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Obama orders stop to detainees photo release

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Another example of being a leftist hater meeting up with


the real world.


Right decision, but too late - the memos will be more fodder


for recruiting into terrorist groups than this country can afford.


Amazing, being stupidly radical leftist elistist actually has some


kind of common sense limits.


Too late. The most unqualified human being in American history to be


president... is "president".

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Inspecta - reread my quote:


The most unqualified human being in American history to be


president... is "president".



Now, are you telling me that RAC was a president of the US once?



If so, read it again and again.



Here: "Of all the presidents in American history, Obama is by far the most unqualified."



See it now? Let me know.



And yes, he did something right, after he did it wrong, and also wrong with the memos.


He FLIP FLOPPED, and that's wrong, except that Obama is wrong about most things at first.



Perhaps you should spend more time rereading my posts - you might learn something new.


Now, say you're sorry.... :angry:






Another example of being a leftist hater meeting up with


the real world.


Right decision, but too late - the memos will be more fodder


for recruiting into terrorist groups than this country can afford.


Amazing, being stupidly radical leftist elistist actually has some


kind of common sense limits.


Too late. The most unqualified human being in American history to be


president... is "president".



I'm pretty sure RAC is more "unqualified" to be president than Obama.



Cal, I just have to shake my head, Obama does something right, and even then you still have to attack him.


There is a thing called middle ground, and if you spend some time there you might learn something new.

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Well, maybe. But Jimmy Carter was at least a Gov for far longer than socialistobama was a senator.


And Carter wasn't a radical who taught Saul Alinski rules for radicals in college.


But, Carter was pretty stupid, so you may have a point.


My vote still goes for Obama.


And I don't hate the Dems. I have several close friends who voted for Obama.


I don't believe any of them are proud of their vote now.


Kinda like my vote for Bush the second term.


And, in REAL LIFE, none of us discusses politics. It's just a vote and you hope for the best.


Unfortunately, the last four years of Bush and only 120 plus days of socialistobama,


and they're both pitiful and very disappointing.


But Obama's leftwing naivete' is damaging our country.

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And I don't hate the Dems. I have several close friends who voted for Obama.



Translation-Im not a racist my best friend is black,lol,to funny... Dan



Oh, now that is just plain mean, dammit. :angry:

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