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Hillary Clinton supporter Lena Dunham supports the extinction of straight white men


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Well to be fair caucasian men are responsible for the most damaging paradigms to the human spirit in this world, but i fail to see how men other races are sny different. As soon as they get power they do the same shit. Its a human problem not a straight white male problem. Lena should go live in the worst projects in this country than come tell us cool stories about how well women are treated there and wouldnt it be great if the whole planet was a giant hip hop camp.

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Lena Dunham literally sexually abused her sister and lied about being raped by a guy just because he was a republican. (She said he was a prominent republican but was actually a democrat)


Literally ruined multiple people's lives but for some reason she's celebrated and considered a hero by the left.

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Well to be fair caucasian men are responsible for the most damaging paradigms to the human spirit in this world, but i fail to see how men other races are sny different. As soon as they get power they do the same shit. Its a human problem not a straight white male problem. Lena should go live in the worst projects in this country than come tell us cool stories about how well women are treated there and wouldnt it be great if the whole planet was a giant hip hop camp.




She said "white" men, not Caucasian you moron.


Caucasians include Arabs, Indians, Hispanics...

"White" would include the lily white European Caucasians like you.


She wants you extinct Cleve.

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