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Five ways Gore (and all the mmgw liberal hacks) have been running a money scam


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it's a global money racket.




While preening at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2006 during the premiere of his "An Inconvenient Truth" fib-umentary, Gore made his grand declaration. The former vice president said, in the words of the AP reporter taking down his story, that "unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return." In Gore's own words, he claimed we were in "a true planetary emergency."

Ten years later, he's probably hoping that everyone has forgotten about his categorical statement.

The terrible truth for Gore is that there is no planetary emergency. Not one of the dire predictions he and the rest of the alarmist community made has come to pass. In fact, there is plenty of evidence that they have been running a racket. Here's how we know:

One, Earth hasn't warmed in nearly 20 years. Yes, 2015 supposedly "smashed" the previous temperature record. But actually it was the third-warmest year on record — or maybe "not even close to the hottest year on record," says James Taylor of the Heartland Institute.

The global average temperature, a devilish thing to determine anyway, depends on what temperature readings are being used and who is "adjusting" the data to fit their political purposes. The scientific community cannot be trusted to provide honest numbers. And 2015 was, after all, an El Nino year. Higher temperatures, with no link to man's activities, were expected.

Two, predictions that climate change — the rebranding of "global warming" when it turned out that predicted warming wasn't happening — would cause catastrophic weather damage haven't panned out.

German insurance giant Munich Re says losses from natural disasters were lower in 2015 than in 2014 and lowest since 2009. The facts are sharply at odds with Gore's 2012 claim that "dirty weather" caused by "dirty fossil fuel" has created "extreme weather" that "is happening all over the world with increasing frequency."

Three, despite all the self-congratulatory international conferences and pseudo-agreements, the world has done nothing to "fight global warming."

He cannot claim that his deadline has been extended because some governments have forced their citizens to cut carbon dioxide emissions. CO2 levels keep climbing and now exceed 401 parts per million in the atmosphere. It is simply not the dangerous greenhouse gas we've repeatedly been told it is.

Four, in the mid- to late-2000s, Gore repeatedly predicted that an ice-free Arctic Ocean was coming soon. But as usual, his fortune-telling was wrong. By 2014, Arctic ice had grown thicker and covered a greater area than it did when he made his prediction.

Five, Gore's movie, which somehow won an Oscar, was found by a British judge to contain nine errors. The judge said it could not be shown to students unless it included a notice pointing out the errors.

Gore will never apologize for peddling deceit, never admit he was wrong. Best thing to do is ignore him.

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The "green" activists' focus on CO2 was premeditated and designed to demonize it as the toxic byproduct of fossil-fuel driven industries that was causing runaway global warming.

In fact, C02 is a gas essential to plant life, and thereby all life, because plants produce oxygen.

The deception began with the illusion that the UN agency called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) actually studies all climate change, as their title implies.

However, the definition produced by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) narrowed research to only human causes of climate change:

“a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over considerable time periods.”

But it is impossible to determine human effects if you don’t know natural (non-human) patterns or causes.

And we don’t.

The definition conveniently narrows everything down to CO2. The distortion was so effective that claims about greenhouse gases (GHG) led a major US news network to post false information on their website.

Figure 1 shows an ABC News pie chart:

(Figure 1)

The graph shows only 4 percent of the greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide is only the “majority” because they ignore the 95 percent that is water vapor.

Gross misinformation about CO2 is everywhere.

President Obama calls it "carbon" (a solid) when he means CO2 (a gas.) He talks of “carbon pollution” and falsely labels CO2 a pollutant.

Few know the facts, and many who do ignore them for political, or financial reward.

As Aldous Huxley said:

“Facts don’t cease to exist because they are ignored.”

A few facts about CO2:

* CO2 is called a greenhouse gas (GHG) because it reportedly allows shortwave (SW) solar radiation to pass through the atmosphere and reach the Earth’s surface. It heats the surface, and that heat is radiated back out to space as longwave (LW) radiation.

The greenhouse analogy claims that the earth’s atmosphere is like the glass that allows SW in but stops heat LW escaping.

But it is a false analogy.

* There are three major GHGs. They are by volume: water vapor (H2O) 95%, carbon dioxide (CO2) 4%, and methane (CH4), less than 0.3%.

* CO2 is only approximately 0.0397% of the total atmospheric gases. Figure 2 shows the proportional relationship between atmospheric gases and GHGs.

(Figure 2)

* The IPCC assume an increase in CO2 causes a temperature increase. It doesn’t. Every record for any period shows temperature increases before CO2.

The only place a CO2 increase precedes a temperature increase is in IPCC computer models.

* The amount of CO2 was inconveniently small, so they concocted an effectiveness value. This claimed that each CO2 molecule reduced LW escape at a higher level than a molecule of water vapor. The trouble is the range of estimates shown in Figure 3 varies considerably. If this effect follows the laws of physics then all calculations should give the same results.

(Figure 3)

* Let’s assume CO2 IS causing warming. Then, when its density reaches a certain level, the warming ability is maximized. But it IS currently maximized -- so how will the addition of more CO2 have much effect?

Consider light passing through a window. One coat of black paint blocks most of the light and subsequent coats block only fractionally more. Doubling or tripling atmospheric CO2 has little further temperature effect. To bypass the problem, IPCC theorized a positive feedback. Higher temperature due to CO2 increases evaporation and more water vapor causes increased temperature.

It doesn’t exist. In fact, the feedback is negative partly because of increased cloud cover.

* The IPCC says the current level of atmospheric CO2 is 400 parts per million (ppm). Al Gore claims this is the highest ever. In fact, it’s the lowest in 600 million years. Plants function best at 1200 ppm, which was the average level of the last 300 million years.

* Annual human production levels of CO2 are produced by the IPCC and are lost within the error factor of two natural sources: oceans, and soil bacteria/decomposition.

* The IPCC claim the pre-industrial level was 270 ppm.

However, approximately 90,000 measures of atmospheric CO2 begun in 1812 showed pre-industrial levels of 335 ppm.

Ice core expert Zbigniew Jaworowski explains:

"The basis of most of the IPCC conclusions on anthropogenic causes and on projections of climatic change is the assumption of low level of CO2 in the pre-industrial atmosphere.
This assumption, based on glaciological studies, is false."

* All official atmospheric levels of CO2 are measured by a system created on Mauna Loa, patented and owned by the Keeling family.

Ernst-Georg Beck explains that Charles Keeling established the readings by using lowest afternoon readings while ignoring natural sources.

Beck notes, “Mauna Loa does not represent the typical atmospheric CO2 on different global locations but is typical only for this volcano at a maritime location in about 4000 m altitude at that latitude.”

Keeling’s son operates Mauna Loa and as Beck notes, “owns the global monopoly of calibration of all CO2 measurements.”

He’s also a co-author of the IPCC reports.

* 20th- century temperatures increased most from 1900 to 1940 with little increase in limited human production of CO2.

Human production increased most from 1940 to 1980, but temperatures went down.

* IPCC assumes CO2 is uniformly distributed in the atmosphere. It is not: it varies considerably as recent satellite imagery showed.

In the last 19 years, CO2 levels increased, but temperatures declined in contradiction to the IPCC assumption.

IPCC predictions were wrong because their CO2 facts and science are wrong.

Because of their lies, damn lies, and statistics, they achieved their goal of demonizing CO2, so the world suffers.

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