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Retirement Announcement

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Today I give up on a dream. It's been a long road that has lead to here today. You have heard first here though that my retirement from organized football has finally landed in a point in my life to where I have to concentrate on my management position at Pilot.


I've been waiting for the call to join my fellow players at the combine in Indy to no avail. Once again I've been overlooked by bigger men with talent and speed.




Before today I thought there might have been room in the NFL for a 50 yr old Kaepernick/Devito style qb. If the NFL wasn't ready for that maybe I could do special teams returning punts or kickoffs. Or be that speed receiver that can split the defense and be the true Afro Burner.


But today I hang up my pads knowing it was a long shot anyway because I've never played organized football in my life.


Now it's time for naps and listening to my wife about Amazon orders.


Thank you.


Alas, me too. But I never had a chance to aspire to retire. But with my

new knee...


I think I could be a great on-side kicker - even graduated from rehab.


At 65... wait... does the NFL have an age limit?


Perfect for the Senior Tour Legends Division, cal.


Wait... that was the PGA...


... and they discontinued it...






Again always one post from the truth. Street ball, Pop Warner & Family Football Holidays you will shine (& get even). We all know you just don't quit football, just the day the cleats go in the closet & golf spikes come out. Hang in their, we will wait on that Pilot FatHead :P Remember, Fast times at Ridgemont High burger flipin lead to red bikini's & caddying lead to the CaddyShacks daughter. What could go wrong? Love Amazon orders everyday. It's the Truth!!


Some Amazon here... but a helluva lot more QVC...


I locked the channel once as a joke that went unappreciated.


May your visits to your proctologist be joyful ones...


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