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A good reason why concealed carry is wise.

Mr. T

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I'm not to sure about all of the details of the shooting of congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and all of the others who were so unlucky to be around her at the time of the shootings (Link Here) But if someone who was trained and had CC were close around they might of been able to stop what happened on saturday and just might of saved 6 lives. Instead of waiting for the shooter to run out of bullets and then tackle him, somebody might of been able to take out this schizo.

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Lets see if Heck can give an answer to the motives behind the shooter in Arizona.

I am sure he will be in favor of new laws to restrict gun ownership over this. Who knows maybe Biden allready has a new bill allready written like he had the patriot act written before 911. HERE


Some are allready trying to say this shooting was politically motivated when they do not have all the facts. Then there are some who are to chicken shitted to talk about it.

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What's sad, is that soon after that tragedy, another Dem politician came out and associated the acts of violence


with the Tea Party. That little 9 year old girl could surely have been saved, if people there had the right to carry a gun.


Where were the local sheriff and his folks? This criminal was a known nutjob, suspected to have been very dangerous.


Lib leftists will take ANY opportunity, to try to get/keep power over other people. Which includes, demeaning conservatives,


and disarming American citizens.

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It was Clyburn...




And the murderer was labelled way earlier, as a left wing, druggie.


And now, they want to USE this too, as a lever to control freedom of speech, because they


don't want their DEM leftist president criticized.


But none of this ever transpired, when Pres Reagan was shot. Nope. Not one word from the leftists/liberals/progressives/Marxists/Socialists/Soros-es.


Again, the rules are opposite, leftists always think, when it suits THEM.


And that, folks, is the serious, severe lack of PRICIPLES. Principles stay the same regardless of differing situations.


Very sad. But Obamao said "If they bring a knife, we bring a gun"... etc etc etc. Yep. They always want the rules to change,

to benefit them.


And now, you have more and more of these nutjobs coming out and criticizing our Consitution. Because it keeps them


from accruing any permanent power. When they are not in power, their rights are precious. When they ARE in power,

the rights have to be diminished, because that's how... they got...into power... and they don't want anyone else to use

those rights anymore.


Until they lose power again, that is. Weird how that works. And they can switch gears faster than Heck can refuse to start his

own interesting threads...

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As this tragedy gets polarized, we can only be aware of lefties wanting to take away more freedoms, such as freedom of speech and freedoms of the right to bear arms.


It is a catch 22, take the fairness doctrine and the overstepping of squashing free speech. Will it become a hate crime if someone speaks out against an elected official?


Angle said that the Second Amendment of the Constitution, which grants the right to bear arms, is intended to help people "stop tyranny."


We can only wait to see what type of new legislation is proposed, and soon we will see if our newly elected representatives have what it takes as they are handed their first test. And we shall see if they are who they say they are; and protect the rights that are preserved in the constitution.

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These libs hate the Constitution. They call it old, out-dated, not relevant anymore, needs to be


rewritten, etc etc etc.


People like that are as scary as the insane murderer. It defies truth, defies reality, and could bode


bad times for Americans who love their freedoms.


There are a bunch of folks out there, imho, who would be happy to get a weekly check


for turning in the members of the Resistance in WWII.


History tends to repeat itself... for those who ignore it.

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This is really kind of a conservative fantasy. Arizona has really loose gun laws and no one was there - or likely could have been there - to stop this from happening. Hell, the whole US has really loose gun laws and it's very rare that a private citizen is able to step in and stop a massacre because he's packing. You can line up the list of attacks like this and the list of those that have been stopped by a private citizen if it would help. You can't find more than a few examples.


It just doesn't take a lot of time to empty a clip, especially when you catch everyone by surprise. And pushing for fewer restrictions on who can carry a gun and where - like in bars - is counterproductive, and will certainly lead to more people getting shot.


I'm surprised you're not going with your usual "shit happens" line, Steve. Because there's really no way to stop someone this disturbed from snapping one day, other than trying to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally disturbed. And even that's tough to do.


I don't think there's a lesson to draw from this incident. He's just a really disturbed guy. Is the rhetoric over the top? Sure. It's already led to some incidents. Mainstream politicians and media figures should not be suggesting that violence is a political remedy. But I don't think this is an example of that. The guy had a three-year grudge with this woman and he's likely insane and he shot her and everyone else he could put a bullet to. That should have been everyone's first clue that this wasn't really political.

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I'm surprised you're not going with your usual "shit happens" line, Steve. Because there's really no way to stop someone this disturbed from snapping one day, other than trying to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally disturbed. And even that's tough to do.



I'm a little surprised that you are going with the SH liee.


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I'm a pretty big "shit happens" guy. When you can't point to any specific wrongdoing, the overreactions that follow are usually ill-conceived. We like to assign blame and make things easy to understand. Of course, sometimes blame is warranted, but I'm not seeing the connection in this case. The guy is almost clearly a paranoid schizophrenic, and he's at the precise age where that condition usually kicks in.


Like yesterday there's some Democrat who came out for banning violent imagery in campaign literature or something. What a dick.



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I'm a pretty big "shit happens" guy. When you can't point to any specific wrongdoing, the overreactions that follow are usually ill-conceived. We like to assign blame and make things easy to understand. Of course, sometimes blame is warranted, but I'm not seeing the connection in this case. The guy is almost clearly a paranoid schizophrenic, and he's at the precise age where that condition usually kicks in.


Like yesterday there's some Democrat who came out for banning violent imagery in campaign literature or something. What a dick.



Well I tend to asgree that shit is hard to stop.

I just think it's wise to make sure those with guns, especially for protection, knpw how to use them.


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Oh, yes. Of course. See? We agree on something.


But then you've got to realize that the push for more conceal and carry permits as a result of this tragedy would likely lead to more untrained or not-sufficiently-trained people carrying guns, not fewer. And that would lead to more problems. You don't want to deputize the guy who really, really wants to be a hero.


Picking out a gunman in a public place and not hitting anyone else is not always easy. Policemen get it wrong from time to time, and they're trained out the wazoo.


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Heck' once again your voicing your own opinion.


Maybe you should look up a few facts before you start telling stories.


In order to obtain a CC permit you have to jump through many hoops like background checks through the FBI and your local sheriffs dept.


Plus in your class you are tested on laws, safety and handgun proficiency. Also as a note you cannot be a felon or have any prior misdemeanor convictions; such as where you have been a recent patient in any rehab clinic.


The laws are stringent enough and not everyone is able to obtain a CC permit. So you better be a boyscout






Where was the sheriffs dept during the townhall meeting?

Where was the sheriffs dept. when the wacko went to purchase his handgun?

The sheriffs dept should be held responsible for not doing their job. instead the local sheriff starts blaming everybody else

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When Chicago banned handguns, handgun crime and deaths went up 65%.


It doesn't work to disarm law abiding citizens.


There are underlying motives for those who want to ban guns.


It most certainly is NOT "making us safer".

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Arizona is one of the most liberally armed states in the nation. Pretty much anyone can get and carry a weapon, even concealed, anywhere they want. How come the fact that everyone has more guns didn't prevent this from happening? I'm told these types of massacres are the price you pay for living in a free society, but I'm just wondering why we have to pay over and over again. Is there a compromise we can reach on at least using all possible efforts to keep these kinds of mentally ill people from acquiring such a powerful weapon so easily? And don't assume I'm attacking the second amendment. I'm just searching for a solution to something that seems to be repeating itself.

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Well dogma, what we do not need right now is a knee jerk reaction. If you take away the right to bear arms then only the criminals will have the guns. And dont count on your local sheriff/police to walk into harms way to save your ass. They will only show up afterwards to collect the evidence.


The biggest problem is that nobody in the press wants to recognize the fact that this guy was a nut.


Just look at all of the accusations being made and nobody has a shread of evidence to back it up.


Ask yourself, where was the sheriffs dept. when it came time to do a background check on this guy when he purchased his weapons?


Yeah, the sheriffs dept. blew it big time. So the only thing left for him to do is to blame everybody else while his pants are still around his knees.




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The sheriff KNEW the killer had made death threats before.


But he covered and protected him, because he was the son of


a woman the Sheriff knew that worked for the country.


Dems hang together, even when they make death threats repeatedly.


Sheriff Doofus let him roam free. Now he's cya by blaming


the conservatives he despises for his party losing the midterm elections so badly.


I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Sheriff Dimwit let the nutjob go ahead and murder folks


so he could use it for political gain and revenge...

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Some libs are wanting to propose we take up the asault weapons ban again over the Ariz shootings.


But they want to push it even further than what we have experienced before. Some say it will be like the Brady bill on crack.

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Oh, yes. Of course. See? We agree on something.


Probably more than that; you just hate ne.



But then you've got to realize that the push for more conceal and carry permits as a result of this tragedy would likely lead to more untrained or not-sufficiently-trained people carrying guns, not fewer. And that would lead to more problems. You don't want to deputize the guy who really, really wants to be a hero.


Picking out a gunman in a public place and not hitting anyone else is not always easy. Policemen get it wrong from time to time, and they're trained out the wazoo.


Nope it wouldn't be easy.


Then again in those cases the shooter has time to rant and walk around I think there's a better chance to pick him off.

Might not have helped here.


And it's fairly easy to get a CC now.

Most people just don't have 'em.



BTW yes there's always a downside to carrying a gun.


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Why is it that libs think they are experts at being in the military when they never have been?


And, getting a CCW, like T posted before, is not that easy. You have to take the training that


qualifies you for APPLICATION to the sheriff's dept. You are then given a background check, and


the sheriff dept decides, if you passed everything, to grant you a ccw. The instructor here I plan? to go to,


is licensed by the State of Ohio, certified by the NRA, and has more than 30 years Firearm and Protection discipline.


Here is a web site (pertaining to Ohio) for you libs that would like to actually KNOW about ccw:



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Where WAS this sheriff doofuswit when this happened?


Eating free donuts over coffee?



"The worst sheriff in America, Pima County's irresponsible Clarence Dupnik, has accomplished notable achievements in the past. For example, he assisted in the non-prosecution of fellow moonbats who threw pies at Ann Coulter when she tried to speak at the University of Arizona. When SB1070 passed with the overwhelming support of Arizona citizens alarmed by the inundation of the state by illegal aliens, this sheriff of a border county refused to enforce it.


But only after ignoring numerous warnings that Jared Loughner's psychosis would explode into violence and providing no security for Gabrielle Giffords's Congress on Your Corner event, then covering his incompetence by incongruously blaming the ensuing bloodbath on conservatives and taking the opportunity to denounce his own state as "the Mecca for prejudice and bigotry" has Dupnik achieved the ultimate liberal honor — a personal call from the Moonbat Messiah himself to thank him for a job well done.


Not just anyone gets a call like this. His heavy golf schedule doesn't leave Comrade Obama with a lot of free time.


Dupnik may be inept as a law enforcement officer, but when it comes to sowing seeds of discord and warping reality to fit hard left talking points, even liberal establishment pundits who are paid $millions per year are reduced to merely echoing his grotesque accusations. Gateway Pundit thinks we may have found a replacement for Robert Gibbs. Dupnik's devotion to partisan politics rather than public safety would make him even more suitable to head the DHS, after the clueless Big Sis inevitably resigns in disgrace.



The rest HERE


Will he become Obama's new sheriff czar?

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One of the Men Who Subdued Loughner Had a Gun, and He Was Ready to Use It


Four people are credited with subduing suspected shooter Jared Loughner before he could injure even more people in Tucson. Joseph Zamudio, one of those four people, describes the scene and how he was carrying a gun, and was ready to use it


See the Video HERE

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