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The Boy who Proved he is Reincarnated

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The bible speaks of familiar spirits and that is what I would be looking at if this were my child. These demonic spirits have roamed the earth for a long time and know things because of it. That is the reason they can tell you details about a person who lived decades ago.They were around and witnessed it.


As Christians we have authority over these spirits.

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The bible speaks of familiar spirits and that is what I would be looking at if this were my child. These demonic spirits have roamed the earth for a long time and know things because of it. That is the reason they can tell you details about a person who lived decades ago.They were around and witnessed it.


As Christians we have authority over these spirits.


See diehard....^^^this was the accredited response, this was party line. Im afraid you're going to have to go see the pastor this weekend for some "thirsty altar boy". And if this brazen dismissal of proper cannon continues, perhaps the tossed salad man is in play who knows

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The bible speaks of familiar spirits and that is what I would be looking at if this were my child. These demonic spirits have roamed the earth for a long time and know things because of it. That is the reason they can tell you details about a person who lived decades ago.They were around and witnessed it.


As Christians we have authority over these spirits.






Good boy goodboy

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You mock what you don't understand Cleve. Jesus spent a great deal of time on this earth confronting demons and before He left He gave authority to His church over them. The bible teaches a great deal about demons and their influence and power over people. They have not gone out of existence and the same demonic forces Jesus confronted are still at work today. If that child is supernaturally knowing things in the past he should not be knowing it is not re-incarnation but he is being influenced by familiar spirits who are telling him these things.

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You mock what you don't understand Cleve.

Says the people who shout "DEMONS DID IT!!! " when they are confronted with something they dont understand. To be clear, i understand full well why christians forbid the concept of reincarnation....it upends the primacy of their god who created our souls at the moment a mans dick finished in a womans vagina.....or anus in diehards case. Either one.



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You know that's you. Guaranteed you dick sucker.

Yes because after the first time you posted it i would have left it up. You made that profile. You signed up and made a gay ass profile. I bet you even respond to and catfish the men who contact you. How many cock pics have you accumulated faggot?

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Cleve is a fucking Tranny dick seeking faggot. I busted his ass just by googling his name. What a pathetic piece of shit he is.

I feel like ur fixin to run cryin to zombo agsin like you do everytime i kick your teeth in and all you can come back with is "ur gay man guaranteed"

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Tranny, you only suck cum through teeth.

Im sure sitting there on your couch nearly passed out drunk and hating ur life, that insult seemed clever and made alot of sense. But honestly i cant be insulted by a statement that makes utterly no sense. Nobody sucks anything through teeth you halfwit. Think ur low intelligence threshhold is why you never made it past pfc?

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Im sure sitting there on your couch nearly passed out drunk and hating ur life, that insult seemed clever and made alot of sense. But honestly i cant be insulted by a statement that makes utterly no sense. Nobody sucks anything through teeth you halfwit. Think ur low intelligence threshhold is why you never made it past pfc?

You talk like a woman. Your responses are like a woman. Nuff said.

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You talk like a woman. Your responses are like a woman. Nuff said.

Again utterly no thought or intelligence to ur response just reversion to 3rd grade insults that were considered laughably weak then too. You were the bullied kid im starting to understand now. Why you took cock in you through a hole in the wall once you hit the navy

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Again utterly no thought or intelligence to ur response just reversion to 3rd grade insults that were considered laughably weak then too. You were the bullied kid im starting to understand now. Why you took cock in you through a hole in the wall once you hit the navy

Says the little fat faggot with a gay dick seeking web catch. You fucking worthless piece of shit. You should be ashamed! Your father is ashamed of you. You really are a worthless piece of trash. Not worthy of a response to someone like you.

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The old gay boy gets "triggered" when i speak of his time kneeling at the navy glory holes. What do you think ur daughter thought when she found that out? When ur wife broke down one weejend and told her "dad" was out at the truck stops in her pantyhose he took from her drawer....hmm?

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I feel like ur fixin to run cryin to zombo agsin like you do everytime i kick your teeth in and all you can come back with is "ur gay man guaranteed"

Dude I would imagine you are generally among the dregs of posters that people most often dislike. That's probably the reason you get booted and warned.


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