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The Trump Effect


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Hatred of Trump is so strong that it's turning liberals into libertarians (links at the bottom). As a Trump supporter, I'm biased, so I want to know everyone else's thoughts. Seems like private industry, city, and state governments are stepping up to the plate to curtail climate change. Here's my question - what would have had a bigger effect - us staying in the (mostly meaningless) Paris Accord and relying on fed tax dollars to fix the problem, or withdrawing from it and motivating smaller players who were previously doing nothing of note to curtail climate change?


I think the more obvious motivations for Trump to withdraw from the accord were as follows


A - Give the middle finger to Obama and Merkel.

B - his decision galvanizes his support in the Rust Belt. The Democrats are going to have an even tougher time prying those votes from Trump.


If Trump motivating states and private industry to act on climate change was actually part of his plan, then he truly is playing 8d chess.







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Tim Kaines tweet "lack of leadership " shot at Trump fails


He ( represented as govt,interference) simply gets out of the way of letting the capable free markets


develop and sell this important tech.


that IS leadership! Way to go Trump

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Oh bullshit. No way in hell Trump did this as part of some sort of 8D chess move to actually positively impact the climate. This is the guy that thinks climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese. I realize you're a Trump fan but come on, be reasonable.


Many companies were already making strides towards green energy, regardless of Trump's decision. I'm not sure how much motivation he's provided vs what was already there.


I enjoyed that even through Trump said he represents "Pittsburgh not Paris" the Pittsburgh mayor called him out on leaving the agreement.


I still think the govt. providing funding and imposing regulations is the quickest method towards making large scale, meaningful changes to curtail climate change. Not to mention Trump leaving continues to make the US look bad while undermining the efforts of the whole agreement to begin with.

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Actually the hysteria over climate-change is, in my opinion, a hoax perpetrated on the rich countries of the world to get them to squeeze out a few more bucks for the poor countries. Sure climate-change is happening, no doubt.

The solution? Send us a check. A big one.

When you guys have people like Al Gore at the forefront of your movement you are fucked to begin with.


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Actually the hysteria over climate-change is, in my opinion, a hoax perpetrated on the rich countries of the world to get them to squeeze out a few more bucks for the poor countries. Sure climate-change is happening, no doubt.

The solution? Send us a check. A big one.

When you guys have people like Al Gore at the forefront of your movement you are fucked to begin with.



Scientists are at the forefront of the movement.


The issue has been politicized beyond belief. Mainly by the right, but by the left as well.


The solution is much more than "send us a check", but if we're constantly having to argue against the lowest common denominator denier arguments, then we're barely going to make any real progress on the issue. I'd rather we argue over what to do than argue over whether that thing virtually all qualified scientists say is happening is actually happening.

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Al Gore swore 20+ yrs ago that the 34217 would be under water by now.. I can tell you after yrs and yrs of careful study.. The water levels have not changed one effin inch..



Unless you are Maxine Waters and don't understand tides..


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nope. how do you tell the difference between her real self and a nutjob parody?


they are both very corrupt, and stupid, it seems to me.





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“The rest of the world would like to tell us how to manage our own environment,” she said. “And I think that anybody in America can tell you that we’re best to decide what America should do. We don’t need India, and France, and China telling us what they think we should do.”

She added, “American sovereignty matters.UN Ambassador Nikki Haley

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Scientists are at the forefront of the movement.


The issue has been politicized beyond belief. Mainly by the right, but by the left as well.


The solution is much more than "send us a check", but if we're constantly having to argue against the lowest common denominator denier arguments, then we're barely going to make any real progress on the issue. I'd rather we argue over what to do than argue over whether that thing virtually all qualified scientists say is happening is actually happening.

Almost no one denies that there is climate-change and almost no 1 denies that mankind might have some effect on it.


But almost every International solution is based on the United States sending somebody a check.



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alas, poor Sheppie - his pretty qb's made him a fool, and his entire earth flooded in a few years nonsense

made him a fool -


he had to go hide on the net. It was always "Mr. Sheppie's Neighborhood"



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According to NASA, the sea level has been rising for the past 20,000 years.


It's up 0.93 FEET over the last 100 years.


Somehow they're still selling beachfront mansions in Miami for $65 million.

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Oh bullshit. No way in hell Trump did this as part of some sort of 8D chess move to actually positively impact the climate. This is the guy that thinks climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese. I realize you're a Trump fan but come on, be reasonable.


You really think that Trump believes it's a hoax invented by the Chinese? Remember when he believed that Obama's birth certificate was a fake? Remember how he dropped the issue as soon as he won over the evangelicals? I'm sure a guy intelligent enough to manipulate the country into voting him their president understands climate change perfectly well. He's going to frame it in whichever way is the most politically convenient.



I enjoyed that even through Trump said he represents "Pittsburgh not Paris" the Pittsburgh mayor called him out on leaving the agreement.


As if the Democrat mayor of any major US city is going to side with Trump on anything. You seem to be forgetting that "Pittsburgh" represents this entire area.



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You really think that Trump believes it's a hoax invented by the Chinese? Remember when he believed that Obama's birth certificate was a fake? Remember how he dropped the issue as soon as he won over the evangelicals? I'm sure a guy intelligent enough to manipulate the country into voting him their president understands climate change perfectly well. He's going to frame it in whichever way is the most politically convenient.




As if the Democrat mayor of any major US city is going to side with Trump on anything. You seem to be forgetting that "Pittsburgh" represents this entire area.



I know you think Trump is some drunken Kung Fu 8D chess master, but the further we get into his presidency the more I think he's just an idiot. Our country is just full of idiots as well. On both sides


I don't believe Trump has been tweeting stupid shit about climate change since 2011 in some masterful plan to win the conservative base in 2016.


And yes, I realize Pittsburgh and it's mayor our blue. I just find it funny this was the one city Trump mentioned in his statement about leaving the Paris agreement, and that city's mayor immediately disagreed with Trump

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I know you think Trump is some drunken Kung Fu 8D chess master, but the further we get into his presidency the more I think he's just an idiot. Our country is just full of idiots as well. On both sides


I don't believe Trump has been tweeting stupid shit about climate change since 2011 in some masterful plan to win the conservative base in 2016.

He's been eyeing the presidency for decades. He ran as a Democrat in the 80s or 90s. He's used his time in the media business to learn about what fires up the average American TV viewer, and ran a campaign that unequivocally demonstrated such. Yet you're still writing him off as someone who isn't intelligent.


Do you think he was an idiot for pressing Obama on his birth certificate? I certainly did at the time. Do you think he would have won the GOP primary if he didn't?

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Maybe he is s drunken Kung Fu master and every idiotic thing he's done has had some long term plan. Going all of the way back to dumb things he tweeted in 2011.


Maybe he is just an idiot and resonated with a large portion of Americans that are also idiots. All while gaining the support of some non idiots that believed he was actually an 8D chess master.





The more he's in the public spotlight as president, the more I'm leaning towards the latter. Feel free to disagree.

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Maybe he is s drunken Kung Fu master and every idiotic thing he's done has had some long term plan. Going all of the way back to dumb things he tweeted in 2011.


Maybe he is just an idiot and resonated with a large portion of Americans that are also idiots. All while gaining the support of some non idiots that believed he was actually an 8D chess master.



The more he's in the public spotlight as president, the more I'm leaning towards the latter. Feel free to disagree.


Here's another question. Do you believe this hurts or helps him in the rust belt?

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I never thought I'd see anything "trump" Watergate which was basically just spying on the Democrats and the following cover ups which led to the embarrassment of a sleaze ball president (Tricky Dick) and the only impeachment in the United States history.


This might come close, stay tuned, hey it's on all the stations.....unfortunately. :(

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Sad too because he actually was righting some long term wrongs in our country it's just too bad too that we are now more further divided than at any time maybe since the Civil War.


Plus this stuff is getting BORING on TV.

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What was really so incredibly dumb of the Nixon campaign in 72 was that George McGovern had virtually no chance of winning anyway. Nixon had a cakewalk to be re-elected and the Watergate break in was just a stupid thing to do and those involved needed to go to prison for dumbness as much as anything. Nixon tried to cover for these dummies and that was his mistake.

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