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Chris Matthews serves Trump his first stumping


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Donald backtracks with his statement today.




This has been the biggest misstep of Trump's campaign. I really hope this doesn't kill his chances. He's too much fun to support. Then again, they're still going to be talking about him for the rest of the news cycle.

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wait wait wait wait



If you think abortion should be illegal, then isn't that saying that you think a woman should be punished if she gets an abortion?


Isn't that what illegal means? What is the point of making something illegal if there is no punishment? Hard drugs are illegal, so the seller AND the buyer are punished.




His new statement is then saying it is illegal to perform an abortion, but it isn't illegal to get an abortion? That sounds like pro-life conservatives wussing out on there stance because adding punishment of the woman on top of their current view would make it impossible to get support


Don't care about abortion, but this isn't the end of his campaign don't worry. He already won the nomination


Trump stumbles big time on pointless conservative issues that are nothing more than talking points probably because he's never agreed with Republicans before


John Kasich is the only one who has ever done something abort abortion and all he did was make women drive to Michigan, and nobodies voting for him


One amazing thing about Trump, though...


he's making Cruz look better all the time, and Cruz

is leading polls dramatically in Wisconsin.


One amazing thing about Trump, though...


he's making Cruz look better all the time, and Cruz

is leading polls dramatically in Wisconsin.


This is exactly why I wanted Trump to win Ohio. Now I've got to entertain the idea that the only thing between a religious zealot and the Oval Office might be Hillary Clinton.


The fact of the matter is Trump is claiming to be pro life so he needed to get himself educated on the pro life issue. He goes on with Chris Matthews who like taking candy from a baby made Trump look foolish with Trump's lack of knowledge. Nobody on the pro life side has ever advocated for criminal charges for mothers having abortions. I will say this for the 101th time Trump needs to get some good political advisers and handlers and get himself up to speed on all the issues we have going today or he is going to step in it again and again.


Trump got busted in one of the debates for not knowing what our nuclear triad is. Even worse it was not the first time he fumbled it and it seems like after the first time he would have at least googled it. When asked on an interview who is advising him he said he was relying on his own good brain. Obviously that is not enough. If Trump is serious about wanting to be president he should start getting some good advisers.


I don't see this as such a big deal. I believe most Americans are okay with abortion in the first 2 trimesters. Sorry for you hardcore Christian guys but that's the fact. So if most Americans feel it should be illegal in the third trimester except in certain situations that begs the question what should be the penalty for performing or purchasing one?

You should have that question and answer in the can and ready to go and in this case any candidate will need to waffle.


There really aren't many voters on the fringes. No abortion for any reason vs anytime for any reason.


If there are restrictions been there have to be consequences for violating those restrictions. Simple as that.


I assume Cal, Cysko and Old are farther to the right. So how would you guys punish a woman who gets an abortion? Life in prison? The chair?






Donald backtracks with his statement today.




This has been the biggest misstep of Trump's campaign. I really hope this doesn't kill his chances. He's too much fun to support. Then again, they're still going to be talking about him for the rest of the news cycle.

It won't Wisconsin sucks anyway. It's all about ny and Cali from here.

I don't see this as such a big deal. I believe most Americans are okay with abortion in the first 2 trimesters. Sorry for you hardcore Christian guys but that's the fact. So if most Americans feel it should be illegal in the third trimester except in certain situations that begs the question what should be the penalty for performing or purchasing one?

You should have that question and answer in the can and ready to go and in this case any candidate will need to waffle.


There really aren't many voters on the fringes. No abortion for any reason vs anytime for any reason.


If there are restrictions been there have to be consequences for violating those restrictions. Simple as that.


I assume Cal, Cysko and Old are farther to the right. So how would you guys punish a woman who gets an abortion? Life in prison? The chair?




I've been on the pro life side always so I know all the arguments and trap questions and hypotheticals the left wing uses like the Pharisees in Jesus' time to get republican candidates to say something extreme (gotcha questions). Todd Aiken comes to mind and there have been many others. Nobody on the pro life side wants to see mothers charged criminally for having an abortion we are only focused on trying to save the lives of babies. Trump didn't know that and so he got nailed not only by the pro choice people but also many pro life people were criticizing Trump saying that is not our position. Liberal Chris Matthews will press the issue like a prosecutor and I have seen him do it before with trap questions like getting someone to say they believe abortion is murder than going after them on criminal penalties for mothers and if pro life people think it is murder why aren't we wanting criminal penalties? My answer is make the penalties for the abortion doctors. The short answer is Matthews deliberately set Trump up with the hypothetical and I would say it is political suicide for any politician to have a position of criminal penalties for mothers having abortions. Trump better get used to these kinds of questions and I simply would advise him not to answer the many hypotheticals the left will ask him on abortion to trap him into saying something that will be used against him.


I would bet this fall you will see ads by the Clinton campaign with Trump saying mothers having abortions should have criminal charges (conveniently leaving out he reversed that position within hours).


I don't see this as such a big deal. I believe most Americans are okay with abortion in the first 2 trimesters. Sorry for you hardcore Christian guys but that's the fact. So if most Americans feel it should be illegal in the third trimester except in certain situations that begs the question what should be the penalty for performing or purchasing one?

You should have that question and answer in the can and ready to go and in this case any candidate will need to waffle.

There really aren't many voters on the fringes. No abortion for any reason vs anytime for any reason.

If there are restrictions been there have to be consequences for violating those restrictions. Simple as that.

I assume Cal, Cysko and Old are farther to the right. So how would you guys punish a woman who gets an abortion? Life in prison? The chair?


Well at least you can tell he's republican now.


This is exactly why I wanted Trump to win Ohio. Now I've got to entertain the idea that the only thing between a religious zealot and the Oval Office might be Hillary Clinton.

Cruz doesn't have a path to the nomination.


Wisconsin is a Retarded state that elected Scott Walker and Paul Ryan.


Old, yes you are completely correct. I'm just talking about the game of politics and Donald Trump, a man who I think is very bright, should have had an answer in the can for that.

"Chris there should always be consequences for breaking the law. This issue is one I have thought about my entire life and did not come to my conclusion lightly. What should the consequences be for performing or obtaining an abortion? That's something I will have to sit down with my newly appointed justice department and figure out. It will be one of my top priorities. To give you an off-the-cuff answer doesn't do an issue of such importance justice right now. I hope you understand."




Old, yes you are completely correct. I'm just talking about the game of politics and Donald Trump, a man who I think is very bright, should have had an answer in the can for that.

"Chris there should always be consequences for breaking the law. This issue is one I have thought about my entire life and did not come to my conclusion lightly. What should the consequences be for performing or obtaining an abortion? That's something I will have to sit down with my newly appointed justice department and figure out. It will be one of my top priorities. To give you an off-the-cuff answer doesn't do an issue of such importance justice right now. I hope you understand."





WSS - you should be advising Trump because that is the spot on answer. I think Trump is a smart man as well but he has never held public office and he needs to surround himself with good advisers.




WSS - you should be advising Trump because that is the spot on answer. I think Trump is a smart man as well but he has never held public office and he needs to surround himself with good advisers.

I really should sir. This stuff is so obvious. I've mentioned before in high school I got a small scholarship from the national forensic League. I was never a debater I got all my points from Individual events especially boys extemporaneous speaking. In a competition you would go into your round competing against approximately 5 other kids. When you got there you were given a basket from which to pick 3 topics of those you select one and you have ten minutes to prepare a 6 minute speech. In the first two weeks of competition we realized but pretty much all the questions or similar so we would each have a canned speech ready to go for whatever topics we selected. No idea why Trump refuses to do that and I fear that will be his downfall, furthermore that will be the downfall of the country when Hillary takes office.




Politics has gotten so dirty, the good leaders won't run anymore.


Sen. John Thune should be running.


I really should sir. This stuff is so obvious. I've mentioned before in high school I got a small scholarship from the national forensic League. I was never a debater I got all my points from Individual events especially boys extemporaneous speaking. In a competition you would go into your round competing against approximately 5 other kids. When you got there you were given a basket from which to pick 3 topics of those you select one and you have ten minutes to prepare a 6 minute speech. In the first two weeks of competition we realized but pretty much all the questions or similar so we would each have a canned speech ready to go for whatever topics we selected. No idea why Trump refuses to do that and I fear that will be his downfall, furthermore that will be the downfall of the country when Hillary takes office.



I would be a poor debater. Usually after I debate someone I think of about 20 things I should have said. I have lots of practice though with my ultra liberal dad who I have debated this stuff many times through the years. I usually get the best of him but one time he kind of went on a *winning streak* against me until I started googling his *facts* (he is at a disadvantage knowing nothing about the internet) and found none of what he was saying was true. When I asked him about it I got him to admit (like a typical lib) he was making things up. :D


Ha yeah the thing about debate is that it isn't personal. You will start a season with a topic and they could switch sides on that topic on you at any time. For instance resolved: marijuana should be legalized in the United States for recreational purposes. One side gets Pro one side gets Con.

Halfway through the season you might be required to change sides. It's just a game. As far as making shit up I actually won a round completely fabricating everything I said. Furthermore the judge knew it and told me that I won the round just because it was an enjoyable speech and most people wouldn't know it was all Bs.




PS as we speak MSNBC is asking Trump's opponents about this exact issue and everyone is waffling. Of course the woman shouldn't be punished. Really? I mean if something is against the law why should there be no repercussions for those who break it? They are giving everyone else, John Kasich Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz a pass without badgering them for an answer.




PS as we speak MSNBC is asking Trump's opponents about this exact issue and everyone is waffling. Of course the woman shouldn't be punished. Really? I mean if something is against the law why should there be no repercussions for those who break it? They are giving everyone else, John Kasich Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz a pass without badgering them for an answer.



"I would consult the great sky lord who would unleash locusts upon the offending women."- Cruz


PS as we speak MSNBC is asking Trump's opponents about this exact issue and everyone is waffling. Of course the woman shouldn't be punished. Really? I mean if something is against the law why should there be no repercussions for those who break it? They are giving everyone else, John Kasich Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz a pass without badgering them for an answer.




I wouldn't argue with the logic but you know if a politician wants to be elected over the grade of dog catcher he cannot take the position of criminal penalties for women having abortions. The laws we have today are pretty much the laws we want and those we don't want get changed. The people in the country do not want criminal penalties for women having abortions and to try to force that would work as well as prohibition did.


Rand Paul made a good point on the other side. The liberal media will always try to trip republican candidates on the abortion issue but democrats never get asked questions about whether they support late term abortions.


Politics has gotten so dirty, the good leaders won't run anymore.


Sen. John Thune should be running.


I don't know Cal when I looked into prior presidential campaigns going back to the beginning of the country it seems like politics has been dirty for centuries. For an unknown reason to me I like following politics.


A Brief History of Campaign Mudslinging, From 1796 to Today


I wouldn't argue with the logic but you know if a politician wants to be elected over the grade of dog catcher he cannot take the position of criminal penalties for women having abortions. The laws we have today are pretty much the laws we want and those we don't want get changed. The people in the country do not want criminal penalties for women having abortions and to try to force that would work as well as prohibition did.


Rand Paul made a good point on the other side. The liberal media will always try to trip republican candidates on the abortion issue but democrats never get asked questions about whether they support late term abortions.

Bernie Sanders answer that with a flat no restrictions answer. Pro-choice means pro-choice when asked about late-term.




And speaking of MSNBC Mike Huckabee was just got reminded me of why I like Mike Huckabee so much. I wish I could find a video clip of his responses and I certainly can't take shorthand so I can't quote verbatim butt his answers or just about exactly as they should be.

It boils down to the average voter he thinks the economy is shit and we are in danger of having our way of life fucked up the way the Europeans have. That means some slight glitch in the nuance in a conversation with an attack dog like Chris Matthews isn't really a glaring problem.


He also modestly pointed out the fact that even though he had thought through some of these subjects pretty carefully he was still an unemployed politician talking about someone who's winning States on a morning talk show.




Why is abortion even a topic? Were we going to re right the abortion laws?

The only outside chance is the fact that legally Roe vs. Wade has basis in the viability of the fetus which has probably changed thanks to Medical Technology since Roe v Wade was settled. But no it's not going to change. It's just bullshit for the masses. We are never going to bring back slavery but if a candidate said he was for it and gave a list of reasons people would freak out even though there's absolutely no chance it would ever happen. So there.




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