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Another sure vote for Obamao...but he just escaped from a Mexican prison


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Corruption in mexico all over the place. And Mexico is sending criminals over here

because it's less expensive for them.


And the dems want their votes.


I wonder how many votes this guy will get when he gets to live here.


On ss, welfare, a free car and a nice house in San Fran.



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Just one comment from that link:


"Non-Americans commit over five times more serious crimes per capita than Americans. It is estimated that there are some 133,741 foreign criminals in prisons and jails in the USA. ...
"Add in the 168,680 convicted criminal immigrants who have final orders of removal," i.e. deportation, "but who remain at large in the US, and another 179,018 convicted criminal aliens with deportation cases pending but who are also at large, and we have a total non-American felon population of 481,439." Let me cut to the chase on this. The "non-American felon population" in the United States is currently at 481,439 people."
That "number the size of our 35th largest city,---Sacramento, California, and larger than the entire populations each of Atlanta, Kansas City, Omaha, Miami, Minneapolis
Looking at it another way, illegal aliens constitute 27% of the federal prison population. This means that a group which comprises less than 5% of the population nationally is committing 27% of the federal crimes. So just by that metric alone, illegal aliens commit over five times more serious crimes on a per capita basis than residents do.
"According to the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) in an April 7, 2005 report to Congress entitled 'Information on Criminal Aliens Incarcerated in Federal and State Prisons and Local Jails,' 'The percentage of all federal prisoners who are criminal aliens has remained the same over the last 3 years -- about 27%. The majority of criminal aliens incarcerated at the end of calendar year 2004 were identified as citizens of Mexico.'"
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