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Jerry Sherk Photo Exhibit


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Former Browns Defensive Lineman Jerry Sherk will be holding his first photo show on Tuesday Dec 14th at Baldwin Wallace. If you haven't seen Jerry's work, subscribe to his facebook ( http://www.facebook.com/jerrysherk ) for some really great photo's from mostly back in the Kardiac Kids days, but also from the mid-70's to current.


Jerry Sherk, former Cleveland Browns player, will appear at Baldwin-Wallace College Tuesday, Dec. 14 with other teammates.


The former defensive lineman will share behind-the-scenes photos he took as a player in the late 1970s and early 1980s.


Doors will open at 6 p.m. for the show entitled “Through the Eyes of a Defensive Lineman: The Cleveland Browns as Photographed by Jerry Sherk.”


The program begins at 7 p.m. in B-W’s Kleist Center for Art & Drama, 95 E. Bagley Road, Berea. The exhibition will be preceded by an autograph session and panel discussion featuring former Browns’ Sherk, Doug Dieken, Greg Pruitt, Robert E. Jackson, Dick Ambrose and coach Sam Rutigliano.


Only $25 presale tickets will be sold to the event, which the Cleveland Touchdown Club Charities is sponsoring. Tickets are available at clevelandtouchdownclub.org.


Jerry's work is pretty cool, from Brian Sipe surfing to Dieken, Lyle Alzado, Clay Matthews and others screwing around on bus trips and during off time. Below is one of his latest pictures, with caption below it:




Just found this old team photo. I believe it's from 1976. After we took our normal picture, head coach Forrest Gregg said, "Okay, you all take another one, but this time act crazy!"

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