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"Stop blaming Trump supporters for campaign violence."


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I agree, however there are verified reports of people being harrassed who were just there listening but wearing another candidates tshirt.


But yeAh the protesters exasperate me. I mean why? I wznt a banner put up outside his rallies that pleads not to feed the troll and his minions


Just going to throw this poll out here. After the Chicago debate got shut down, The Economist and YouGov conducted a poll that shows Donald's support for GOP nominee is over 50% nationally. People don't like it when A - cityfolk call them idiots/racists/nazis because of who they're voting for, B - you silence someone because you disagree with what they're saying.


If Trump wins Ohio, it's thanks in large part to the idiots who caused all sorts of hell outside his rally in Chicago.




Just going to throw this poll out here. After the Chicago debate got shut down, The Economist and YouGov conducted a poll that shows Donald's support for GOP nominee is over 50% nationally. People don't like it when A - cityfolk call them idiots/racists/nazis because of who they're voting for, B - you silence someone because you disagree with what they're saying.


If Trump wins Ohio, it's thanks in large part to the idiots who caused all sorts of hell outside his rally in Chicago.




I've made my peace about Drumpf, but I've tried explaining this to at least 100 people who don't seem to get it. Doing this stuff only rallies the cause stronger, it's much better to let people rally of their own volition. I think this could easily be the case in NC as well.


I agree, however there are verified reports of people being harrassed who were just there listening but wearing another candidates tshirt.


But yeAh the protesters exasperate me. I mean why? I wznt a banner put up outside his rallies that pleads not to feed the troll and his minions

Regrettable as that is it happens because of the assholes who instigated all this in the first place.


The left doesn't want to chill out, then they wouldn't be pseudo-offended "victims"


You didn't go to the cringe worthy video I posted haha.

Yes. Hard to tell which is funnier, the Wicked Witch of the West Wing trying to be hip or assuming that anybody can be hip in Cedar Rapids




Wow. "guys, I need to win some of bernie's supporters - they're all young, right? What do young people like? I know, I'll use snapchat! Now, what do I do or say? "netflix and chill" is a thing right? So I can just say I'm chilling while watching netflix!" "ma'am, I strongly advise against that...maybe just chilling"



I've made my peace about Drumpf, but I've tried explaining this to at least 100 people who don't seem to get it. Doing this stuff only rallies the cause stronger, it's much better to let people rally of their own volition. I think this could easily be the case in NC as well.




The whole drumpf thing came about because he himself has criticised people for going by different names.


Like much of the campaign against him.



For old times' sake, what is the campaign against him? Point by point, if you have the energy.


For old times' sake, what is the campaign against him? Point by point, if you have the energy.

Oh just a few. He hates women, he hates Mexicans, he hates immigrants, he hates Muslims.

Some of the business propositions he's been involved with have failed.

He isn't nearly as mealy-mouthed as the opposition thinks a politician should be.

Meaning that often his remarks lack the political correctness the opposition seems to love.

One of his supporters punched a protester who was screaming obscenities and flipping the bird.

He's a nationwide celebrity.

He has funny hair. His name is Trump.


Can you think of better ones? Which are yours besides that you just don't like the guy personally?




Oh just a few.


He hates women, - politically relevant

he hates Mexicans, - politically relevant

he hates immigrants, - politically relevant

he hates Muslims. - politically relevant

Some of the business propositions he's been involved with have failed - meh, but if he's saying everything he's done has been successful then I guess he should be called out on it

He isn't nearly as mealy-mouthed as the opposition thinks a politician should be - I'm assumed mealy-mouthed is bad?

Meaning that often his remarks lack the political correctness the opposition seems to love.

One of his supporters punched a protester who was screaming obscenities and flipping the bird - you want your leader to be someone who de-escalates, who defuses situations, as international relations tend to get quite strained.

He's a nationwide celebrity - irrelevant

He has funny hair. His name is Trump. - irrelevant


Can you think of better ones? Which are yours besides that you just don't like the guy personally?



The part about him not liking women/muslims/mexicans/immigrants is actually quite important, since between them they make up well over half the population. He seems to be trying to govern for (or at least appeal to) white men, and actively seeking to alienate everyone who's not that.


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