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NH Primary


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Is today, apparently. Prognostications? Sanders in good position? Rubio to slip after getting eviscerated by Chris Christie? Carson to gain ground with people realising he's still in the race?


Also, apparently NH is the first to vote - I thought Iowa did that already?



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Maybe they are distinguishing between Iowa's caucus as compared to traditional voting in New Hampshire?


My prediction is Kasich is the one who does better than expected this time.


Trump and Sanders win.


Kasich surprises by coming in second.


Jeb! surges to 3rd or 4th.


Cruz might break 10%


Nobody else gets > 10% and any delegates they win go to Trump.




NH is first Primary


Iowa was first Caucus


They're accomplish the same thing except Caucuses are stupid and outdated.


Exit polls have a high turnout of independents, 30 for Trump. They also say only 1/4 Democrats want to change things in Washington which could be bad for Sanders.


Trump and Sanders win.


Kasich surprises by coming in second.


Jeb! surges to 3rd or 4th.


Cruz might break 10%


Nobody else gets > 10% and any delegates they win go to Trump.




NH is first Primary


Iowa was first Caucus


They're accomplish the same thing except Caucuses are stupid and outdated.

Heard it here first folks


No one has won the republican nomination since 1976 without Iowa or New Hampshire.


That means the nominee will be either Trump or Cruz (hint: it won't be Cruz)


I see Sanders struggling more in SC and onward


Well I listen to both speeches yesterday, Sanders and Trump.

Both of them basically sounded less prepared for public office than I had even previously guest. For the most part I've enjoyed Donald Trump at his blunt approach, but more and more it's just the same old shit. I don't expect detailed plans but I'd like to hear a little more about things he might possibly do other than we're going to do it! We're going to be great again! We're going to make it happen!

Not that I think any politician has his shit together but I'm just tired of hearing that shit.


On the other side when I hear Bernie Sanders speak I shake my head and wonder what the old fellow has been smoking.

He produced a litany of free shit and glory, stepping down from our role as a world power, more jobs much higher pay freedom for every minority group, amnesty for illegals and expansion of not only Medicare and social security but disability.

All at no cost to you, the middle class tax payer.


Sometimes I have to remind myself why it is I follow politics when weeding through bullshit seems to be 100% of the task





Sometimes I have to remind myself why it is I follow politics when weeding through bullshit seems to be 100% of the task



When I worked with juvenile detention kids, we would have kids who were waiting to be put into placement (half way houses, fosters homes,etc.). The social workers and well intentioned folks of the world would always try to get our most fucked up kids (primarily kids with sexual abuse histories) into foster homes and adopted out. They thought those kids were always mistreated in stepdowns and halfways houses by the criminal kids due to "past discretions".


So they would create these adoption ads with little Billy Child Rapist holding a soccer ball or something with a big write up. We would always laugh at the write up because if you could decipher through the horse shit you could see how fucked up the kid is. "Billy needs to be in a home with older kids who can teach him how to be in a loving family". Translation: Older kids he can't pin down and rape. "Billy has had negative experiences with animals that make him nervous so his new forever home needs to consider this". Translation: He fucks Fido.


When I worked with juvenile detention kids, we would have kids who were waiting to be put into placement (half way houses, fosters homes,etc.). The social workers and well intentioned folks of the world would always try to get our most fucked up kids (primarily kids with sexual abuse histories) into foster homes and adopted out. They thought those kids were always mistreated in stepdowns and halfways houses by the criminal kids due to "past discretions".


So they would create these adoption ads with little Billy Child Rapist holding a soccer ball or something with a big write up. We would always laugh at the write up because if you could decipher through the horse shit you could see how fucked up the kid is. "Billy needs to be in a home with older kids who can teach him how to be in a loving family". Translation: Older kids he can't pin down and rape. "Billy has had negative experiences with animals that make him nervous so his new forever home needs to consider this". Translation: He fucks Fido.

Now that sir, is some serious bullshit. Kind of makes lovely promises of free shit pale in comparison.


That must have been a stressful work environment.




In fairness it was a victory speech.


Rubio copied Obama's victory speech from 2008 (even though he came in third in Iowa) and he had no detail. Cruz had no detail.


Policies and rough details is all you get from presidential candidates. They need several people, several months to draft a real bill - what that looks like in 2017 will not look like what they say it will be in 2016.


I only really care about the policy, personally. Nobody gives more detail than that unless you're talking about Hillary Clinton.


It was indeed a victory speech. Absolutely no different than any other speech since the beginning of the campaign. Identical to the answers in the debates. There will be a point that it's no longer fresh. It's reached that point for me.




And Bernie Sanders hates the rich man so he got some traction amongst voters in a liberal all white state.

Hillary's supporters hate the rich man to but they especially hate the white man the straight man and, well, the man.




I'm leaning towards Trump for my vote. Don't like Cruz, Carson should drop out now. Ditto Forena (sp). Bush I think is toast. Robio (Robot Rubio) is a kid in a mans game.


Hillary seems to be supported by old women's libbers who haven't had sex in 20 years. Sanders by kids who know nothing and just want there student loans paid off.


I'm sticking with Cruz. After a first in Iowa and a third in New Hampshire he is in a good place going to South Carolina. Cruz didn't spend much time or money in New Hampshire and beat out both Bush and Rubio who did. Christie did himself no favors by taking down Rubio and probably will drop out of the race today. Bye. I don't know if Rubio can recover from the damage done in that debate. Personally I thought it was a cheap shot from Christie as they all have their canned rehearsed speeches for most questions that come their way.


South Carolina should be an interesting state to watch next. I'll go with Cruz in an upset like Iowa. If he is to have a serious shot at winning the republican primary he has to win a state like South Carolina.


I'm sticking with Cruz. After a first in Iowa and a third in New Hampshire he is in a good place going to South Carolina. Cruz didn't spend much time or money in New Hampshire and beat out both Bush and Rubio who did. Christie did himself no favors by taking down Rubio and probably will drop out of the race today. Bye. I don't know if Rubio can recover from the damage done in that debate. Personally I thought it was a cheap shot from Christie as they all have their canned rehearsed speeches for most questions that come their way.


South Carolina should be an interesting state to watch next. I'll go with Cruz in an upset like Iowa. If he is to have a serious shot at winning the republican primary he has to win a state like South Carolina.

Canned responses are acceptable? Sorry, but I want a president who is capable of independent thought, not relying on what his team has told him to say.


Canned responses are acceptable? Sorry, but I want a president who is capable of independent thought, not relying on what his team has told him to say.


The fact of the matter is that almost all the politicians have their canned rehearsed (usually poll and focused group tested) responses to questions they know are coming.



The fact of the matter is that almost all the politicians have their canned rehearsed (usually poll and focused group tested) responses to questions they know are coming.

And isn't that just a little bit depressing...


I'm pretty shocked Carson and Fiorina didn't drop out - they aren't eligible for the next debate. (Christie is out I think)


Christie on Rubio was not a cheap shot - he has no idea what he's doing without what people tell him to. He's a suit for all his donors. You can't repeat yourself word-for-word, same tone, same inflections 3 times in a row while getting called out for it. Even worse it had nothing to do with the question.


Marco Roboto is a good speaker and nothing else. He's the republican version of 2008 Obama, although he's not as good at it as Obama was.


Also, Trump is going to win SC, Nevada, and super Tuesday. Cruz may drop out after SC because he's investing serious time and money there - losing will really stump his campaign.


It's time to get on the Trump train. The democrat side will be a little more interesting though.


IN addition to that, I think it's important that we dispel this fiction once and for all that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.



I'm used to it. :)

And therein lies the problem, people have become so anaesthetised to the robotic nature of these debates, pull-cord politicians reciting the same thing over and over, that it's tolerated, even expected. I guess that's one thing we should thank the trump for, at least.


Rubio puts me more in mind of


And therein lies the problem, people have become so anaesthetised to the robotic nature of these debates, pull-cord politicians reciting the same thing over and over, that it's tolerated, even expected. I guess that's one thing we should thank the trump for, at least.


If you think Trump is pure and genuine look no further than pandering in Iowa with supporting mandates for ethanol an issue that hardly will make America great again. Ethanol mandates do nothing but hurt car engines, drive up food prices and just a government boondoggle. Add to that all the flipping Trump has done on his previous liberal positions and you have the American politician.


Rubio puts me more in mind of



If you think Trump is pure and genuine look no further than pandering in Iowa with supporting mandates for ethanol an issue that hardly will make America great again. Ethanol mandates do nothing but hurt car engines, drive up food prices and just a government boondoggle. Add to that all the flipping Trump has done on his previous liberal positions and you have the American politician.

I don't think he's pure and genuine - I think he's put the cat firmly among the pigeons when it comes to the debates, though.


I don't think he's pure and genuine - I think he's put the cat firmly among the pigeons when it comes to the debates, though.


Cruz is still the best debater in the field. He had no chance of winning in New Hampshire so he wisely laid off attacking Trump but South Carolina is going to be interesting, the gloves will come off and the debate before the voting in South Carolina will be one to watch. Not a Christie fan but he was a good debater. Bush has gotten a lot better. I don't think Rubio will recover, and Kasich put all his time and resources in New Hampshire to get his second place finish and will have a little momentum going to South Carolina but not all that much. It will be Cruz and Trump and I see it as more of a must win for Cruz.


Trump panders, he pandered big time to the evangelicals. He's been consistent on he major stuff though - like immigration, trade, taxes, etc. His notes when he speaks are like 5 words that just tell him what topics to cover though. No rehearsal, no teleprompter - he just writes down like "Clinton Email" and 5 other things, then talks about them from the top of his head.


Cruz did not make 1 true statement in the last debate. He said behind closed doors he doesn't care about gay marriage.


They all pander - it's a requirement to get people to vote for you. But I will add, we need to dispel this fiction once and for all that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.


Trump panders, he pandered big time to the evangelicals. He's been consistent on he major stuff though - like immigration, trade, taxes, etc. His notes when he speaks are like 5 words that just tell him what topics to cover though. No rehearsal, no teleprompter - he just writes down like "Clinton Email" and 5 other things, then talks about them from the top of his head.


Cruz did not make 1 true statement in the last debate. He said behind closed doors he doesn't care about gay marriage.


They all pander - it's a requirement to get people to vote for you. But I will add, we need to dispel this fiction once and for all that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.




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