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Obamao/john kerry... democrats secret links to russia influence


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But when the Obama administration did this where was the uproar from the MSM? All you can do is keep pointing out the bias, hypocrisy and double standards of the corrupt liberal MSM. Kushner wanting to set up backdoor communications with the Russians was a nothing story all along and the MSM went into overdrive to try and present it as some kind of huge scandal.

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the left is enraged. They ignored the obamao/higgardly failures and scandals...


and after losing the elections, and the WH...and losing their chance to seal the socialist/liberal

deal permanently on our country, and getting complete control over the way things are...


they are desperately and angrily manufacturing phoney scandals in response.

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Coatse, theres a difference between quiet and secret. There was nothing secret about obama trying to reset relations with russia. His contact with russia was still through normal channels....they wetent shuffling off to the russian embassy and goingbtonthe basement for some old school morse code sessions.

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