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GOP Candidates Fueled by Evangelical Insanity


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There is always going to be a divide over this issue because the bible clearly says homosexuality is a sinful behavior.

And the punishment for anyone who disagrees with your particular brand of religion is death. Obviously. Do you see how people might object to that?


And the punishment for anyone who disagrees with your particular brand of religion is death. Obviously. Do you see how people might object to that?


In the Old Testament the punishment for sins like adultery and homosexuality was death and under the New Testament adultery and homosexuality are still sinful behaviors but nobody is calling for the death penalty. This pastor is not calling for the death penalty either but pointing out the seriousness of the sin that it was serious enough that the penalty was death in the OT.



that it was serious enough that the penalty was death in the OT.


because the vast majority of people were raging sociopaths back then...you get that right? we can still see those genetic markers today in the middle east. Those are the same people that wrote your bible, especially the OT. So if you object to the things you see in the middle east, you're not realizing that's where your shit comes from. It's the same fucking people.


Sorry I figured that out decades ago. Not sure why there's still people in the dark about this.


talk about an emotional knee jerk.


The exact same people wrote the OT ....


"...when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor..."


Don't smokie-smokie and typie-typie.


talk about an emotional knee jerk.


The exact same people wrote the OT ....


"...when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor..."


Don't smokie-smokie and typie-typie.

Clev has a point. The folks from that area have been savage dummies since before the Old Testament. So it only makes sense that the Old Testament is pretty violent. Until the hippie son came along, there were quite a few ways to get murdered based on rules from the Old Testament.


Clev has a point. The folks from that area have been savage dummies since before the Old Testament. So it only makes sense that the Old Testament is pretty violent. Until the hippie son came along, there were quite a few ways to get murdered based on rules from the Old Testament.


The eye for an eye system of justice and the Old Testament laws which seem harsh now were probably the most civilized justice of their time:


A New Ethics: The Ten Commandments

The Israelite religion was not just unique at that time in recognizing a single god. It also promoted an ethical system which required high standards of behaviour from the people. In short, they were required to treat each other - including women and foreigners - with respect and consideration.

An elaborate code of law would build up over time, constructed around ideas of fairness and justice. At the heart of this code lay the Ten Commandments, which have formed the foundation of Jewish, Christian and Muslim ethics ever since.


believe me "eye for an eye" is one of the tamest principles from back then. Some of it still makes a bit of sense. I'm not talking about that shit though. Those people have done and are still doing shit to other people and justified/justify it by some principle of their religion that they came up with.......to justify being sociopaths. Pretty sure entertaining even the merest notion of believing someone forfeits their life because they chose to sleep with someone else of the same sex who also chose to sleep with them.....is a blaring obvious marker of sociopathy. I go on for pages about all the behaviors that were prevelant back then that reek of blatant and profound psychosis. And I don't care for one instant for the old qualifier "well those were just different times". If people were such imbeciles back then that they couldn't discern for themselves that depriving people of their freedom cause they "needed the help" was intrinsically wrong, why on earth should I trust the writings of these people when it comes down to the ins and outs of this fucking universe. Explain that one to me. I'm supposed to trust these people had some real diving intervention in their lives so what they wrote came from some legitimate god.
















The Israelite religion was not just unique at that time in recognizing a single god. It also promoted an ethical system which required high standards of behaviour from the people. In short, they were required to treat each other - including women and foreigners - with respect and consideration.

An elaborate code of law would build up over time, constructed around ideas of fairness and justice. At the heart of this code lay the Ten Commandments, which have formed the foundation of Jewish, Christian and Muslim ethics ever since.


and they did this of course "after" they sacked canaan. Yahweh was their god of war prior to this "new code". They depicted him with knives and shit.



Over 300 years ago, King Louis XIV of France asked Blaise Pascal, the great Christian philosopher, to give him proof of God. Pascal answered, “Why the Jews, your Majesty, the Jews!”

Mark Twain, an agnostic and self-acknowledged skeptic, penned this in 1899 in Harper’s Magazine:

If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of

the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of stardust lost in the

blaze of the Milky Way. Properly the Jew ought hardly be heard of; but he

is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as

any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of

proportion to the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the world's

list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine,

and obtuse learning are also way out of proportion to the weakness of his

numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in this world in all the ages, and

has done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself

and be excused for it.

The Egyptians, the Babylonians, and the Persians rose, filled the planet

with sound and splendor, and faded to dream stuff and passed away. The

Greeks and the Romans followed and made a vast noise and they are gone.

Other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high

for a time. But it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have

vanished. The Jew saw them all. Beat them all, and is now what he always

was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his

parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive


All things are mortal but the Jew. All other forces pass, but he



Egyptian Empire,
Chaldean Empire,
Babylonian Empire,
Greek Empire,
Roman Empire,
Byzantine Empire,
Spanish Empire,
Ottoman Turkish Empire,
British Empire,
Austro-Hungarian Empire,
German Empire,
French Empire,
Russia Empire,
Soviet Empire,
Nazi Empire


There is always going to be a divide over this issue because the bible clearly says homosexuality is a sinful behavior.


Except that's not true. One side is growing and one side is fading. It is pretty apparent.


There will always be a divide over this like there will always be a divide on letting women vote.


Clev has a point. The folks from that area have been savage dummies since before the Old Testament. So it only makes sense that the Old Testament is pretty violent. Until the hippie son came along, there were quite a few ways to get murdered based on rules from the Old Testament.

And today, we can see how Islam, derived from both Christianity and Judaism, carries on the proud tradition of violence that they learned from the Old and New Testaments.



Except that's not true. One side is growing and one side is fading. It is pretty apparent.


There will always be a divide over this like there will always be a divide on letting women vote.


There is nothing in the bible saying "thou shalt not let women vote" there are scriptures (many in fact) in the OT and the NT that call homosexuality a sin. Because of that there will always be a divide between those who believe the bible is the word of God as compared to some churches whose doctrine is the bible contains the word of God. The difference between the two is that the latter believes that some percentage of the bible is actually the true word of God and some is not. The problem with that theology is what divine revelation do they have to separate the true word of God from those that are just the words of man? How do they know which part is which? The fact is they can't and the only way to be sure is to take all of the bible as inspired scripture from God. That divide is not going away.




the only way to be sure is to take all of the bible as inspired scripture from God. That divide is not going away.

Do you fall in to this camp? A literal interpretation of the bible?


I meant like the whole shebang - from rib-lady and talking snakes, creating first day/night and then the sun, literally parting the water, all that business - on top of 'jesus said it so it must be true'


I think you know the answer to this one.


Bingo. :)


I don't understand those who believe the Christian belief of God becoming a man, dying on a cross for their sins and rising from death and ascending to the Father to be the mediator and savior of mankind yet the story of Jonah is too far fetched. Of course it would take a miracle for the story of Jonah to be real but it would also take a miracle to believe in the story of Jesus. If you can believe in one miracle why are you stopping there?


So laws of physics are just like, guidelines, and you have no reason to give a shit about anything when it can all the bad things can be magicked away. Got it.


I meant like the whole shebang - from rib-lady and talking snakes, creating first day/night and then the sun, literally parting the water, all that business - on top of 'jesus said it so it must be true'


If you are a Christian or call yourself a Christian and you cannot believe the words of the one you are trusting to save you (Jesus) I think you need to find another faith.


So laws of physics are just like, guidelines, and you have no reason to give a shit about anything when it can all the bad things can be magicked away. Got it.


So laws of physics are just like, guidelines, and you have no reason to give a shit about anything when it can all the bad things can be magicked away. Got it.


If you believe in a creator God like I do then the one who created those laws of physics can suspend them as well. Jesus could multiply the five loaves of bread and 2 fish and feed 5,000. It seems to me we are always learning and the more we learn we realize the more we don't know. The bible is a revelation that there is another dimension a spiritual realm. I believe it. Atheists are like fish in a pond believing there is nothing outside the pond.


So do you live by all the rules in the bible, new and old?


The laws of the OT were to show the high standards of God and that we as humans cannot live up to the standards no matter how hard we try. NO one could keep the law. There is one who lived up to the standard (Jesus) and he makes up for us all we lack. I believe in Jesus and His sacrifice and what that means.



The laws of the OT were to show the high standards of God and that we as humans cannot live up to the standards no matter how hard we try. NO one could keep the law. There is one who lived up to the standard (Jesus) and he makes up for us all we lack. I believe in Jesus and His sacrifice and what that means.

So, the laws are there, and they are the laws that you should be living up to, but because you're 'only human after all' you can just kind of ignore them? That's mighty convenient.


So, the laws are there, and they are the laws that you should be living up to, but because you're 'only human after all' you can just kind of ignore them? That's mighty convenient.


Who said anything about ignoring anything. I said no one could keep the law. That is the reason Jesus came. Christianity is not built on a set of rules to follow it is a relationship with God. The bible speaks of a new covenant relationship that was to come and now we are living in it:


Jeremiah 31:31-34New International Version (NIV)

31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord,

“when I will make a new covenant

with the people of Israel

and with the people of Judah.

32 It will not be like the covenant

I made with their ancestors

when I took them by the hand

to lead them out of Egypt,

because they broke my covenant,

though I was a husband to[a] them,[b]

declares the Lord.

33 “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel

after that time,” declares the Lord.

“I will put my law in their minds

and write it on their hearts.

I will be their God,

and they will be my people.

34 No longer will they teach their neighbor,

or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’

because they will all know me,

from the least of them to the greatest,”

declares the Lord.

“For I will forgive their wickedness

and will remember their sins no more.”



If you believe in a creator God like I do then the one who created those laws of physics can suspend them as well. Jesus could multiply the five loaves of bread and 2 fish and feed 5,000. It seems to me we are always learning and the more we learn we realize the more we don't know. The bible is a revelation that there is another dimension a spiritual realm. I believe it. Atheists are like fish in a pond believing there is nothing outside the pond.

There is as much proof for there being a God as there is for Santa Claus. Atheists just choose to believe in things that can be proven.


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