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Republican running mate sweepstakes

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Not a huge endorsement but a nice one from the only woman who was running in the republican field. Unlike Trump who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and inherited 100 million dollars from dad, Fioriana is a self made woman who worked her way up from a secretary to being a CEO. She never got traction and never had the money it takes in politics today to win but in the debates she was one who could go into details into policies and not just say like Trump does were going to win,win,win, I'm winning in the polls, everyone's dumb, and I'm going to make America great again.


Not a huge endorsement but a nice one from the only woman who was running in the republican field. Unlike Trump who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and inherited 100 million dollars from dad, Fioriana is a self made woman who worked her way up from a secretary to being a CEO. She never got traction and never had the money it takes in politics today to win but in the debates she was one who could go into details into policies and not just say like Trump does were going to win,win,win, I'm winning in the polls, everyone's dumb, and I'm going to make America great again.

40* million, in 1999 after he already made his fortune.


And she was the worst CEO HP ever had - also ran Lucent into the ground


She lobbied for a tax holiday while at HP, got $4 billion intended to create jobs and instead used it to buy back stock and laid off thousands of workers anyway.


Not to mention the failed Compaq merger which cost tens of thousands of jobs and took years for them to recover from.

Carly Fiorina's Track Record Is Better Than You've Heard






Donald Trump inherited a lot of money and the growth of his wealth has been in line with that of the S&P 500.
Donald Trump's self-described net worth was $200 million in 1982.
If he invested that money in the S&P 500, he'd be worth about $8.3 billion today.
Today he claims his net worth is $8.7 billion. So based on his own claims, he has barely outperformed the S&P since 1982.
Some articles claim that Donald Trump's inheritance was somewhere between 40 and 200 million in 1974.[2][3][6][7][8]
Since 1974, the S&P 500 is up about 74-fold. So his current claimed net worth of 8.7 billion would equate to about 120 million in 1974, which is right in the middle of estimates of what he inherited.
His performance was very close to that of the market from 1982 to present, and possibly from 1974 to present.
If he spent a small percentage of his net worth each year, it's possible he outperformed the market over time. If his inheritance was at the low end of those estimates, he outperformed more. It's also possible he received some money from his father prior to that inheritance. If that's true or if his inheritance was at the high end of those estimates, then he underperformed the market.
Keep in mind he was a salaried employee of his own company in addition to being an owner and that salary would have covered expenses or boosted his return further.
Another way to look at the data is to assume he inherited $40 million in 1974, at the low end of estimates. If he had invested that $40 million in an S&P 500 index, fund, he'd be worth about 3 billion today — which is in line with third party estimates of 3 and 4 billion today for his net worth.
Regardless, the inescapable conclusion is that a very large percentage of his net worth is the result of inheritance and normal compounding.


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