OldBrownsFan Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 I would love to see it happen: What’s that famous saying? “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” It’s time for Ted Cruz to wake up and make the phone call that changes history, changes the GOP, changes the course of America. It’s time to face reality. Donald Trump will be the 2016 GOP presidential nominee. Only Trump has a path to the nomination. Ted Cruz is delusional if he thinks he can win the nomination…or deserves to win the nomination. He was shut out on Tuesday night. Shut out as in zero, zilch, zip, nada. It was Trump 4, Kasich 1, Cruz 0, Rubio cut from the team. Cruz can’t be the nominee. We’re deep into the GOP presidential race on a key Super Tuesday and he can’t even win one state. The nomination winner can’t be 0 for 5 on a Super Tuesday. That’s not a man on the way to becoming leader of the free world. Kasich can’t be the nominee. He just won his first state out of 27. He’s 1 win, 26 losses in the GOP race. And the one win was a “homer.” The sitting Governor of Ohio just won his own state. My guess is very few sitting Governors have ever lost their home state. So please don’t get any delusions of grandeur John! No GOP power broker is stupid enough to award the presidential nomination to a guy who is 1 win, 26 loses. That would be the death of the Republican Party. That leaves one man left standing -- Donald J Trump. But the story doesn’t end here. Because Ted Cruz still has a river card to play. It’s time to put ego aside and play your hand Ted. Back in 2012 I desperately wanted Newt Gingrich to pick up the phone and call Mitt Romney. Newt should have said to Mitt, “The writings on the wall. You’re the winner Mitt. But I will put my ego aside to save America and unite the party. I’ll take the V.P. slot. Let’s combine forces and we’ll win the White House together. I represent the base -- conservatives and Tea Party activists who bleed red for the GOP. If you pick me, together we change the course of history. If you don’t pick me, millions of conservatives stay home and you lose. So let’s go to the dance together.” But Newt never made the phone call. Mitt lost. The GOP lost. Capitalism lost. The middle class lost. America lost. Today we see the price we paid -- GDP near zero. Ninety-four million working-age Americans no longer working. Manufacturing collapsing. More businesses closing each day than opening. Record highs for food stamp use. Middle class Americans being bankrupted by Obamacare. Middle Class jobs have disappeared. The national debt is a staggering $19 trillion. We are entering an Obama Great Depression. If only Newt had made that phone call. Ted, don’t let your ego get in the way. You’re 45-years-old. You will never beat Trump. But you can be part of history. You can be part of the team that wins the White House and saves America. Tell Donald to take the next eight years. You’ll take the next eight. Eight years from now you’ll still be only 53 years old. Pick up the phone and call Donald Trump. Tell him you’ll take V.P. Here’s the important part. If Cruz sets aside his ego, Trump/Cruz will stick a stake through the heart of the arrogant, elitist GOP establishment once and for all. Trump and Cruz are the only two truly “outsider candidates.” Trump has never run for office. Cruz is the most hated man in the U.S. Senate. They are the only two candidates both the GOP establishment and D.C. establishment could never allow to become nominee. Together they control just under 80 percent of the delegates (1,017 out of 1,323). By combining forces, Trump and Cruz have routed the establishment. They’ve given hope back to the GOP base. They’ve given power back to the people. The establishment has lost the party. The establishment is out in the cold. Trump/Cruz can’t be stopped. The GOP will never be the same. America will be saved. One more point that must be addressed. -- Critics of Trump argue that polls show Cruz is a better candidate versus Hillary than Trump. First, that's a non-issue. Because Cruz can't beat Trump, so Cruz will never face Hillary. Secondly those polls are taken eight months out from Election Day. They are meaningless. Eight months ago polls showed Trump couldn't possibly win the GOP nomination. Then he started working on 16 competitors. One by one he vanquished them all. Wait until Trump starts working on Hillary. He'll chip away at her until she's a shell of her former self. She'll wish she had never won the nomination. If the FBI recommends indictment she will become the most flawed and crippled candidate in American political history. Trump will savage her. The Clinton Machine has never faced someone who takes every blow and smashes back harder. Lastly, if Ted matches up well with Hillary, all the more reason to join the Trump ticket. Wake up Ted. Put aside your ego and make the phone call that changes the course of history. 0
Clevfan4life Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 I think that ship sailed with the wifey spat. Seriously, even if the two of them somehow figured out a way to get along....they're wives will always despise the others husband and maybe each other who knows. The job is stressful enough without the wife agro every night. Heidi Cruz will cunt on melanoma at every possible turn and if you think Donald is the kind of guy that's gonna let that slide you haven't been paying attention. The infighting would be disastrous for the administration. Couldn't work. Once the wife ego's are in play it's dead in the water.....you sorry married sop's know "exactly" what i'm talking about. They're like the mob they never forget.
Clevfan4life Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 It's like a fucking rolodex of grievances they store up to review a later day. They can never let shit just die.
VaporTrail Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 ONE OF US. ONE OF US. ONE OF US. ONE OF US. MAGA
The Cysko Kid Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 I'm pretty sure trump won't take a guy he refers to as "lyin' ted" as a vp
OldBrownsFan Posted March 29, 2016 Author Report Posted March 29, 2016 I'm pretty sure trump won't take a guy he refers to as "lyin' ted" as a vp No this is politics. Trump compared Ben Carson to a child molester a few months ago and had his pals at the National Enquirer run stories on Carson like he was a quack doctor constantly being sued for malpractice. Where is Carson today but on all the talk shows defending Trump (most likely because Trump has promised him a job in a Trump administration .....surgeon general?) Same way with Chris Christie who also a few months ago said Trump was not fit to be president and now he is promoting Trump for president. We will find out later what has been promised.
bbedward Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 I don't want Cruz anywhere near washington DC. Not as a senator, especially not in the executive branch. Dangerous, corrupt, crazy guy.
OldBrownsFan Posted March 29, 2016 Author Report Posted March 29, 2016 I don't want Cruz anywhere near washington DC. Not as a senator, especially not in the executive branch. Dangerous, corrupt, crazy guy. I know you hate Cruz and I'm not real thrilled with Trump who has the temperament of a juvenile and acts like a goof on twitter but If the establishment republicans who hate Trump and Cruz tries to deny either of them nomination they won at the ballot box then joining forces would be the wise way to go.
bbedward Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 I know you hate Cruz and I'm not real thrilled with Trump who has the temperament of a juvenile and acts like a goof on twitter but If the establishment republicans who hate Trump and Cruz tries to deny either of them nomination they won at the ballot box then joining forces would be the wise way to go. The establishment republicans are on board with Cruz - because Cruz was establishment the whole time, he just wasn't their first choice. He takes all the same money, belongs to all the same elite circles. See the endorsements: Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, Scott Walker, among others.
OldBrownsFan Posted March 29, 2016 Author Report Posted March 29, 2016 The establishment republicans are on board with Cruz - because Cruz was establishment the whole time, he just wasn't their first choice. He takes all the same money, belongs to all the same elite circles. See the endorsements: Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, Scott Walker, among others. They must see Cruz as the lesser of 2 evils. What do you consider being part of the establishment ? Because he was senator? Mitch McConnell hated him as did the rest of the establishment republicans in the senate. Let's not forget either all the money Trump gave to people like Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and others.
bbedward Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 They must see Cruz as the lesser of 2 evils. What do you consider being part of the establishment ? Because he was senator? Mitch McConnell hated him as did the rest of the establishment republicans in the senate. He's part of the secret society that does the pagan rituals in the forest, has received more big money contributions than everybody else running except Hillary Clinton (but it's close). His wife and the shady loans. He reeks of corruption and establishment politics. The establishment ran him and Rubio and Walker and others to groom for future presidential elections, not to actually win. That's how the game works - Jeb was supposed to pull ahead, win, and everybody else drop out and endorse him. Then everything changed on June 16th, 2015.
OldBrownsFan Posted March 29, 2016 Author Report Posted March 29, 2016 There were no shady loans. It was no secret his wife worked at Goldman Sachs. So what? He took out a loan at Goldman Sachs using his house and other assets as collateral for a loan to finance his campaign. He got no sweetheart deal and paid the normal rates on the loan. His wife is now on leave from Goldman Sachs and there has never been a secret about any of this:
Westside Steve Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 I wouldn't imagine Trump would take VP if it were offered but possibly Ted Cruz would. That would potentially eliminate the threat of either of their supporters staying home in the general election. WSS
bbedward Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 There were no shady loans. It was no secret his wife worked at Goldman Sachs. So what? He took out a loan at Goldman Sachs using his house and other assets as collateral for a loan to finance his campaign. He got no sweetheart deal and paid the normal rates on the loan. His wife is now on leave from Goldman Sachs and there has never been a secret about any of this: His wife likely only has the job she does because of the connection to Ted and the Bush family and others - it's not a reach to make that assumption. Him and his wife were also deeply involved with George W Bush and Condoleeza Rice - his wife contributing to the terrible foreign policy that leaves us where we are today. His wife also believes in open borders and a NAU (similar to the EU) Ted and Heidi have connections that run very deep in the political world/establishment. You can praise Cruz for whatever you want - like his disastrous tax plan, plans for a theocracy, plans for WW3, medicare cuts and raising the SS age, and the other disastrous policies. But you can't call him anti-establishment, because he's not.
Westside Steve Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 I don't see anything particularly foul but that one but face it kids that's the nature of politics. Listen to Bernie and Hillary bickering about who loves Wall Street more. WSS
bbedward Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 I don't see anything particularly foul but that one but face it kids that's the nature of politics. Listen to Bernie and Hillary bickering about who loves Wall Street more. WSS I know, but I have an appreciation for the people the big money (Koch, Soros, Wall Street) and establishment violently do not want to become president - like Trump and Sanders, though Soros likes Sanders because he genuinely believes in his agenda for some reason. Just saying, Cruz is not a political outsider or anti-establishment by any stretch of the imagination.
Westside Steve Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 I know, but I have an appreciation for the people the big money (Koch, Soros, Wall Street) and establishment violently do not want to become president - like Trump and Sanders, though Soros likes Sanders because he genuinely believes in his agenda for some reason. Just saying, Cruz is not a political outsider or anti-establishment by any stretch of the imagination. Oh I'm just talking about the great unwashed and their anger with Wall Street. I don't give a damn about Wall Street.I'm not anti Corporation and income inequality means less than man-made global warming to me. Do I think there could be some controls and oversight over the banking industry? Certainly. Do I think a bunch of dickheads senators have their shit together well enough to handle that proposition? Hell no. WSS
jbluhm86 Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 What gets me is why the GOP just doesn't say "fuck you" to both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, and just back John Kasich. The man has appeal for both the moderate Republicans and the Tea party extremists, and polls consistently show him leading both Clinton and Sanders. I thought the objective for a political party is to win elections, so why not nominate a candidate who can beat the competition?
Westside Steve Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 What gets me is why the GOP just doesn't say "fuck you" to both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, and just back John Kasich. The man has appeal for both the moderate Republicans and the Tea party extremists, and polls consistently show him leading both Clinton and Sanders. I thought the objective for a political party is to win elections, so why not nominate a candidate who can beat the competition? Hey, you know that's my guy but there's not a doubt in my mind if they fuck Trump and Cruz their people will stay home. WSS
OldBrownsFan Posted March 29, 2016 Author Report Posted March 29, 2016 What gets me is why the GOP just doesn't say "fuck you" to both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, and just back John Kasich. The man has appeal for both the moderate Republicans and the Tea party extremists, and polls consistently show him leading both Clinton and Sanders. I thought the objective for a political party is to win elections, so why not nominate a candidate who can beat the competition? i see the democrats doing that with their rigged superdelegate corrupt system. That is nothing but the establishment thinking they know better than the voters and hand picking the nominee. I don't like it. All those superdelegates Clinton got over Sanders she didn't earn them. For better or worse let the voters decide. The voters in the primaries chose not to vote for Kasich and it would be communist like to put him over Trump or Cruz even if he would be a better candidate.
jbluhm86 Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 Hey, you know that's my guy but there's not a doubt in my mind if they fuck Trump and Cruz their people will stay home. WSS To be honest, if it does come down to Trump vs Clinton, I might actual just stay home as well on Election Day. I really don't want to do that; I've never missed an election as long as I've been able to vote, but those two are fucking horrible. Let's be honest. There's no way in hell that the diehard members of the Trump and Cruz camps would vote for the other candidate anyway, so why worry about them? That's why the GOP should nominate a middle-ground candidate like Kasich. It's better to give the Republican constituency an alternative candidate who could bridge the gap between the Trump and Cruz camps.
bbedward Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 To be honest, if it does come down to Trump vs Clinton, I might actual just stay home as well on Election Day. Trump thanks you for the support, patriot!
bbedward Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 What gets me is why the GOP just doesn't say "fuck you" to both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, and just back John Kasich. The man has appeal for both the moderate Republicans and the Tea party extremists, and polls consistently show him leading both Clinton and Sanders. I thought the objective for a political party is to win elections, so why not nominate a candidate who can beat the competition? Kasich is a short-tempered right wing nut job, someone told him to act like a moderate and hope for the best this election - otherwise he's crazier than the others (except for Cruz, who is by far the craziest)
OldBrownsFan Posted March 29, 2016 Author Report Posted March 29, 2016 We had 17 candidates running on the republican side which means there will be a number of unhappy voters for 16 of them. I don't see that as a reason to stay home and not vote unless you really think there are no differences between the candidates. At the least go through a pro and con check list of the remaining candidates and vote for the lesser of two evils. I wanted to see Newt Gingrich win in 12 but had to settle for voting for Romney as I saw him as a better alternative to Obama. I knew others who stayed home and would not vote for Romney which helped re-elect Obama.
bbedward Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 i see the democrats doing that with their rigged superdelegate corrupt system. Superdelegates will go with whoever has received the most pledged delegates. They've never gone against the public and they won't do that this year. Hillary is currently winning without superdelegates, Bernie supporters only spin the superdelegates because it sets a narrative they like. Then Bernie comes out and suggests super delegates should vote for him, even if he doesn't win the most pledged delegates. Hypocrisy to the fullest. --- And jbluhm can vote for the green party come November, they probably align with his views and if they get enough support they'll get some funding I think.
The Cysko Kid Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 What gets me is why the GOP just doesn't say "fuck you" to both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, and just back John Kasich. The man has appeal for both the moderate Republicans and the Tea party extremists, and polls consistently show him leading both Clinton and Sanders. I thought the objective for a political party is to win elections, so why not nominate a candidate who can beat the competition? Because then you're openly making a farce of American democracy. The people are speaking and the people are their bosses.
OldBrownsFan Posted March 29, 2016 Author Report Posted March 29, 2016 Un-Democratic Party: DNC Chair Says Superdelegates Ensure Elites Don't Have to Run 'Against Grassroots Activists' Critics say the unelected superdelegate system is rigged. Debbie Wasserman Schultz basically admitted this is true. http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/un-democratic-party-dnc-chair-says-superdelegates-ensure-elites-dont-have-run
bbedward Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 But again, super delegates haven't decided the nomination before and there's no reason to believe they will now. Hillary's not going to lose the majority pledged delegates anyway, so it's a moot concern - we're not going to find out if they go against Bernie because the people have chosen Hillary (by people I mean middle-aged women and minorities - the college kids who support Bernie decided to stay home and play xbox).
OldBrownsFan Posted March 29, 2016 Author Report Posted March 29, 2016 Kasich is a short-tempered right wing nut job, someone told him to act like a moderate and hope for the best this election - otherwise he's crazier than the others (except for Cruz, who is by far the craziest) Brandon I doubt there were too many republicans out of the 17 running you wouldn't consider as right wing nut jobs...maybe (2) Donald Trump and Rand Paul?
bbedward Posted March 29, 2016 Report Posted March 29, 2016 Brandon I doubt there were too many republicans out of the 17 running you wouldn't consider as right wing nut jobs...maybe (2) Donald Trump and Rand Paul? Probably so, Kasich is moderate on some things like health care and immigration - but pretty far right otherwise, and actually has a record to prove it unlike somebody like Rubio. Rand Paul's position on most stuff is "don't care, let the local governments do what they want - federal government not getting involved." I see Trump as center-left on pretty much everything except for immigration, with a non-interventionist long-term foreign policy (similar to Rand)
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