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Donald Trump

MLD Woody

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You say that as if the NSA doesn't have that list written up already.



To be quite honest, I don't believe he'll actually do it. It's pandering to get the Tea Party vote, which again, he's effectively won. If he actually tried to do it, do you think Congress would actually pass this? Hell no. Do you think he's actually going to deport 11 million people? Hell no. Take every extreme view he's expressed with a very large grain of salt. We're going to see what he really wants to do once he gets into the debates with Hillary. Do you really believe that there's going to be a Muslim Holocaust in the United States if he gets elected? Get real. Recognize that there are checks and balances in place.


See, that's my whole friking point though. I'm not stupid, I understand that the United States isn't gong to a build a big wall or create ghettos for Muslim people. But, my whole point isn't the logistics of if this stuff happens, it's that he's actually said the shit out loud and being seriously considered for president. If Donald Trump was running for small town city council it's a bummer but doesn't create a wide-reaching net. This man will be the face of the country for God's sake! How can it be acceptable to anyone that a man who will lead this nation actually spews out of his mouth bigoted, crazy, racist, and downright Hitler-esque policies just because "he doesn't really mean it?".


This is the nation of people we're dealing with. You may "above" the common voter and can see past what he's doing, but you've got to understand that his legions of supporters don't. We're talking about a group of people where 41% want to bomb a fictional city in a Disney movie:




Where 20% downright say they were against freeing the slaves:




How is that okay to you guys? It's 2016, we as a nation will never escape the comments he's made no matter what he actually does. The world sees this man as a bumbling buffoon who plays like South Park come to life:


Poignant Quote from that very show:


"There were several candidates during the Canadian elections. One of them was this brash asshole who just spoke his mind. He didn't really offer any solutions, he just said outrageous things. We... thought it was funny. Nobody really thought he'd ever be President. It was a joke! But we just let the joke go on for too long. He kept gaining momentum, and by the time we were all ready to say "Okay, let's get serious now. Who should really be President?" he was already being sworn into office. We weren't paying attention. We weren't paying attention!"


I'm just waiting for him to go "they took err jobs!". Geeze louise.

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And the tearful slobbering about Hitler and Nazi Germany is just ridiculous.

Those of you whining about having to register a group of people that includes an inordinate amount of dangerous enemies to our state on the other hand want every United States citizen who is guaranteed the right to own a gun under the Constitution to be registered?


I don't care if we have a database of Aryan groups, Africentric groups or pro sex offender groups like NAMBLA.


And if Muslims are offended, as they should be, they should look at the members of their own ranks who have made this necessary and rightly blame them.




So you seriously propose making people enter a database for no other reason than having a religious belief? While you're at it, let's go ahead and burn the constitution and bill of rights!


I am so incredibly tired of hearing the "we have to be afraid of muslim terrorists" cause it's just wrong. In fact, since 9/11/2001 you are 7x more likely to be killed by domestic terrorism than by Islam inspired terrorism:




So, with this objective fact in mind should we make all right wing extremists enter a database? Should we make all white people enter a database because they shoot up movie theaters, schools and places of worship? No, let me guess those were ALL just "lone wolves with mental diseases" though..

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~See, that's my whole friking point though. I'm not stupid, I understand that the United States isn't gong to a build a big wall or create ghettos for Muslim people~


No you aren't stupid unless you believe that anyone has suggested creating a ghetto for Muslims.


You can hate any political candidate for any reason you choose, just don't make them up. That goes for Obama too.



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But yes Obama has increased drone strikes a lot.


The 90% number not right - although of course there are unintended casualties sometimes, definitely not 90% (especially from US planes).


Obama has changed rules of engagement so there's really no unintended casualties - they'll drop warnings down before striking and they haven't hit isis oil fields because of civilian workers (combined with environmental concerns). It's probably true that Isis intentionally keeps civilians around intended targets because they know they'll get at least a warning and have time to evacuate.


Then russia goes in and gives 0 fucks and bombs the oil fields and everything else anyway. Rumor had it awhile back after they hit a target they send in the spetsnaz to finish off any survivors.


Coincidentally that's the controversy - many on the right (like Trump) want to loosen up the rules of engagement in order to be more effective (like Russia has been)

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Cruz KNOWS and fights for our Constitution.


Trump knows how to manipulate people to get what he wants, like Obamao.


We were driving down the expressway with friends, going to the giant Cabela's store,

and saw a large farmer's field.


There, in large letters written in manure, very concisely spelled out:




That was great. I don't think Trump gets the # of votes needed to win the nomination outright.


Should be a wild convention....

You sure Cruz has never manipulated anyone into getting what he wants? Think Iowa...

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Cruz fired a guy and blamed him for everything - so it's all good now.

Who coincidentally won the office lottery and now lives in a Cuban beach house with his choice of cabana boys?

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See, that's my whole friking point though. I'm not stupid, I understand that the United States isn't gong to a build a big wall or create ghettos for Muslim people. But, my whole point isn't the logistics of if this stuff happens, it's that he's actually said the shit out loud and being seriously considered for president. If Donald Trump was running for small town city council it's a bummer but doesn't create a wide-reaching net. This man will be the face of the country for God's sake! How can it be acceptable to anyone that a man who will lead this nation actually spews out of his mouth bigoted, crazy, racist, and downright Hitler-esque policies just because "he doesn't really mean it?".


What part of pandering to the GOP base do you not understand? Don't hate him for playing the game that the Koch brothers created when they thrust the Tea Party on us in 2012. Because of the Tea Party, the GOP became less about smaller government and more about hating gays and taking away reproductive rights. The fact is, that if you want to win the GOP nomination, you have to say outlandish shit to appease the fringe right. Donald did it, and he did it well.




This is the nation of people we're dealing with. You may "above" the common voter and can see past what he's doing, but you've got to understand that his legions of supporters don't. We're talking about a group of people where 41% want to bomb a fictional city in a Disney movie:



PPP polled Democrats asking the same question about Agrabah.


Source: https://twitter.com/ppppolls/status/677886855749177345


Both sides have uneducated morons. You take the average of both of those groups, and as it turns out, only 50% of the country is intelligent enough to admit that they don't know whether or not we should bomb Agrabah.




Where 20% downright say they were against freeing the slaves:




How is that okay to you guys?


20% of the GOP voters are deluded idiots who think the South will rise again. This is not shocking. 20% of Democratic voters are deluded idiots that somehow think Bernie is going to win the nomination. These people, while not intelligent, have always existed on both sides.



It's 2016
Nice observation, John Oliver.


The world sees this man as a bumbling buffoon who plays like South Park come to life:
> Someone in British Parliament called him a buffoon.
> You: The world sees this man as a buffoon.
Putin has said he would appreciate working with him. Take a look at the ISS. That's the level of accomplishment you can expect when the two most powerful countries in the world are working with each other instead of trying to buttfuck each others' interests for the past 70 years. What a crazy thought - let the Russians blow up terrorist/rebel groups in Syria instead of us arming the rebels and creating the absolute mess we've got over there now.
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~See, that's my whole friking point though. I'm not stupid, I understand that the United States isn't gong to a build a big wall or create ghettos for Muslim people~


No you aren't stupid unless you believe that anyone has suggested creating a ghetto for Muslims.


You can hate any political candidate for any reason you choose, just don't make them up. That goes for Obama too.




So are you actually going to respond to what I said or not? I never said anyone said that, and literally commented how that isn't going to happen. How is that hard to understand?





What part of pandering to the GOP base do you not understand? Don't hate him for playing the game that the Koch brothers created when they thrust the Tea Party on us in 2012. Because of the Tea Party, the GOP became less about smaller government and more about hating gays and taking away reproductive rights. The fact is, that if you want to win the GOP nomination, you have to say outlandish shit to appease the fringe right. Donald did it, and he did it well.


Putin has said he would appreciate working with him. Take a look at the ISS. That's the level of accomplishment you can expect when the two most powerful countries in the world are working with each other instead of trying to buttfuck each others' interests for the past 70 years. What a crazy thought - let the Russians blow up terrorist/rebel groups in Syria instead of us arming the rebels and creating the absolute mess we've got over there now.



We're going in circles and will never agree. I understand he's pandering, but it should not be acceptable in a modern society that "pandering" means a suggestion of making people enter a database based on religion, not condemn a hate group, and suggest it's okay to rough up protesters. That's a sad, demoralizing truth of our society. Society may be full of stupid people, but the stupid people are leeching to him in unprecedented droves. This is playing out like the movie idiocracy at an alarming pace (if you haven't seen the movie, please do).




Oh yes, I'm so happy that Putin the beacon of political goodness and light is looking forward to working with Trump. That totally changes my mind on the matter.


It's pretty damn simple really-by being a Donald Trump supporter, you are saying "I'm okay with a man who makes overt bigoted, racist, laughable, and childish statements to be President of the United States". It doesn't matter if he acts on them or doesn't act on them, he's said these things plain and simple. That says a lot to me about a person and the state of this country. It's not about being against a political party or affiliation, it's about common decency.

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I think I did respond to what you said, maybe it wasn't clear enough for you. Its bullshit, it's over the top rhetoric and nobody is going to put fucking Muslims in a detention camp.


(ad for your dumbass comparison in Nazi Germany the Jews were not responsible for hundreds of thousands, if not more, terrorist deaths around the world)


Anybody believes that detention camps are going to happen is an idiot.


In bullets, tell me what brilliant observations you think are serious and I'll refute them.


But get ready I'll mostly be rolling my eyes and ask him if you are really simple enough to believe whatever it is should be taken literally. Carry on.



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I think I did respond to what you said, maybe it wasn't clear enough for you. Its bullshit, it's over the top rhetoric and nobody is going to put fucking Muslims in a detention camp.


(ad for your dumbass comparison in Nazi Germany the Jews were not responsible for hundreds of thousands, if not more, terrorist deaths around the world)


Anybody believes that detention camps are going to happen is an idiot.


In bullets, tell me what brilliant observations you think are serious and I'll refute them.


But get ready I'll mostly be rolling my eyes and ask him if you are really simple enough to believe whatever it is should be taken literally. Carry on.




How can you be this thick-skulled? My comment, quite literally, was using over the topic rhetoric that's in the news and me saying ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Let me repeat that three times to maybe through to you (in bullet form).








Is that clear enough in bullet form?


I'm still patiently awaiting your response to your solution of databasing all Muslims for terrorism when domestic terrorism is 7x more pertinent to American society.

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We need better relations with Russia. Imposing the no fly zone in Syria, continuing to fund terrorists to fight Assad and Russia - "Not liking Putin" isn't a good reason to start WW3.


1) Drop the muslim database nonsense. He was asked off hand about it as he was walking to or from a rally among dozens of reporters. A couple days later the campaign clarified "for all muslim refugees"

2) Drop the David Duke nonsense - Trump disavowed 2 days before the CNN and media blew up about it. In 2000 he called Duke a "a bigot, a racist, a problem"

3) Roughing up protesters? Totally bullshit narrative. He jokes around when protesters show up - the only time anybody has gotten roughed up is when they were causing problems. A la a guy who was shoving people around, ripping signs out of their hands, and yelling black lives matter - then went on the news networks and talked about how he felt like he was a slave.


NBC intentionally being misleading on muslim database:



Media reports that a bunch of black protesters were kicked out of Trump rally for no reason, police department response:



MSNBC talking about how racist Trump supporters are, backfires:


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How can you be this thick-skulled? My comment, quite literally, was using over the topic rhetoric that's in the news and me saying ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Let me repeat that three times to maybe through to you (in bullet form).








Is that clear enough in bullet form?


I'm still patiently awaiting your response to your solution of databasing all Muslims for terrorism when domestic terrorism is 7x more pertinent to American society.

Take your outrage and vote for Sanders. Quit fucking whining.

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Open Warfare: Romney calls Trump ‘a phony, a fraud’; Trump calls Romney ‘failed candidate’




The republican establishment is going all out to destroy Trump. The establishment has been so used to getting their way and their own hand picked candidates to run they can't accept the voters choice. Pathetic really. The elites thought they would load up Jeb Bush with 100 million and buy his candidacy and that failed. Now they have turned to Rubio who is acting desperate. Kasich is too far back and they don't like Cruz any better than Trump. What these elites need to do is just get behind the winner. That was what was promised to the eventual winner when the republicans had 18 in the field.

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What part of pandering to the GOP base do you not understand? Don't hate him for playing the game that the Koch brothers created when they thrust the Tea Party on us in 2012. Because of the Tea Party, the GOP became less about smaller government and more about hating gays and taking away reproductive rights. The fact is, that if you want to win the GOP nomination, you have to say outlandish shit to appease the fringe right. Donald did it, and he did it well.




PPP polled Democrats asking the same question about Agrabah.


Source: https://twitter.com/ppppolls/status/677886855749177345


Both sides have uneducated morons. You take the average of both of those groups, and as it turns out, only 50% of the country is intelligent enough to admit that they don't know whether or not we should bomb Agrabah.





20% of the GOP voters are deluded idiots who think the South will rise again. This is not shocking. 20% of Democratic voters are deluded idiots that somehow think Bernie is going to win the nomination. These people, while not intelligent, have always existed on both sides.



Nice observation, John Oliver.


> Someone in British Parliament called him a buffoon.
> You: The world sees this man as a buffoon.
Putin has said he would appreciate working with him. Take a look at the ISS. That's the level of accomplishment you can expect when the two most powerful countries in the world are working with each other instead of trying to buttfuck each others' interests for the past 70 years. What a crazy thought - let the Russians blow up terrorist/rebel groups in Syria instead of us arming the rebels and creating the absolute mess we've got over there now.



"Think about how stupid your average human being is. Now realize that half the world is dumber than them.

-George Carlin

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Open Warfare: Romney calls Trump ‘a phony, a fraud’; Trump calls Romney ‘failed candidate’




The republican establishment is going all out to destroy Trump. The establishment has been so used to getting their way and their own hand picked candidates to run they can't accept the voters choice. Pathetic really. The elites thought they would load up Jeb Bush with 100 million and buy his candidacy and that failed. Now they have turned to Rubio who is acting desperate. Kasich is too far back and they don't like Cruz any better than Trump. What these elites need to do is just get behind the winner. That was what was promised to the eventual winner when the republicans had 18 in the field.





Romney is dumb because he doesn't realize shilling against Trump makes Trump even stronger.

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We're going in circles and will never agree. I understand he's pandering, but it should not be acceptable in a modern society that "pandering" means a suggestion of making people enter a database based on religion, not condemn a hate group, and suggest it's okay to rough up protesters. That's a sad, demoralizing truth of our society. Society may be full of stupid people, but the stupid people are leeching to him in unprecedented droves. This is playing out like the movie idiocracy at an alarming pace (if you haven't seen the movie, please do).


Well, for me, I can accept it because it's the Republican Party reaping the hatred that they've sown for the past 4 years. And here's a fun fact for you - it's not just stupid people that are supporting him. Trump won college educated voters in Massachusetts. He received more votes in the Massachusetts primary than Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, received in 2012. So stop treating him as the candidate for only idiots. Yes, the redneck racists are flocking to Trump, but they've been flocking to the GOP candidate for how long, now? Those fringe people have never been the difference in a recent presidential election, and they're not going to be the difference in this one. Donald Trump will win this election by getting the Reagan Democrats.


Oh yes, I'm so happy that Putin the beacon of political goodness and light is looking forward to working with Trump. That totally changes my mind on the matter.

Where am I implying that Putin is a beacon of goodness and light? He's the leader of the second most powerful country in the world. Would you rather us not cooperate with them?
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Woody you are absolutely correct. Good kind and benevolent Obama would never hurt innocent people and if he did their families would probably understand because hes got a Nobel Peace Prize.



In an attempt to make a point , you seem to always exaggerate claims made or just make them up.



Let me know where I said what you're claiming. I'll wait

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