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Woman walks into a Bar.

Mr. T

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A woman walks into a bar and goes up to have a seat, a very wealthy man that she knows starts to flirt with her.


Then he gives her a proposition. "would you sleep with me for a Million Dollar?"


She Says Sure!


Then he turns back to her well on second thought how about $1,000. dollars.


She looks at him in disgust and says, what kind of a woman do you think I am?


And His reply is well we have already established that! .......Now we are negotiating the price.





What is your purchase price?





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Obama walks into a bar and the bartender asks what he'd like.


"I'll have a "Socialist Buttkicker" on ice, thanks." says Obama.


Bartender frowns, says "Man, I've been bartending for 5 years, I've never heard it. You puttin me on?"


"No, no," Obama replies, "It's a real drink"


"Well, what the heck is in it then? the Bartender says.


Obama replies, "Well, you take 8 oz of Jim Beam, 8 oz of Tequilla, and 8 oz. of Khalua, then

you mix in 4 oz of 7Up."


Bartender grimaces at Obama and says,


"That sounds like it really sucks. What's socialist about it?"


Obama shrugs, and replies "Well, you serve one to everybody in the room, and the wealthy have to pay for theirs, ($80) each,

and they also pay for one other poorer person in the bar who can't afford it, until everyone has one and everybody is happy."


The bartender goes "Hey, wait a minute, that drink would completely screw everybody up, and everybody would be broke, and then

no wealthy customers will ever step foot in this place again. Sorry, bud, but that ain't gonna happen in my bar."


Obama frowns, and replies "But, we pass a law tha says all the bars will have to do the same thing. If the wealthy customers

want to drink, they have to drink "Socialist Buttkickers".


Now, the bartender is getting annoyed. "No, dammit. There won't be any more wealthy drinkers, you'd have all of em just as poor

as the poor drinkers in the first place, and ... hey, are you a complete idiot?"


Obama gets upset, and explains forcefully, that everybody will indeed, be the same, and their equality will leave them rich in spirit.


The bartender orders Obama out of his bar and Obama leaves.


Outside, Obama says to himself "well, that certainly is a problematic capitalist. I'll try the bar up the street."


And eventually, Obama and Nancy Pelosi get the new "Socialist Buttkicker" law passed.


And the poor drinkers hate all the bars from that point on.


People who own bars go out of work.


The delivery truckers go out of work.


The makers of alcohol drinks go out of work.


People who own those companies declare bankruptcy.


Crime skyrockets.


All the people who work in the bars go out of work.


The other stores, who depended on the customers stopping by before and after the bar, go out of business.


The employees there also go out of work.


Nobody buys houses or cars because they are out of work.


But Obama has a job. and he's happy that everybody is equal.


The "New Obamination of the American Dream" really sucked, didn't it?

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sorry, I had the hankerin to tell a new story.... GGG


Of course nation wrecker Bush is still President..........how are things going on all fronts in America..........Bushwhacked


and you Cal disgustingly attack the new guy before day one


15 days like today and the Stock Market will be zero under your hero

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Of course nation wrecker Bush is still President..........how are things going on all fronts in America..........Bushwhacked


and you Cal disgustingly attack the new guy before day one


15 days like today and the Stock Market will be zero under your hero



maybe you should look at the Big Picture and those who have earned and invested there money in stocks are selling off to save what profit they can before the Big Socialist comes into power and takes it all away through taxation.


you cant blame that shit on bush! it all goes upon the president elect Borat Obamma and his assinine statements,


and by the way where is that big ass Carrot that Obamma and Piglosi dangled in front of the American public saying that they were going to give every american $1,0000. ???? Wher the Fook did that go? it was all Bull Crap! Conning a vote.

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The blame everything on earth on Bush thing is passe' Riche'.


And it WAS a FUNNY STORY because I just MADE IT UP and I AM FUNNY.


Once in while. This was a while.


Behave, Rich, or I will write you into the story..... ROF,L @@


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