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Democrats and the Second Amendment

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Cal, and anyone else who claims to revere the Second Amendment and might considering not voting if the Republican of your choice doesn't get the nomination.


I hope you listened to the exchange between Sanders and Hillary about holding gun manufacturers responsible for crimes committed with guns.


Just to read the conversation of cranks, we can at least agree the guns are not manufactured for the purpose of robbery or murder despite the fact that they are often used in that way.

Hilary says the gun manufacturer is responsible if a criminal commits a crime. Bernie pretty much agrees but only to the extent if they knowingly let their product be sold in an area where there is crime. Which I would guess in any city in the United States of America.


We all understand that if a product has a flaw which causes injury the manufacturer might be liable. But not, so far, if that product be it an automobile, rope, knife, ball bat or corkscrew is used for a purpose that would be criminal.


That in itself should be enough of a wake up call for those who support the Constitution. And remember, if either of these assholes are elected they will most certainly put in a Supreme Court justice who agrees with that.


(no matter how much you hate Donald Trump)




Well I hope every industry in this country takes notice because that leaves the makers of kitchen knives, automobiles, bath tubs, hypodermic needles, etc. on the hook for any misuse of their products in the act of committing a crime. It wouldn't take a boy genius lawyer to see that there is precedent set by putting the gun industry on the block for consumer misuse. Lawyers and victims are about to make a killing (hope I didn't misuse the phrase; wouldn't want to get sued).


I would have to hear some pretty damningly convincing evidence that gun manufacturers knowingly and directly allow their guns to be sold to some nefarious domestic arms dealers. If that's the case some of the people who run these companies ought to be executed. The problem is that although they know full well where their guns are going there's nothing that can be done about it if the wanted to. Cause the people who initially buy their guns are of course clean as a whistle.


I would have to hear some pretty damningly convincing evidence that gun manufacturers knowingly and directly allow their guns to be sold to some nefarious domestic arms dealers. If that's the case some of the people who run these companies ought to be executed. Cleve


So, do you think that still holds true for the Obamao regime/Holder going "ZERO TRACKING FAST AND FURIOUS" ?


Oh, Steve - the truth is, I'd vote for Trump in that pres election, no doubt.


I won't like it, but I said before, between a rotten apple, and a rotten banana,

the apple is far more likely to have some good parts in it.


The rotten banana is all rotten, just like higgardly.


I just don't like the choice.


Trump says he is now pro life. Clinton is for abortion at any time of pregnancy and for any reason. I will vote for Trump even if he is not the candidate of my choice.


Trump is pro life for this 15 minute increment.


That is why I'm not voting for Trump in the primary. He has been all over the map. He was a republican, then he became a democrat, then he became an independent and now he is back as a republican. Still if it comes down between Hillary Clinton and Trump I'll vote for Trump and hope for the best. I know what I would be getting with Clinton not only on abortion but she doesn't believe in the second amendment either and will take away the rights of law abiding gun owners.


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