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Meet Reality - a leaker of classified docs to the media... a traitor it seems


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ah. Comey had their back, but he's gone now. So....

the FBI is doing their job without

his interference.


A deep state leftie....surely gets convicted and sent to prison.

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apparently, admitted she did to her parents after getting questioned....


apparently turned into a dirtball traitor to her country because she

voted for higgardly and lost.... my guess.



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ah. pro Muslim....pro Bernie Sanders...she's a lefty for sure.


a part of the anti-Trump, anti-American "resistance"

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So, quick question: how does the Trumpanzee fan base out there spin the arrest of a leaker, whose leaked information from the NSA all but confirms direct Russian interference in the election? http://abcnews.go.com/US/contractor-charged-leaking-classified-materials-russian-election-interference/story?id=47853943


After all, Trump has consistently denied that the Russians have interfered in the election.

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Imaybewrongbutimmostlyright 19 hours ago

Idiotic reporting!! Voting machines ARE NOT HOOKED UP TO THE INTERNET, morons! Their software is not sitting at the company that created it, ready to be "installed" 3 days before an election!! I KNOW! We actually host a polling place and there is NO WAY to "hack" a voting machine at that point! Secondly, our national elections DO NOT OWN VOTING MACHINES! The individual STATES and localities buy and maintain their machines!! So how EXACTLY, did Russia "attempt" to "hack" our voting machines, morons?


*For the record jbluhm I am quoting here from a comment so there is no misunderstanding

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they didn't interfere. For years, they have hacked here and there. Did that make obamao win ?


attempts at hacking/malware is done all over the world.


Look up the word "interfere".


wait, here is one:


"to interpose or intervene for a particular purpose."
they were never able to intervene. If someone attempts to rob a bank, but never
even actually goes to rob it they fail so much....
they never intervened in the ops of the bank...they never robbed the bank.
the FBI, NSA, top dem...say there is no "smoking gun". have a nice day pretending it's convict anybody time for nothing.
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Ah, so the rebuttal to leaked information from the National Security Agency... is a random, anonymous Twitter egg on Disqus claiming to "host" a polling place. A government agency who's primary job is to collect intel...vs an anonymous poll worker. By God, well that changes everything!

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the nsa information doesn't show interference.


there is no evidence of that having happened.


false narratives live liberals great joy - political expediency is their goal.

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Ah, so the rebuttal to leaked information from the National Security Agency... is a random, anonymous Twitter egg on Disqus claiming to "host" a polling place. A government agency who's primary job is to collect intel...vs an anonymous poll worker. By God, well that changes everything!


Kind of humorous now the left believing our voting machines were hacked into. Noticed liberal Time magazine stating it would be almost impossible for the Russians to do this last year (they were saying that before the election, before Trump won and when Trump was talking about the election being rigged). All of a sudden now almost impossible goes by the wayside and the ruskies were hacking our voting machines. LOL.


It's Almost Impossible for the Russians to Hack the U.S. Election. Here's Why.


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Kind of humorous now the left believing our voting machines were hacked into. Noticed liberal Time magazine stating it would be almost impossible for the Russians to do this last year (they were saying that before the election, before Trump won and when Trump was talking about the election being rigged). All of a sudden now almost impossible goes by the wayside and the ruskies were hacking our voting machines. LOL.


It's Almost Impossible for the Russians to Hack the U.S. Election. Here's Why.




Yes, either Time magazine stuck their proverbial foot in their mouth on this one, or were going on the best available info they had at the time. Either way, they were obviously wrong.on this point.


However, it's also pretty much irrelevant to the topic at hand.


So, OBF, i'll ask you again: how do Trump supporters out there, such as yourself, reconcile the arrest of Winner - whose leaked information from the NSA pretty much confirms direct Russian interference in the election - to the statement's from Trump and his administration to the contrary?

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Yes, either Time magazine stuck their proverbial foot in their mouth on this one, or were going on the best available info they had at the time. Either way, they were obviously wrong.on this point.


However, it's also pretty much irrelevant to the topic at hand.


So, OBF, i'll ask you again: how do Trump supporters out there, such as yourself, reconcile the arrest of Winner - whose leaked information from the NSA pretty much confirms direct Russian interference in the election - to the statement's from Trump and his administration to the contrary?


I say it is another nothingburger. If Trump was wrong saying there was no Russian interference in our election than he was wrong. Where is the story and where is the collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign? I thought the topic at hand was always about alleged collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

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