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Things Are Lookin Up !


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The Browns defense kicks ass. And that is with some rookies in there at lb, and dline.


The offensive line had some trouble, but also played a pretty nice game.


Little dropped a pass, popped it up into the air, and let the air out of Weeden's confidence maybe. Cromartie whatever his name is -


smart to put him on Benjamin. I would rather have had Cribbs and Gordon out there. Little is dropping passes - I don't know.


That needs to be fixed. And Little has had the time, so.....


There seems to be something wrong with the sepcial teams. Coaching? Timing? I don't know.


But, the st coach has had time to fix that, too.


With the passing game miscues, the Eagles just sent after Richardson.


You wait til the Browns offense gets rolling. See that Eagle helmet pop way up into the air?


Welcome to Trent Richardson running the football !


I think the Browns would have won that game if McCoy had started it. Weeden has a few more games before he's ready for prime time.


But only because Weeden was overwhelmed by pressing in a huge adrenline rush in the first game. The Eagles ARE a top tier veteran team, with


and outstanding secondary on defense, and a pass rush to match.


Weeden's BIG TIME throws, and BIG TIME mistakes won't win games. And even then, if Fort could have hung onto that int, they would have won.


I was proud of the Browns. But it was apparent that Weeden wasn't ready - but that's assuming it wasn't because the receivers


were screwing up things. The oline played classy football. The Eagles? Vick sucked, their oline sucked... and held on many, many big plays.


Offenses are lagging behind defenses still, maybe. It appeared that way this game. Maybe Cooper should be on the active roster. And


the next time Little misses the catch, put Cooper in to make him realize that the game hinges on making plays work.


A few more games, and I think the offense rolls, and the defense kicks ass more.

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