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Climate expert explains via study, that CO2 mmgw is a crock


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just quoting a climate expert, who refers to studies...


it's science.


but here is some more links: (this is why I end up posting several links/sources at first.


the link I posted from the Blaze simply refers to the article ...on the CATO INSTITUTE website:






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so now MMGW is happening butttt...........it's good for us. You should try assembling all ur narratives sometimes Coatse. Just for fun. So you can see how contradictory they are to each other. You literally have no principles. You say or cite what you want when you feel like it. No veracity to ur arguments because they're not actually "yours"....

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so now MMGW is happening butttt...........it's good for us. You should try assembling all ur narratives sometimes Coatse. Just for fun. So you can see how contradictory they are to each other. You literally have no principles. You say or cite what you want when you feel like it. No veracity to ur arguments because they're not actually "yours"....



Um...did you read the title of the thread Boy Wonder? Looks to me Cal still stands by his belief that mmgw is a crock.


True, the article he posted doesn't imply mmgw is a crock, so if you want to jump all over him for misinterpreting the article he posted, go for it...in the end he'll end up owning your ass anyway.

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No Cal, sorry. You can't claim you're the one standing behind the experts and the legitimate institutions. Because we could sit here and provide legitimate sources oveer yours 100 to one, andy you'd claim they're all dirty liberals.


FYI, the first sentence on the CATO Institutes page about Climate Change is that it is real and mankind influences it, just that we have "ample time" to do something. Is this your new stance? I mean, the CATO Institute has received funding from the Koch bros and oil companies, but are you sure you agree with their stance?

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you could go dance on Mt. Everest easier. Woody, I thought you had me on ignore? LOL


the old liberal flippity-flippity. MMGW is not real. Climate Change is real. that is why you liberals changed your term.


Manmadglobalwarming was a crock, so you emotionally cya and went with "Climate Change" hahahahaha.


Do we influence it? well, we do exist on the planet. maybe .000000001 percent? then the solar activity goes up

when the climate gets warmer, and solar activity goes down and the climate gets cooler...


Let me know when you read up on the destruction of the rain forests. kl


The POINT is, all the gore/liberals whining, and screaming about CO2 going to cause our planet to flood by 1987, or whatever

date it was said to happen.


that is the main farce. CO2 is food to plants. I said that in the beginning. Guess what? Climate scientists are admitting it

more and more. You liberals don't have a magic twanger that somehow proves that "mmgw" is going to cause

our planet to self destruct by the end of 2017. You can pretend it all you want, but the political benefit is pretty much over.

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nope. It's about the failed policy of being full of crap about CO2. Every single prediction was

crap, and that is so embarrassing to liberals they can't handle the truth.

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So you disagree with the Cato Institute's stance on climate change, but you're posting reports they've done on climate change?




Do you read any of this or just vomit back out whatever the Blaze tells you?

neither, woodypeckerhead. It's the CO2 being a bogus cause that is the point.


please stop being an asswhole bitrdbrain.




"As Michaels quotes in his post, the researchers found, “Factorial simulations with multiple global ecosystem models show that CO2 fertilization effects explain 70% of the observed greening trend …”

“And the other greening driver that stood out from the statistical noise was—you guessed it—climate change,” Michaels added to the researchers’ quote."


now, woodpecker - co2 is said to be a poison by you

mmgw fools. NOPE, it is NOT. And climate does change,

but climate change does not mean mmgw. You just want it to

be the same.

You are wrong.

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"Ordinarily, carbon dioxide is not poisonous. It diffuses from your cells into your bloodstream and from there out via your lungs, yet it is always present throughout your body.


However, if you breathe high concentrations of carbon dioxide or re-breathe air (such as from a plastic bag or tent), you may be at risk for carbon dioxide intoxication or even carbon dioxide poisoning. Carbon dioxide intoxication and carbon dioxide poisoning are independent of oxygen concentration, so you may have enough oxygen present to support life, yet still suffer from the effects of rising carbon dioxide concentration in your blood and tissues. Symptoms of carbon dioxide toxicity include high blood pressure, flushed skin, headache and twitching muscles. At higher levels, you could experience panic, irregular heartbeat, hallucinations, vomited and potentially unconsciousness or even death."

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Please find where I've said CO2 is "a poison". Go ahead, I'll wait...



You won't find it. You have a terrible lack of reading comprehension skills. The incredibly biased sites you frequent push that "but CO2 is plant food / good!" angle because it is simple enough for you to parrot back.


The more you post on "mmgw" the more its clear you have no idea what any of this is. You're just regurgitating politicized points.





Now, for the last time, the Cato Institute, while having right wing influences, STILL admits that man has affected climate change. Now either you disagree meaning you disagree with the source of the article that you think "wins" this for you, or you've yer again moved the goalposts on your "mmgw" stance.


"Climate isn't changing!"

"Man isn't affecting climate change!"

"Climate change is actually good!"


Where will you go next?



I don't know how to make this any clearer. YOUR OWN SOURCE disagrees with you on climate change. How can you be this idiotic?

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gore, and nye the fake science guy are your heroes, woodpecker. Like gores stupid movie,

it is fake - and this explains how fake their experiment was.




The most egregious faked presentation in that video was the scene with the split screen thermometers, edited to appear as if the temperature in the jar of elevated CO2 level was rising faster than the jar without elevated CO2 level.


It turns out that the thermometers were never in the jar recording the temperature rise presented in the split screen and the entire presentation was nothing but stagecraft and editing.

This was proven beyond a doubt by the photoshop differencing technique used to compare each side of the split screen. With the exception of the moving thermometer fluid, both sides were identical.

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Princeton Scientist Dr. Will Happer slams notion that carbon dioxide is a "poison." 'It is not a 'poison' and we should not corrupt the English language by depriving 'pollutant' and 'poison' of their original meaning," Happer said.


“I keep hearing about the pollutant CO2, or about poisoning the atmosphere with CO2. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is not a poison and we should not corrupt the English language by depriving ‘pollutant’ and poison of their original meaning,” Happer explained.

Geologist Leighton Steward told Climate Depot in July that CO2 is beneficial to the Earth.

“There is not a single professor of chemistry that I have come across that can give one single example of carbon dioxide being a pollutant,” Steward explained.

Far from CO2 being a “poison,” as DiCaprio’s video states, the Geologist Steward says that rising CO2 levels are literally greening the planet Earth.

“The plants are growing more robustly, food crops, the Earth has been getting greener and greener and greener, because a real experiment, an empirical experiment has been done. We are just fertilizing the plants. the eco-system is getting more robust,” Steward said.

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I've never seen his documentary and have no idea what you're going on about.



You have no idea what any of this is. You have zero critical thinking on the matter. A right wing source tells you what to think and you repost here. You don't even dig into what you're reposting. If you did, you'd know that THE REPORT IN YOUR OP SAYS THAT MAN INFLUENCES THE CLIMATE. What do you now get about that?





Yes/No question Cal. Does the Cato Institute state that man influence climate change? Just answer Yes or No.


No insults. No going on about something else. No ranting about Gore. Just answer Yes or No.

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odd. liberals say our planet is getting warmer...

but Moscow had it's coldest winter in 120 years.


fancy that.


reality bites mmgw wonks in the rear again.



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And you refuse to answer the question. Lovely. I'll just chalk that up as a win then.




You keep vomiting back up misinformation created to put doubt in the public's view on something the scientific community is in consensus about.

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