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A Real Dawg!


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Browns fans, you're gonna love this guy: a pit bull named PEYTON! Hope this link works:




This boy is big, strong but friendly- kinda like #40! He is at the Richland Co. (Mansfield) dog pound. I work in Mansfield but come up to Cleveland all the time. Since I volunteer @ the pound, the Warden is allowing me to find a home for Peyton. There are just a few requirements:


1) You would need to pay $100 to the pound for vetting and neutering.

2) I have to visit your home and approve the living arrangements for Peyton.

3) You would have to live in a community without breed restrictions.

4) If you have other dog(s), it'd be best if the dogs meet to see how they get along (altho Peyton seems to be good with other dogs).

We could probably work out a dog meeting if #2 goes well.


You can contact me on this board, or at dmccrosk@netzero.com. Thanks! -- "DawgMan"

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