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Trump has to be a better pres than dirtbag marxist anti-American ObaMao


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Trump could turn out to be a lot better pres, and show a lot of doubters, (me, for one), that he

will truly be what we hope he is.


btw, keep your hand on the volume, for some stupid reason, the video game roared

into my headphones toward the end of it....




Trump could turn out to be a lot better pres, and show a lot of doubters, (me, for one), that he

will truly be what we hope he is.


btw, keep your hand on the volume, for some stupid reason, the video game roared

into my headphones toward the end of it....




We can hope. My biggest concern is his temperament as he gets on twitter and spouts things off like a juvenile. After the Belgian bombings he is back again talking about torture. Bush had it right with enhanced interrogations such as waterboarding when necessary. Trump is crossing a line advocating torture. Enhanced interrogation does work so there is no need to resort to torture.



We can hope. My biggest concern is his temperament as he gets on twitter and spouts things off like a juvenile. After the Belgian bombings he is back again talking about torture. Bush had it right with enhanced interrogations such as waterboarding when necessary. Trump is crossing a line advocating torture. Enhanced interrogation does work so there is no need to resort to torture.

Oh please. Enhanced interrogation is what the opposition calls torture. Don't be naive.




Oh please. Enhanced interrogation is what the opposition calls torture. Don't be naive.



I was wondering about that...


Oh please. Enhanced interrogation is what the opposition calls torture. Don't be naive.




What kind of torture is Trump advocating? Trump is saying he would go beyond waterboarding. Electrical shocks? Pulling out fingernails? putting people on the rack and stretching them out? The left was wrong about using enhanced interrogation techniques. They should be used when necessary.



What kind of torture is Trump advocating? Trump is advocating going beyond waterboarding. Electrical shocks? Pulling out fingernails? putting people on the rack and stretching them out? The left was wrong about using enhanced interrogation techniques. They should be used when necessary.

If jamming a length of barbed wire up someone's penis gets answers that prevent people from getting killed then pass out the spool.


We can hope. My biggest concern is his temperament as he gets on twitter and spouts things off like a juvenile. After the Belgian bombings he is back again talking about torture. Bush had it right with enhanced interrogations such as waterboarding when necessary. Trump is crossing a line advocating torture. Enhanced interrogation does work so there is no need to resort to torture.



Enhanced interrogation is waterboarding, which is now illegal. As far as I can tell, Trump is only for reinstating waterboarding.



What kind of torture is Trump advocating? Electrical shocks? Pulling out fingernails? putting people on the rack and stretching them out? The left was wrong about using enhanced interrogation techniques. They should be used when necessary.

I never heard those things mentioned specifically, have you?

Look at the list. Water boarding, temperature change in the cell, withholding food, sleep deprivation, threatening with guard dogs, humiliation, wild music, sodium pentathol, all are listed as enhanced interrogation and all are considered by some to be torture. Depends on your definition.


Chris, I believe you have a pocket Geneva Convention to consult?




If jamming a length of barbed wire up someone's penis gets answers that prevent people from getting killed then pass out the spool.


If that was the only answer I would agree with you but you can get the information without torture and by using enhanced interrogation techniques.




Enhanced interrogation is waterboarding, which is now illegal. As far as I can tell, Trump is only for reinstating waterboarding.


Trump said he would go beyond waterboarding. I am for enhanced interrogations techniques when necessary. The left was totally wrong in criticizing Bush for enhanced interrogations. Waterboarding should be used when information to possibly save lives is necessary. Everything I have read about waterboarding is that it works so why go beyond it?



We can hope. My biggest concern is his temperament as he gets on twitter and spouts things off like a juvenile. After the Belgian bombings he is back again talking about torture. Bush had it right with enhanced interrogations such as waterboarding when necessary. Trump is crossing a line advocating torture. Enhanced interrogation does work so there is no need to resort to torture.


I'd be more concerned about the pro-cold war 2, pro-ww3 foreign policy plans that are shared between Clinton, Kasich, and Cruz than Trump's "temperament"


They also want to keep sucking Israel's dick and throwing more money at them.


And as others have said, "enhanced interrogation" is a pretty word for torture - waterboarding is torture. Solitary confinement is considered torture nowadays too.


The main issue with waterboarding is "they'll just tell you anything to get it to stop - even if it's false." But they're not going to tell you anything by asking nicely anyway - so might as well waterboard them to see if you can get information that way. They're evil people we're talking about.


ixnay on the orture-tay.

I wasn't picking on you or opinion of torture, I just figured you might know what things are listed as such in the Geneva Convention. I believe the things I mentioned are included on their list of off-limits interrogation.


Not to mention that your use of pig latin might be considered offensive to Muslims.





I wasn't picking on you or opinion of torture, I just figured you might know what things are listed as such in the Geneva Convention. I believe the things I mentioned are included on their list of off-limits interrogation.


Not to mention that your use of pig latin might be considered offensive to Muslims.




And bernie.


No, I'm not particularly up on the geneva convention. I do have access to google though?


And bernie.


No, I'm not particularly up on the geneva convention. I do have access to google though?

I don't think Bernie is an observant Jew. Possibly.



ps you are a very bright guy I just assumed you might know. No offense meant.




I'd be more concerned about the pro-cold war 2, pro-ww3 foreign policy plans that are shared between Clinton, Kasich, and Cruz than Trump's "temperament"


They also want to keep sucking Israel's dick and throwing more money at them.


And as others have said, "enhanced interrogation" is a pretty word for torture - waterboarding is torture. Solitary confinement is considered torture nowadays too.


The main issue with waterboarding is "they'll just tell you anything to get it to stop - even if it's false." But they're not going to tell you anything by asking nicely anyway - so might as well waterboard them. They're evil people we're talking about.

Trump has been acting more like he did in his WWE wrestling days a few years ago when he was squaring off in the battle of the billionaires with the evil WWE CEO Vince McMcahon than a serious presidential candidate.


"We are witnessing what happens when a narcissist who thinks he is at the center of the universe actually could be placed at the center of the universe. There is the need for adulation. There are the fantasies of unlimited power — see Trump’s admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin. There is the expectation of special treatment — see his debate boycott. There is the lack of empathy — see his cruel mocking of a disabled reporter."




Trump has been acting more like he did in his WWE wrestling days a few years ago when he was squaring off in the battle of the billionaires with the evil WWE CEO Vince McMcahon than a serious presidential candidate.


"We are witnessing what happens when a narcissist who thinks he is at the center of the universe actually could be placed at the center of the universe. There is the need for adulation. There are the fantasies of unlimited power — see Trump’s admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin. There is the expectation of special treatment — see his debate boycott. There is the lack of empathy — see his cruel mocking of a disabled reporter."




This is all BS, especially the mocking of a poor, disabled reporter. Trump mocked him for his reporting, but because he's disabled the SJWs freaked out. If anything, he should be applauded for not treating the disabled reporter differently and mocking him like he mocks everybody else.


Otherwise WaPo is pure establishment reporting - very anti-Trump as a result, very pro-Hillary and (now) pro Ted Cruz.


I'm more concerned about what actually matters - like the disastrous foreign policy spanning multiple decades that will continue under everybody else except Trump and possibly lead to another world war. Or the TPP, NAFTA - fixing the one-sided trades we have with every country that only benefits the top few.


Let me see believe Trump or my own two lying eyes? Look at the video he was mocking the reporters disability and not only that Trump's claim about thousands of Muslims in this country dancing in the streets after 9/11 is completely false. It never happened. It happened in the middle east it did not happen here.




Let me see believe Trump or my own two lying eyes? Look at the video he was mocking the reporters disability and not only that Trump's claim about thousands of Muslims in this country dancing in the streets after 9/11 is completely false. It never happened. It happened in the middle east it did not happen here.



The disability thing is not a big deal - he was mocking his reporting. It's a PC thing.


The 9/11 thing was reported by the WaPo after 9/11 and also a CBS news report (http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/12/02/trump-100-vindicated-cbs-reports-swarms-on-roofs-celebrating-911/)


Somebody also did a video about kids making a bunch of noise celebrating after it happened, though 15 years later they had no such memory.


It likely didn't happen, I'm sure some did in the privacy of their home - though. It's not like it came out of nowhere though, it was reported on by some big news outlets at the time.


Your candidate does things like blame Trump for George Soros protesters and Brussels terrorist attacks because Trump said NATO partners need to pay - seems much worse to me. Also ran a slut-shame ad about Donald's hot wife.


The disability thing is not a big deal - he was mocking his reporting. It's a PC thing.


The 9/11 thing was reported by the WaPo after 9/11 and also a CBS news report (http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/12/02/trump-100-vindicated-cbs-reports-swarms-on-roofs-celebrating-911/)


Somebody also did a video about kids making a bunch of noise celebrating after it happened, though 15 years later they had no such memory.


It likely didn't happen, I'm sure some did in the privacy of their home - though. It's not like it came out of nowhere though, it was reported on by some big news outlets at the time.


Your candidate does things like blame Trump for George Soros protesters and Brussels terrorist attacks because Trump said NATO partners need to pay - seems much worse to me. Also ran a slut-shame ad about Donald's hot wife.


My candidate is toast. When Cruz couldn't lock up the south and the evangelical Christian voters it was over for him. The map should favor Trump even more now and he already has a substantial delegate lead. Not even new endorsements from Lindsey Graham or Jeb Bush will make any difference for Cruz :)


What I think is humorous is how the rich fat cats thought they could throw enough money against Trump to defeat him. It was obvious this was a year neither endorsements or spending tons of money was going to make much of a difference. The only way to have stopped Trump was early on when he did have a hard ceiling of around 25-30 percent and getting the number of candidates in the race reduced. it didn't happen and Trump's ceiling has risen to about 45 percent and now even with the field down to three Trump will still win probably most states with less than half of the vote.


So I hope Trump can beat the talking heads who give him little chance to win against Clinton and prove them wrong like he has done so far in the republican primaries but the general election will be different. I hope he can beat Clinton in November.


And I hope he can follow through with his promises. Trump does not give out many details and that is where the devil is.


The disability thing is not a big deal - he was mocking his reporting. It's a PC thing.



C'mon Edward, I get you like him but please cut out the bullshit apologizing. He's a flaming douche asshole who jus so happens to be right on a few issues. But please stop handing him passes on his fgtry. Call him like he is. He might be president i'll concede that, cause I still can't believe democrats aren't pumping the brakes on the immigration thing.....but he'll be the biggest flaming asshole piece of shit we've ever had as president. He's personally despicable on levels we've never seen since perhaps the very earliest days of this country.




C'mon Edward, I get you like him but please cut out the bullshit apologizing. He's a flaming douche asshole who jus so happens to be right on a few issues. But please stop handing him passes on his fgtry. Call him like he is. He might be president i'll concede that, cause I still can't believe democrats aren't pumping the brakes on the immigration thing.....but he'll be the biggest flaming asshole piece of shit we've ever had as president. He's personally despicable on levels we've never seen since perhaps the very earliest days of this country.



Only an asshole in the public eye, apparently. There's plenty of good things he doesn't brag about that would paint him in a different light.


Like the pay off couples mortgage story, save harlem basketball tournament, voicemail hacked that revealed he donated to a children's epilepsy charity, hiring first woman ever to be in charge of sky scraper, only club in palm beach to allow blacks and jews (at the time he bought it), the american flag story in palm beach (it was too big, he didn't care and donated the daily city fines to charity)


He is infinitely less despicable than Clinton, Cruz, The Bush Family, Kasich, and others - the only reason people say that is because of his "tone." The media doesn't like when he calls people light weight and megyn kelly a bimbo, but they don't care about how everybody who works with Clinton (like lighting crew for an event, secret service, etc) says she's the worst person ever to work with - people take months to get paid, get treated with disrespect. Nor do they care about Cruz who blatantly lies about 0-interest big loans from GS and Citi, slut shames trump's wife, pattern of lying on the campaign trail (most recently about the NY ballot). While everybody on Trump privately has nothing but good things to say.


well, we never know people personally....but I've never seen him come off like not a flaming prick hole. I think the story of him pointing out the homeless guy on the street that his own frickin daughter told in an interview, is DJ Trump in a nutshell. I cannot back the claim that he's "infinitely" more despicable than Hillary. Hillary is a DC politico, not a desireable person....but as I see it, Trump makes her look like a kindly old Gra-mah.




Emory University president says students are scared and 'in pain' after someone wrote 'Trump 2016' in chalk on campus



  • *President Jim Wagner said students viewed graffiti as intimidating
  • *Officials arranged a meeting for those offended to address concerns
  • *University organizations also offered counselling to those affected

The president of Emory University has spoken to demonstrators who said they were frightened after someone wrote 'Trump 2016' in chalk around campus.

Students at the Atlanta school, which has an enrollment of more than 14,000 claim their 'safe space' was violated when the messages appeared on sidewalks and buildings.

Jim Wagner, president of the Atlanta university, wrote Tuesday that the students viewed the messages as intimidation, and they voiced 'genuine concern and pain' as a result.

He acted after student government wrote to him and slammed the university's response, prompting a meeting that led to protests.

Now administrators want to track down those responsible for the controversial markings.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3506491/Emory-president-Students-scared-Trump-2016-chalk-signs.html#ixzz43mLUQqIb
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


I saw that and it's sad. The president of the university is looking for whoever did it.


Having a different political opinion is literally comparable to "burning crosses" These people call Trump a nazi, a fascist - but then they are too stupid to realize they're totalitarian themselves. "Your opinion is only OK if it's the right one"


Like how Trump said to the wapo reporter "thanks, beautiful" and she wrote a whole article "omg I can't believe he said that - what a sexist pig"


Meanwhile feminists freaked out about it and said at least "most men can keep their perverted thoughts in their pig minds"


In other words all men are perverted pigs, but Trump calling a woman beautiful is sexist and triggers me.


Frankly I love it when someone calls me handsome, or sweetie. Or at the least I don't give three fucks or thoughts about it. I know women that love it too - complements like that can make you smile whether you're a man, woman, transgeñero


What a fucking world where complementing somebody is triggering and sexist. Or writing in chalk "<My Candidate> 2016" is comparable to the KKK burning crosses


I saw that and it's sad. The president of the university is looking for whoever did it.


Having a different political opinion is literally comparable to "burning crosses" These people call Trump a nazi, a fascist - but then they are too stupid to realize they're totalitarian themselves. "Your opinion is only OK if it's the right one"


Like how Trump said to the wapo reporter "thanks, beautiful" and she wrote a whole article "omg I can't believe he said that - what a sexist pig"


Meanwhile feminists freaked out about it and said at least "most men can keep their perverted thoughts in their pig minds"


In other words all men are perverted pigs, but Trump calling a woman beautiful is sexist and triggers me.


Frankly I love it when someone calls me handsome, or sweetie. Or at the least I don't give three fucks or thoughts about it. I know women that love it too - complements like that can make you smile whether you're a man, woman, transgeñero


What a fucking world where complementing somebody is triggering and sexist. Or writing in chalk "<My Candidate> 2016" is comparable to the KKK burning crosses


What the president of that college should have said was these students needed to grow up instead of catering to their pampered whining about their safe place being violated and they were *scared and in pain*. As for the feminists I haven't had to deal with too many but the one characteristic I saw in the ones I have dealt with is that they were all men haters. I hate what political correctness has done to this country


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