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Values Of The Younger Generations


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This is what I feel like every time cal and T bring the discussion back to "values." They think values are absolute, and I find it strange that I have to point out that they're not.


No, we conservatives don't think that at all.


The difference is, Libs change their stances on issues of principle.-


as soon as it benefits their democrat cult leaders.


Like, national debt HIDEOUS and DANGEROUS with BUsh.... oh, national debt fine with Obamao.


Their posturing on anything is just a lie at one point or another.


Yes, you don't understand as usual.


We get it. you don't.


And Little Johnnie Woodpecker pretends he's a self aware, intelligent human being.






This is what I feel like every time cal and T bring the discussion back to "values." They think values are absolute, and I find it strange that I have to point out that they're not.


I'm not sure you can speak for the generation. Doesn't your generation also kill guys on the internet with icepicks and things? Plus, remember when you complained in my d-day thread about chain-mail bullshit? ...yeah...


Oh you haven't heard of that guy? Look him up. Or don't. In any case anything that claims to speak for a generation of humans is ridiculous. Couple that with the hokey meme looking backdrop tailor made for a nerdy fat sassy girl to post on Facebook and its cringe-worthy eye rolling fare. Especially on this site.


I'm not sure you can speak for the generation. Doesn't your generation also kill guys on the internet with icepicks and things? Plus, remember when you complained in my d-day thread about chain-mail bullshit? ...yeah...


Well sure, there are freaks in every generation. Would you really argue that my generation, as a whole, supports internet murder videos?


Couple that with the hokey meme looking backdrop tailor made for a nerdy fat sassy girl to post on Facebook and its cringe-worthy eye rolling fare. Especially on this site.


Eh, I agree with you there. I didn't make it, but I agree with the sentiment. And I'd argue that as a whole, this generation appears to value the things on the right moreso than the generations before. I think that these types of thoughts were considered radical in the 60's, coming from the hippies and what have you. But when you look at the perception of these values today, they're considered quite normal.


I mean, I wasn't around back then, so I can't really comment on it, but look at how cal and T paint Woody and I as being immoral because we disagree with them. There's a distinct generational difference in what we consider valuable.


Check YouTube for reaction videos to various disgusting videos. Pretty popular, so yeah, the YouTube generation supports it to some degree.


Being okay with grossing a friend out =/= advocating acts of violence


Actually among your list some of my personal favorites are these:

Individuality? Ha ha. I don't think anyone is more prone to the pack mentality than young people.

Tolerance? 9 out of 10 of your posts blast Christians whether there is a point to it or not.


But what the heck, 1955 or 2012 change the soundtrack and makeup....

Hmmm come to think of it I suppose plato and aristotle thought the same shit.




Well I'd say almost any recent generation prides individuality more than the church.


I don't know any that is intolerant of the church. My roommate and best friend in college is a member of the Christian varsity group on campus and I hang out with those guys a lot.


I do know at of people that think religion is pretty stupid though and can be proven wrong Immanuel fronts.


I would say there is a difference between the two


Well I'd say almost any recent generation prides individuality more than the church.


I don't know any that is intolerant of the church. My roommate and best friend in college is a member of the Christian varsity group on campus and I hang out with those guys a lot.


I do know at of people that think religion is pretty stupid though and can be proven wrong Immanuel fronts.


I would say there is a difference between the two

I say there are a lot of different churches and religions and varying forms of every one.



Actually among your list some of my personal favorites are these:

Individuality? Ha ha. I don't think anyone is more prone to the pack mentality than young people.

Tolerance? 9 out of 10 of your posts blast Christians whether there is a point to it or not.


But what the heck, 1955 or 2012 change the soundtrack and makeup....

Hmmm come to think of it I suppose plato and aristotle thought the same shit.




Eh, what can I say? You've got a point. My attitude, however, puts me in the minority among atheists, a very vocal minority.


16 percent of americans say they have no religious beliefs.

just for a point of reference I think Jews make up 1.4 percent.

But that's not uncommon in american society. We all want to feel like rugged individualism h and still be part of the herd.



Nobody wants to be looked down on, which happens often if you are non-religious. It pisses me off to no end that people assume that non-religious equates to immoral or amoral. That being said, if you want to criticize me for bashing on Christians, which I often do, then you've got a valid argument.


I don't care if atheists are never the majority, but god damn it, I do care that being an atheist bars you from public office in many places in the US.


but look at how cal and T paint Woody and I as being immoral because we disagree with them. Vapor



Baloney. Some of your stances are very immoral, regardless of your religious choice.


It's our opinion. It isn't being disagreed with - it's the extent that you and Little Johnnie Woodpecker


go to, to excuse anything that goes along with your political agenda, and to go berserk about anything


that conflicts with your political agenda.


IE, Steve disagrees with me on stuff - but he's a very moral guy. Do you see me arguing with Steve a lot?


It's pretty much true, that when you don't go looking for trouble on this board, you won't find it. I'm fine with


anybody disagreeing me....most of us conservatives are. Most of the independents are. Libs - emote too much.


And they hate being disagreed with most of the time. It is what it is.


it usually involves libs starting name calling and derogatory comments on conservatives.


but look at how cal and T paint Woody and I as being immoral because we disagree with them. Vapor



Baloney. Some of your stances are very immoral, regardless of your religious choice.


It's our opinion. It isn't being disagreed with - it's the extent that you and Little Johnnie Woodpecker


go to, to excuse anything that goes along with your political agenda, and to go berserk about anything


that conflicts with your political agenda.


IE, Steve disagrees with me on stuff - but he's a very moral guy. Do you see me arguing with Steve a lot?


It's pretty much true, that when you don't go looking for trouble on this board, you won't find it. I'm fine with


anybody disagreeing me....most of us conservatives are. Most of the independents are. Libs - emote too much.


And they hate being disagreed with most of the time. It is what it is.


it usually involves libs starting name calling and derogatory comments on conservatives.



What would you possibly do on this board if not argue with the godless, immoral liberals. No one can have any sort of conversation with you, you're insane. You spew this crazy rhetoric all the time, and nobody could possibly respond to it with any less than total disdain. Plus you love France.


Blah blah blah emote, obamao, big serious trouble, liberals, socialism derp-de-derp. W


gay marriage. etc etc that's ANTI marriage in our society.


gay sexual relationships (see anomaly and perversion). That's ANTI-normal heterosexual relationships. (see NORMAL and NATURAL)


There's two. Please start doing your own research. Start reading the drivel you post.


Then start reading what everybody else posts.:angry:


What would you possibly do on this board if not argue with the godless, immoral liberals. No one can have any sort of conversation with you, you're insane. You spew this crazy rhetoric all the time, and nobody could possibly respond to it with any less than total disdain. Plus you love France.


Blah blah blah emote, obamao, big serious trouble, liberals, socialism derp-de-derp. W




I hate France. They can't even build a tower straight, and they laid down like a bunch of gay sissy boys when the nazis came through in WWII.


I spew in self-defense, you knucklehead. So, my spewing is quite justified. And, I'll have you know, that "disdain" refers to a person from Denmark,


and this post of yours reeks of elderberries.




gay marriage. etc etc that's ANTI marriage in our society.


gay sexual relationships (see anomaly and perversion). That's ANTI-normal heterosexual relationships. (see NORMAL and NATURAL)


There's two. Please start doing your own research. Start reading the drivel you post.


Then start reading what everybody else posts.:angry:


So two things that are essentially the same thing...


... And they are only anywhere near immoral if you read what you want out of the Bible


I didn't know allowing people that love each other to get married was immoral.




I didn't know allowing people that love each other to get married was immoral.

Actually all around the world there are and have always been very strict taboos in the field of sex.

all or most of them seem to contradict natural animal behavior of f****** anything old enough to breed.

Some of those taboos are probably in your own morals lexicon.


I don't know how many of you others are in a relationship, man or woman.

Would you say that the commandment that prohibits adultery is just as bad?

Would you be upset if your girlfriend or wife blew Cal for a bushel of tomatoes?

Would you consider that immoral?

Why or why not?





WSS [/b]


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