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Liberal "judges of everything" withhold diplomas because...


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you won't believe it. But libs in our schools want liberalism control to work in our schools.

The obamao/liberal way is the way it had better be.


the liberal arseholeness is getting to be a pandemic. Expect America to say when they've

had enough of this emotionalistic garbage.



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obamao has openly shown he wants to influence schools to the left.


He just did his national skewel perversion mental illness thing about



It's trickle down obamao liberal arseholeness - all little perverted sheep heading schools receive perverted

inspiriration, and failing that .... they will receive high demands from him.


ObaMao is pretty much demanding that gay, transperverts, mentally ill, racial, hateful minorities

rise up. It's a revolution in the making. Anti-American culture war.


Did you forget already? Little Clevesies ain't got no readsies?

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1) Banning this was dumb (if that article told the whole story)

2) This happened two years ago. Did it just now show up in your inbox?

3) I'm having a hard time connecting the dots between Obama and this Superintendent.

This is a bad thing -> Liberals cause bad things -> Obama is a liberal -> Obama caused this!

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So the principal made rules that were clearly broken. Why should these rule breakers be pardoned? They knew the rules when they broke them.


Sounds like the principal is a strict "crime and punishment" conservative. Cal, you becoming a liberal?


























Just busting your stones, Cal haha.

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and I'm not a terrorist even though I posted some stupid symbols

instead of using a bad word....



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A long time ago, in a thread far, far away:


they committed the crime with the larger penalty in prison in place for a long time.


do the time - they were willing to chance it. Doesn't sound all that "unfair" to me.


Sounds like giving prisoners freed the...right to vote in this next election.

Yep, sounds like ol' cal has got himself a case of Obama-love ;)
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obamao has openly shown he wants to influence schools to the left.


He just did his national skewel perversion mental illness thing about



It's trickle down obamao liberal arseholeness - all little perverted sheep heading schools receive perverted

inspiriration, and failing that .... they will receive high demands from him.


ObaMao is pretty much demanding that gay, transperverts, mentally ill, racial, hateful minorities

rise up. It's a revolution in the making. Anti-American culture war.


Did you forget already? Little Clevesies ain't got no readsies?

I can read i just donr know what i just read. Ur linking his recent decree on trans bathroom use with an event two years ago about not allowing students to toss their caps in the air?


That was 6 degrees of fail, try again?

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moochelle's lunch bitch fiasco? yep.


obama dissed rich kids going to private schools.


his kids go to private schools.


dumb liberal voters don't care, won't see the hypocrisy.




moochelle warns of segregation returning.


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hoo hoo...this is a hoot.


the Chicago mayor won't name the new school for Obama


too many African-Americans are OBJECTING.


that is a fall from grace, bigtime.

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    Michelle Obama announces new rules for - NY Daily...


    Feb 24, 2014 · Even the scoreboards in high school gyms will have to advertise only healthy foods under new rules announced Tuesday by the Obama administration.

  2. Administration

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