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Attention: New Registrants


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Since the first of the New Year, our Host is reporting that Spam infiltration is at an all-time high. This has caused us to take some unfavorable measures. With almost thousands of new registered memberships over the past few days and 98% of those being accounts only here to Spam and promote foreign porn sites and such, we have grown tired of picking through possible legit accounts and deciphering Spam accounts, therefore we have resulted in policing by mass deletions of newer accounts. In the process we have noticed that we may have caused a few casualties of legit accounts, and we apologize for that.


New registrants that have been accidentally deleted, please re-register.


Those that use common free e-mail accounts such as gmail, yahoo, or even foreign accounts such as yahoo.UK may find you being blocked. If there are ANY problems whatsoever with your account during this combating period, please email me at admin@thebrownsboard.com an we will do our best to resolve any issues with your legit account.


We have many security procedures already in place and have major platform changes still to come to help protect the site from this bullshit assault from low life's using the computer, the Internet, and innocent sites such as ours, as their personal playground.


Again, we apologize to all for having to wade through some of these bogus posts, and we apologize to those new registrants looking to help grow our community and who have been swept-up in the mess.


Thank-you to all for your patience in dealing with this matter.

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