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Browns vs. Steelers tailgate.


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Have my tickets to the game and looking to do some pre-game partying. I'm a life long Browns fan and this will be the first game I've been to in the new stadium. Was thinking about going to the Muni lot but after reading some reviews this sounds a little more up my alley. Especially since I have a Squeelers fan in my party. So how early do you need to get there to get a parking spot.

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I am by no means one of the people responsible for these events, so I can't speak for them. I am just a guy who lives in Tennessee who has season tickets and comes up for 5-6 games a year and has been lucky enough to be able to call these guys friends..


Being a regular who knows what these guys do, the tailgating so to speak usually shuts down before that last game and moves to a indoor venue, such as a local pub/restaurant.



The fact is Ed and Don are getting smarter as they age, knowing the cold starts to mess with the bones and joints, and Stan has this thing for wearing speedo's to every tailgate. When it gets that cold we tell him it is getting too cold to do that and are shutting it down for his health.

(the reality is he has that button on a wool coat look and it creeps people out)



Check back a little closer to game time to see if any plans are being made.




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We definately won't be tailgating for that January 2nd game verse the Squeelers. We most likely will head indoors to the Flat Iron Grille or to the Hard Rock Cafe for their brunch.


We really don't care much to have a Steeler fan at our sacred parties anyhow. How much is that guy paying you to accompany him? In fact, how did you ever meet a Steeler fan in the first place ... eewww.



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