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Didn't we already mock these idiots....

Legacy Fan

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Not a great weekend for Tennessee, I'm afraid. That said, these seem like lunatic fringe types who would get tripped up by their own shoelaces if they tried to implement their "plan," which just seems, well, insane. I'm glad they were apprehended before they could act on anything, but I'm withholding judgment at the moment--from what I've read, they seem more like the "high-level terrorists" that the government did a great job of rounding up a few years ago; you know, the guys who registered on jihadi websites and then played paintball. The kind that should definitely be watched, occassionally rounded up if necessary, but for the most part mocked.



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As a father of two girls, and just a human being in general, I really feel concerned for Obama in instances like this.


But, then again, when {The two men 'planned to drive their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows,"} is the extent of their plan I realize he's probably pretty safe.

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I'm reminded of those halfwits who tried to carry out a terrorist attack at the Glasgow airport a few years ago, and only succeeded in setting themselves on fire (at least one of them was a med school student)--if there's anything that protects us from terrorists and other assorted criminals, it's the fact that most of them are really, really bad at what they do. Don't get me wrong, I think they're all for the shootin', they just don't like to do too much of the thinkin'.



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One of my bandmates (about as far to the left as you can get but a good friend) told me this joke.

Q What does Barak Obama have in common with JFK?


A Nothing.



Actually if these guys weren't the stooges they are they'd realize that this shit plays right into Obama's campaign tactic of painting himself as a martyr.


Oh well.



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