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Lucifer Resins Up the Bow for His Fiddle...


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Rand Corporation Wants War....

Lucifer Resins Up the Bow for His Fiddle...




October 31, 2008

an essay by Hawk



Can you hear the lightning demonic chords and riffs and feel the evil screeching of a world under the spell of lucifer? The pace keeps ratcheting up like a Night on Bald Mountain or a "cuttin heads" contest down on some Delta crossroads or Georgia stump being played for souls.


The Illuminati Banker minions have taken so far about $165 billion in the Bailout Coup Detat.......and in your face have allocated approximately $108 billion for bonuses and executive compensation........can you believe they aren't already hanging from lamposts on Wall Street or being chased by mobs down the street as they desperately head for the Helo Port. They are Illuminati Vampires sucking your life blood and all of it is being done in secrecy. The American people need to see the minutes of the meeting held by Don Skelator Paulson with the Bankers when he made em an offer they couldn't refuse. Heck loan me $165 billion and my business would be liquid ....but their's still aren't.......they still have $Trillions in derivatives hanging around their necks.


Now domestic based Banks are one thing ...but the Taxpayer additionally is Bailing out the Central Banks of New Zealand, Brazil, South Korea and who knows how many others yet to come to the teat. All with no transparency at all.


Then thursday I heard the breaking news from Paul Watson on Alex Jones Radio program..........Mainstream Red Chinese Press story translated from sohoo.com web site details that the Rand Corporation wanted the Pentagon to go to WAR with a Major Power to re-invigorate the U.S. economy. Apparently, Rand Corp. has been lobbying hard and wanted to use the $700 Billion Bailout money to go to WAR against a Major Power instead.


The Red Chinese and others who already knew this in Asia and Europe are wondering just WHICH MAJOR POWER RAND WANTS THE U.S. TO WAR UPON.

Is it China , Russia, Iran, or even Japan ask the Red Chinese?


No wonder the Red Chinese and Russians have been cutting deals on oil, gas , timber, and for the Russians to assist with the supply of ....Wide body passenger planes (READ TROOP CARRIERS AS THIS IS THE RED CHINESE MAJOR DEFICIENCY ......HOW TO GET ALL THOSE INFANTRY PROJECTED ACROSS DISTANCES IN OVERWHELMING NUMBERS QUICKER THAN A COSCO CONTAINER SHIP CAN TAKE EM).


So, it looks like the U.S. cross border raid into Syria ......which may even have been done by Blackwater or CIA Paramilitaries not necessarily under U.S. Military control but perhaps by some Factional Honcho del Diablo represents an attempt to provoke a war with Syria, Iran, and to bait the Russians in Tartus and Latakia into an allout slugfest which of course would escalate into Nuke launches and Particle Beam Death Ray kills.




Who are these Illuminati who wish to destroy the World and annihilate 90 % of the population. Oh how foul , evil, and putrid their souls must be and how filled with manaical insanity their minds must be as well. May Lord Jesus come with a Sword and armies of ARCH ANGELS and put them into the FIREY LAKE forever along with their lucifer. These luciferian Illuminati must be stopped once and for all. Sentiment in that regard grows daily amongst the populaces of the nations of Earth......and if 10% increases in fire arms and ammunition purchases in the U.S. are any indication......well, it speaks for itself.


From their sick and evil standpoint we are all mostly useless eaters and at the Gorbachev forum in San Francisco in the early 90's they all debated in work groups ....how many to kill.......and even how they might sell it so that even those eventually croaking might think it was necessary to save the Planet.


Can you see also where Joe Biden's , Colin Powell's, Madeline Albright's, and now Director of National Intellligence Mike McConnell's prediction of a crisis ....perhaps a bio-plague that will kill many more than 911...fits in. These people are tipping their hands......and in the fashion of the Illuminati are doing Majic right in front of you.....they are telling you that they are coming for you and in that most people don't have even a clue......they relish in the power they think they gain from that......the luciferian rush of evil power.


Oh, the luciferians have been busy this week........In a contest of who controls the vast mineral wealth of the Congo.......WAR has really reared its ugly head again though perhaps the Tutsis as the rebels are merely getting payback against Hutus who controlled them and took much of their anscestral land which just happens to be laden like a treasure trove of nature in mineral wealth. Dear readers .....though we rarely hear much about it in the U.S. this WAR for the Congo claims 45,000 souls on a monthly basis and in between 1997 and 2001 over 5 million were killed .........BLOOD SACRIFICE TO LUCIFER BY ILLUMINATI DEMON SPAWN operating in the shadows, fomenting, and pitting one group against the other.


Of course we must not forget the convenient display of "Acts of God" tectonic weaponry ........a little quake in Pakistan in a Tribal area of Baluchistan all to show the Taliban, the N.W. frontier Tribal leaders, and the Government of this nation on the verge of bankruptcy, starvation, and civil war just who has the power over them and can vault them into Albert Pike's WW III very quickly.


India next door also had "13" bombs go off in succession which killed 61 or more people, and wounded 300 or more. This north east area of India is wedged between China, Myanmar, Bangaladesh, and Bhutan and is also filled with many diverse and competing cultures and is strategically important because of all the borders in close proximity.


Tibet got Weather X 5 feet of snow to probably delay Chinese thinking and potential movement. Afghanistan was treated to running gun battle and a sucide bomber at their Ministry of Information in the heart of Kabul while U.S. and Nato troops who are now feeling effects of lack of manpower, sufficient air superiority, and shortages of supplies (recall the Khyber Pass road stoppages I spoke of a few weeks ago) .......frankly many are dying there fighting a guerilla army that has practiced for a 1000 years or more and has broken the back of every Great Power that made the mistake of coming into that corner of the world since Alexander the Great. That land bleeds armies and equipment of war.


Soon a massive Landing Drill will take place in South Korea with ROK Marines and U.S. Marines and Navy ........are these not Chess Pieces being placed upon the board for some expected world war .........like Rand Corporation has been lobbying the Pentagon to start. Question......wouldn't this also make China wonder. Can you see how a certain Carpet riding ancient Memphian priest playing on a 5 th dimensional chessboard might cackle and howl as he manipulates other Illuminati and the Nations they control into the WW III that lucifer wants....and that was described by Albert Pike....the war to set the anti-Christ upon the throne in Jerusalem.


Last but not least......in our own country........we have the real beginnings of a deep depression where starvation, hoplessness, and anger may just give way into massive civil disruptions , Martial Law, and then Civil War. The election hijinks possible plots are now myriad....and their descriptions on the lips of even mainstream media. But for most the sheer shock of what is about upon us will be enough to kill them. A way of life destroyed and populace subjugated by EVIL, FOUL, UNCLEAN LUCIFERIAN ILUMINATI NAZIS AND THEIR MINIONS AND FAMILIARS.


Well ....Trick or Treat Illuminati........We have read the end of the Book and know who wins .......WE KNOW WHO RECEIVES THE MORTAL HEAD WOUND AND THEN WHO WILL BURN FOREVER.

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Can you see also where Joe Biden's , Colin Powell's, Madeline Albright's, and now Director of National Intellligence Mike McConnell's prediction of a crisis ....perhaps a bio-plague that will kill many more than 911...fits in. These people are tipping their hands......and in the fashion of the Illuminati are doing Majic right in front of you.....they are telling you that they are coming for you and in that most people don't have even a clue......they relish in the power they think they gain from that......the luciferian rush of evil power.


So, it looks like the U.S. cross border raid into Syria ......which may even have been done by Blackwater or CIA Paramilitaries not necessarily under U.S. Military control but perhaps by some Factional Honcho del Diablo represents an attempt to provoke a war with Syria, Iran, and to bait the Russians in Tartus and Latakia into an allout slugfest which of course would escalate into Nuke launches


What is Biden and Powell's WAR going to be?

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