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Liberal hate and attack machine gets bottuski's kicked


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Tired of the snide, hateful, off base putdowns by rabid libs? A lot of readers of the Washington Post are:


(not to forget, some of us have been, too !)





New senator Scott Brown sure gets down to Republican business.


By Dana Milbank



fshs4ever wrote:

Dear Dana Milbank, the only jobs created by the stimulas bill have been government jobs, tax payer funded jobs. There have been no private sector jobs created. Private sector jobs provide us with tax payers. And can't you write an article without injecting your political biased barbs, are you that unprofessional. I studied journalism, you get a d-.

2/6/2010 11:34:17 AM

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ac7880 wrote:


Dana is a "man", not a woman. He does act like a bitchy little teen age girl on her cycle though.

2/6/2010 11:30:03 AM

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djf9g wrote:

This sort of trash is why the Washington Post is declining.

2/6/2010 11:28:19 AM

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ac7880 wrote:

Enage in a writing campaign to the Post and it's advertisers demanding that this "reporter" be fired for writing partisan slanted opinion hit pieces instead of news.


Dump this twit!

2/6/2010 11:25:43 AM

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Daisytoo wrote:

It's one thing to have a hissy fit; it's quite another for the WAPO to publish it as a news article.


Now, be a good girl, Dana and take a long long nap until the country is restored to order by the adults in charge.

2/6/2010 11:23:09 AM

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ac7880 wrote:

You call yourself a reporter? A partisan whiney little hack of a sub-human piece of dog dung is more like it. Go work at the National Enquirer loser.

2/6/2010 11:22:38 AM

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cliftonva wrote:

Nonsense like this article is why the Washington Post's circulation is dropping like a rock - I suppose the Graham family and their profits from Kaplan can keep it afloat for a while longer...

2/6/2010 11:16:22 AM

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JAM-VA wrote:

If the stimulus created one new job, why are there less jobs now than before??? If I hire one employee and you lay off 2, that's a net loss. I guess that math doesn't work inside the beltway.

2/6/2010 11:16:16 AM

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carjvc wrote:

Liberal journalists such as yourself are histrionic hypocrites. You disparage Brown because he is a Republican. He knows the voters of Massachusetts wishes better than Washington progressives/liberals/socialists. You, Patrick Kennedy, and John Kerry can all meet for some counseling to assuage your refusal to accept this is a country founded by and still majority populated by conservatives.

2/6/2010 11:13:08 AM

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jpivnik24 wrote:

Was this a news article or a hit piece?

2/6/2010 11:12:02 AM

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JCM-51 wrote:

Isn't Milbank clever with his opening line today! The he goes into his usual brainless mode. The voters of MA spoke, their choice was to put Brown in the Senate. The Senate and Biden certainly waste no time in seating Democrats. I guess since Brown is a moderate Republican, Milbank would prefer as much delay as the Democrats could generate....and as far as having Ted Kennedy's office suite, I'll paraphrase Brown--that is not Ted Kennedy's office, that office belongs to the citizens of the United States.

2/6/2010 11:09:56 AM

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alpha061 wrote:

What a smarmy article.....What did you think he was gonna vote just like TK...

2/6/2010 11:01:10 AM

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hotepapa wrote:

I am sure that Mr. Brown will do much better than the other Mr. Brown from Ohio. Ohio Brown always votes for bigger taxes, more spending, against guns, supports unions over his Ohio voters, for abortions, against tort reform, voted for a faulty healthcare bill without reading it, and in fact, could be replaced by a trained monkey in the Senate. A monkey could watch how Harry points his thumb and do the same. Brown cannot think for himself.

2/6/2010 10:59:00 AM

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Northforty wrote:

This is reporting? Go back to school.

2/6/2010 10:57:17 AM

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DavidJ3 wrote:

This Dana Milbank person (partisan) could not possibly be a journalist, could she? This is a Huffington Post blogger, right? Don't tell me there is a company which actually pays her money for this dribble!

2/6/2010 10:55:30 AM

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netpro1 wrote:

This kind of tripe is exactly what has killed the credibility of what used to be the "mainstream" media.


The Washington Post is about the same as the New York Times. Both are on their way out.


2/6/2010 10:53:06 AM

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rosemaco wrote:

It's fairly clear where Dana Milbank stands on Sen. Scott Brown. Let the sly denigrations begin. Good boy Dana.

2/6/2010 10:41:36 AM

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Russb24 wrote:

"Except say stupid things, what else does Biden have to do?"


Rocks1, that is a great line - better, certainly, than any line Dana Milbank has ever written.

2/6/2010 10:40:17 AM

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rogerrussell1 wrote:

Gee, what do you really think of him?

He left his truck at home? At the Russell office building? Wasn't that a bit over the top? I mean come on, ripping a senator for wanting to take office? Did you treat Al Franken the same way too? Or is it just guys that look nice enough to pose nude?

2/6/2010 10:39:46 AM

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Talon10 wrote:

Nice NON-partisan article Dana. NOT!

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