Westside Steve Posted April 5, 2016 Report Posted April 5, 2016 Okay boys. Lots of you say you wish there was a third party something with the financial responsibility of the Republicans and the looser moral set of mores of the Democrats. Exactly what do you propose? I'm assuming smaller government but that's kind of a cliché. Where and how much would you cut taxes and which programs would you drastically cut or eliminate? Exactly which drugs or alcohol situations would you relax and how? Relax restrictions on prayer or tighten them up? Any restrictions on abortion? Affirmative action? How would you define sex discrimination or racial discrimination and how do you punish it? How about guns? Give me a rough outline of a party that would have your support. You can't even make up a name if you like. WSS
DieHardBrownsFan Posted April 5, 2016 Report Posted April 5, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l14WDZCnz-w
The Cysko Kid Posted April 5, 2016 Report Posted April 5, 2016 Okay boys. Lots of you say you wish there was a third party something with the financial responsibility of the Republicans and the looser moral set of mores of the Democrats. Exactly what do you propose? I'm assuming smaller government but that's kind of a cliché. Where and how much would you cut taxes and which programs would you drastically cut or eliminate? Welfare, disability and Medicare all need an overhaul. I'm gonna stay off of taxes I'm not a taxman Exactly which drugs or alcohol situations would you relax and how?decriminalizae possession of all drugs under a certain amount. Put more emphasis onto treatment options Relax restrictions on prayer or tighten them up?completely relax. Up to the organization Any restrictions on abortion? 2nd and third trimester Affirmative action? absolutely none of any kind. Merit based only How would you define sex discrimination or racial discrimination and how do you punish it?pretty much the same as it is now, but actually recognize it when it's against whites which it doesn't get recognized now How about guns? More guns for everyone Give me a rough outline of a party that would have your support. You can't even make up a name if you like.too much work WSS
calfoxwc Posted April 5, 2016 Report Posted April 5, 2016 http://www.teapartypatriots.org/ Exactly what do you propose? I'm assuming smaller government but that's kind of a cliché. Where and how much would you cut taxes and which programs would you drastically cut or eliminate? All social welfare programs must be reviewed for waste and fraud. And people who knowingly lie and abuse these programs should have their citizenship revoked, and sent packing to Mexico. Exactly which drugs or alcohol situations would you relax and how? All current illegal hard drug use .... revoke their citizenship and send them to Mexico Relax restrictions on prayer or tighten them up? Let free people be free about praying or not, even if they work in the gov Any restrictions on abortion? Only in case of rape/incest/life of the mother which is profoundly RARE.... only in the first trimester. Affirmative action? Abolish reverse discrimation. That was a another liberal farce to get votes from the minority communities, and established permanent reliance/dependence/sloth. How would you define sex discrimination or racial discrimination and how do you punish it? Must be redefined now. Check this stupid hitlerish obamao crap: http://www.vladtv.com/article/217346/obama-admin-landlord-must-rent-to-you-despite-your-criminal-recordHow about guns? More ccw rights, loosen travel restrictions to keep some states from setting up impossble compliance traps. Give me a rough outline of a party that would have your support. You can't even make up a name if you like. The Tea Party stances. I like "American Eagle" party. "Red, White and Blue" party. and.."Liberal Fascists can SHOVE IT" party. Shut down the NEA, make it easy to fire activist anti-Constitution liberal supreme court "justices". Stop ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, and the first time any immigrant from Mexico gets arrested, revoke their citizenship if they have it, and send them to live in Siberia. Make it a felony to frivolously sue for money damages over political correctness, feigned minority anguish. Make it a felony to provoke, violate, force Christian bakers and other companies, to comply with perversion. Ban all unorganic food colorings. Let Americans all, be free to pursue their dreams, as long as they don't ruin the dreams of others in the process. Make that a felony. Establish "phoney gay 'marriage' free zones". As in, all of 46 states. The four states that it is allowed, are: California, New Mexico, Hawaii, and Nebraska. Make membership/activity in socialist/communist/marxist/terrorist groups a felony, and revoke their citizenship, and export them to the southernmost tip of Africa, on a small island with a small polluted pond for freshwater.
LogicIsForSquares Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 https://www.lp.org/platform Pretty much my take.
jbluhm86 Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 Lol, Jesus Christ Cal, you're literally a hop, skip, and jump away from throwing people in ovens...
calfoxwc Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 No, that's obamao and moochelle. That's just me being funny on several of the answers. Unless you think that you think exterminating Jews in Europe is funny. The subject is how obaMao is a dicktater in several ways, despite hitler was a dictater in all ways.
bbedward Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 Cal, only liberals compare people they disagree with to Hitler Cal is a liberal confirmed
calfoxwc Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 No, I'm posting points other people have made. You dispute any of em?
VaporTrail Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 didn't take much time at all for this thread to get out of hand.
calfoxwc Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 jblu started it, rev'd it up. It's his fault.........
jrb12711 Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 As if you need any more proof of who is the loon.
Browns149 Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 Abortion- keep it legal Guns- Inforce the laws we already have. Stop making new ones Get rid of the IRS, flat tax Make weed legal, tax it If you want to pray in school, go to a religious school. No affirmative action. Drug test for illegal drugs for anyone on govt assistance If you are an illegal alien, you get 6 months to get legal or out you go. Build the Trump wall around the southwest border. Get rid of the bad trade agreements. Okay boys. Lots of you say you wish there was a third party something with the financial responsibility of the Republicans and the looser moral set of mores of the Democrats. Exactly what do you propose? I'm assuming smaller government but that's kind of a cliché. Where and how much would you cut taxes and which programs would you drastically cut or eliminate? Exactly which drugs or alcohol situations would you relax and how? Relax restrictions on prayer or tighten them up? Any restrictions on abortion? Affirmative action? How would you define sex discrimination or racial discrimination and how do you punish it? How about guns? Give me a rough outline of a party that would have your support. You can't even make up a name if you like. WSS
Browns149 Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 While we are talking about fantasy island, Make the Browns exempt from the salary cap, so we can go all Steinbrenner, and buy a Super Bowl win
calfoxwc Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 Browns149: Abortion- keep it legal ***************************** Legal only for rape, etc,... RESTRICT. It is otherwise? the murder of unborn and born children, because of irresponsible behavior, and liberals hate consequences of their own making. ****************************Guns- Inforce the laws we already have. Stop making new ones Agreed, except for recognizing ccw licenses as valid, at least some standard way of transporting them, as in locked case in back of vehicle in states that don't have reciprocity agreements. ******************************* Get rid of the IRS, flat tax ******************************* Agreed. *******************************Make weed legal, tax it ******************************** Leave it up to the states. Potheads can go live in states where it's legal if they want.... ********************************If you want to pray in school, go to a religious school. ********************************* Only if those parents don't have to pay taxes for the public schools, or get vouchers to go elsewhere, unless it isn't a qualified charter school. ***********************************No affirmative action. ************************************* AGREED **************************************Drug test for illegal drugs for anyone on govt assistance **************************************** AGREED ******************************************If you are an illegal alien, you get 6 months to get legal or out you go. Build the Trump wall around the southwest border. ****************************************** AGREED, but gang association/any felony conviction/etc etc makes that 6 months chance null and void. ****************************************Get rid of the bad trade agreements. *************************************** AGREED. Just so you know I have now agreed with ya on some things...
Browns149 Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 Make the CCW a USA law, get the states out of the gun law business, then let the business or property owner decide if they want guns there The 6 month rule would get rid of the gang members, or the felons. They would never get to be legal in the 6 month window, also if you are a convicted felon and an illegal, you should automatically be deported. As soon as the judge says guilty and the gavel bangs, out you go If you want your kids to pray, send them to a religious school. And yes, if you do that, you shouldn't have to subsidize public schools with property taxes
Browns149 Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 We agree on some things cal, never said we didn't You are the one that is always calling me a liberal
calfoxwc Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 Then I'm a goofball. You don't knee jerk. My bad.
Browns149 Posted April 7, 2016 Report Posted April 7, 2016 Yes, you are a goof ball, and NO I don't knee jerk to anything. Damn, we were so close
VaporTrail Posted April 7, 2016 Report Posted April 7, 2016 Abortion- keep it legal Guns- Inforce the laws we already have. Stop making new ones Get rid of the IRS, flat tax Flat tax is a pipe dream that only works in Rand Paul's wet dreams. I'll take Trump's tax plan. Make weed legal, tax it If you want to pray in school, go to a religious school. No affirmative action. Drug test for illegal drugs for anyone on govt assistance If you are an illegal alien, you get 6 months to get legal or out you go. Fuck that. Why should these assholes get priority over the people who are doing this legally? My grandma had to wait years before she had the privilege of becoming a citizen. Amnesty for illegals is a slap in the face to every future citizen who's respecting the laws of our country. Build the Trump wall around the southwest border. Get rid of the bad trade agreements.
gftChris Posted April 7, 2016 Report Posted April 7, 2016 Okay boys. Lots of you say you wish there was a third party something with the financial responsibility of the Republicans and the looser moral set of mores of the Democrats. Exactly what do you propose? I'm assuming smaller government but that's kind of a cliché. Where and how much would you cut taxes and which programs would you drastically cut or eliminate? I would propose a cohesive government that can work with the states, and where states can work with other states. Less wastage on big projects - people kicking and screaming about an extra billion here or there for welfare, education or health etc while military projects go hundreds of billions over budget, for example. Exactly which drugs or alcohol situations would you relax and how? Drugs that can be medicinal - no holds barred in medical treatment. Recreational drugs - if they don't harm others, do lasting damage or cause you to seriously endanger yourself (when taken in moderation) I don't see why it should be illegal. So, weed and alcohol, not sure about others. Age restrictions apply of course. Relax restrictions on prayer or tighten them up? What restrictions? If you want to pray, pray. Just don't force other people to - meaning, if you're at work, or school or wherever, don't stop everything and make everyone join in a group prayer. Any restrictions on abortion? Pretty much as it is now, but make that a national thing - it makes no sense for someone to have to go across state lines to get an abortion. Affirmative action? If you have a decent and fair education system, and a recruitment system that's not based on 'who you know' then you don't need affirmative action. How would you define sex discrimination or racial discrimination and how do you punish it? Good question, can't be answered in a sound bite. But to start with, being able to say whatever the fuck you want like "fuck off back to terrorist land you fucking piece of jihadi dog shit" and then hiding behind freedom of speech isn't the kind of world we should live in. How about guns? Promote a culture where people don't feel that carrying a gun is necessary for self protection. Start by making sure that illegal gun trade is clamped down upon. I don't see the need for open carry, and just waltzing in to a supermarket with "big scary guns" strapped to your back is going to put everyone on edge. Give me a rough outline of a party that would have your support. You can't even make up a name if you like. Other things: Nationalised medical system - people shouldn't go bankrupt because they get cancer or whatever. Limiting the earnings of CEOs relative to the lowest paid employees is interesting. Less reliance on fossil fuels - regardless of global warming, we're running out of fossil fuels within my lifetime, or certainly my children's lifetime. We don't want to get to a point where we're all of a sudden without the ability to power generators, cars, TVs etc. The world, and the US in particular, has such massive amounts of natural energy (solar, hydro, wind etc) that it should never ever need to rely on fossil fuels. WSS
Westside Steve Posted April 7, 2016 Author Report Posted April 7, 2016 Maybe I misunderstood the part about limiting a CEO earning in relation to the lowest paid worker. Do you mean figuring out some sort of set ratio, or paying everybody the same? WSS
calfoxwc Posted April 7, 2016 Report Posted April 7, 2016 dang, Chris, you started out so well, and then, ...eh...you drifted off in a desperate pursuit of wrongness..... we have welfare medical, medicare and supplemental.... any gov program that helped with those giant medical costs would go out of affordability with all the corruption in enrollees that shouldn't be enrollees, and sheer numbers.... unless it does what obamaocare was set up to do - interfere with the best medical system in the world... albeit very expensive and getting more so all the time... a free catasrophic cost insurance for everybody is great, but we're already? going on 20 TRILLION in debt, and the gov needs to be a lot smaller in several ways to afford it. Of course, unnecessary plastic surgery will have to be paid for, because we won't be allowed, under a dem president, to discriminate against those folks that don't look like their favorite movie star... and about guns. Make our society a nice place where guns aren't necessary. This liberal stuff is silly, in a country bigger than Switzerland, and even then...look at Cuba. Although, Russia and China are pretty safe....except for any gov official that wants you robbed, beaten and charged with some kind of "crime" against the state... good start, though.
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