever the opponent might have been. There is a ticker tape machine in the bar and at the end of each inning Coley would stand on a bar stool and right in the score. This was well before I was born. WSS
  13. We aren't. Lots of different family things going on and nobody can all get their shitt together to have Thanksgiving at one place. So her family will have Thanksgiving on Friday I will go to a movie and down to Carrollton for the last Coley's reunion, and later, and catch up with them sometime in the afternoon. http://www.coleystag.com/ Traditionally on Thanksgiving Day we go to buca de Peppo in Strongsville. They purchased a Char-Broil smoker roaster Tru infrared device at are going to roll the dice cooking the turkey in that. WSS
  14. And it has occurred to me that if, in fact, one man sleeps while the other man drives, that it should be a relatively easy task to get some orange juice from Florida to Ohio in less than 40 hours. WSS
  15. Lawson's brings back great memories. I don't see it in the stores very often. I can't tell much difference between the rest, usually heluva good.. WSS
  16. Hell why are we freaking out over the Russkies today? WSS
  17. Inappropriate hug? Man the chronically outraged are really going insane. This really has to collapse sooner or later doesn't it? WSS
  18. Good low carb snack. French onion dip goes good with pork rinds too. WSS
  19. And they are excellent. A chain? Yeah I guess so but a local chain. WSS
  20. Why can't you have strippers and Flounder? As a matter of fact I wouldn't be surprised if strippers smelled a little bit like flounder... WSS
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